End Results/Target : Aerobics improve students’ cardiovascular fitness and.
Aim : In modern societies, many are susceptible to varying degreesof muscle ache and- other health-related symptoms.If precautions are not beingtaken, it is easy to cause problems in the long run. Aerobics is a particularlybeneficial sport in the world with the ability to enhance the heart, lungs, thecardiovascular system to more effectively transfer oxygen around thebody. A refreshing, dynamic and interesting form of exercise, aerobic enhancesoverall physical health.
About Aerobics : Vitality aerobics is apopular fitness program. It combines activities like dance, gymnastics andmusic. Practitioners will show improved inner self-expression and increased bodymetabolism. It also improves heart and lung function, and promotes weight loss.Lastly, it improves one’s physical fitnes and body coordination.
活力有氧健美塑身操是一项深受大众喜爱的时尚健身娱乐项目,它将舞蹈、体操、音乐、塑身、娱乐溶于一体,使练习者在充满动感的 音乐声中得到充分的内心释放和自我表现,从而达到改善人体新陈代谢,增强心肺功能、以及良好的减肥效果,同时也能塑造完美形 体,有效地增强身体素质,提高身体的协调性。如今,活力有氧健美塑身操已经成为一项大众追捧的健身项目。
Time : Every Tuesday and Friday 7:45pm--8:45pm Fees : S$200 for 10 Lessons Venue : Wisdom Studio
Contact Us
Wisdom Studio
79B Rangoon Road Singapore 218366
(Next to Farrer Park MRT Exit B)
Tel: +65
Hp: +65
Email: cjriver615@gmail.com
Web: http://www.wisdomstudio.com.sg |