小型办公室出租, 漂亮装修,高档办公家私, 电话, 传真,网络,办公配套完整, 一间大约20平米, 还可以配接待和仓库, 适合小型贸易, 1到4个人办公,租金$800-1000, 有意请拨电话 咨询。
INSTANTSMALL SMART OFFICE and WAREHOUSE (1 - 4 PAX) @ Jurong east • Fully &Newly furnished offices in various configurations • Fullyfitted with air conditioners, executive tables, high backchairs, settees, meeting table, carpet, etc • Freeunlimited internet access using Fibre system to ensure reliableconnectivity / networking • Internetsystem is designed for simple & friendly usages, prevent intrusion,anti-spam / virus & also protect privacy of tenants, etc • 24-hr Keycard access system • Offices areintelligently renovated & set-up. • Suitablefor 1-- 4 pax @ S$800 -- S$1000 per month net including electricity • Own privateoffice room •do NOT contact me with unsolicited servicesor offers