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[小一报名] 名校与邻里小学的差别究竟在哪里?

发表于 18-7-2011 23:28:31|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一年一度的小学报名又开始了, 相信很多人都会有这个问题, 名校与邻里小学的差别究竟在哪里?我比较了以下,好象还是没有答案。
1)  名校教材与邻里小学小学不一样?好象都是按STELLAR来教的吧,它们用的教材都可在它们网站上查到, 好象大同小异。
2)  名校是不是使用不同于的教材或不同的worksheet?是这样吗?据了解好象与邻里小学也差不多啊。
3)  名校超前教育,学得理深, 是这样吗? 从它们的试圈来看,只有个别学校的难些, 与邻里小学也差不多啊。
4)  名校作业多吗? 据了解, 好象也不多啊。
5)  名校的老师好?据说一些自主学校老师是学校招聘的,当然是好老师啦, 薪水高吧,名校有钱是肯定的, 果真如此,就算个优势了。
6)  名校的学生都上补习班, 是这样吗?据说有的学校会给学生补习, 另外,名校生大多数有在外面补习, 实际情况有待证实。
7)  名校的父母学历普遍较高,因些能对小孩更有效的进行指导。如果是这样, 算个优势吧。
8)  名校的学风好?不信这个,中学还差不多,因为经过选拔的学生,名校学风自然会更好, 可是小学学生并没有经过选拔, 学风怎么可能一下就比邻里小学好?
9)  名校CCA选项多?这到是肯定的,因为名校钱多, 但邻里小学也有不少选项啊。
10)  名校都有课外书要读的清单,邻里小学好象没有, 但也可以如法照抄, 好象也不算什么优势啊。
11)据说名校会对学生进行GEP考试埔导, 果真是这样,就是名校的一点好处了。
发表于 19-7-2011 00:39:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 19-7-2011 00:52:26|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 19-7-2011 09:14:07|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
思前相后,内部找不到原因,只能从其它方面来看了, 从网上的各种贴子还是要可以看到一二的, 名校之所以成为名校,这个名是很重要的, 名校效应是很
重要的因素, 因为这个名及人们对名校的崇拜效应,可以吸收到优秀的学生, 以南洋小学为例,即说它们有四个GEP班,就算有一个班是来自南洋自已,它从其它各校就招收了三个班GEP的学生, 即使一个班是25人,三个班就75人。另外,从二年级起至五年级,一些成绩好的学生纷申请, 这样,估计每年又要吸收20~30名各校的尖子,甚致更多, 这样到了小六PSLE成绩想不好,都不行。我想这是名校PSLE成绩好的重要原因。
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发表于 19-7-2011 09:20:25|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 19-7-2011 09:20:51|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 19-7-2011 09:48:28|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
转载自Kiasu Parent 论坛的帖子 “Are Our Children's Future Predicated On Good Primary School?"

What makes a school hot/ popular ?
In theory all schools are the same as they use the same curriculum sanctionedby MOE, and select from an approved list of text books
And the teachers and principals are all NIE certified, MOE approved andappointed.
So why some schools are perpetually more popular than others ?
1. History & prestige (someone VIP studied there), but where is Telok Kurau Eng School now ?
2. Tradition ?
3. Systems & processes ? Can't they duplicate them in every other schools ?Money is no object to MOE isn't it - if the PRIME project is any guide ?
4. Alumni network and contribution ?
5. Location ? What else ?
Having put my children through the system, I dare say it is a combination ofall of the above, while I think Chief KS's challenge to "think out of thebox" to be the pioneer of an "unknown" school to have theirnames remembered in history remains an ideal and "dream like". We areall pragmatists and kiasu to the max.
Principals' and teachers' aptitude for the job also play a very important role.Some principals just don't know how to manage / motivate to make things work.They try to be different and don't want to be seen to copy what other schoolsare doing ..... but ended up with no credible result and meanwhile teachers arekept chasing the kpi (mindless drillings) instead of going down to the groundto help the kids .....
Some teachers are just clueless how to tune the students.
With the right combination of a capable principal and motivated clued-inteachers, things progress very fast
Those very established primary schools are established not based on just themain academic track. They have a very comprehensive range of enrichment coursesto supplement the core curriculum, and they have a huge range of approvedvendors that have worked with them over the years to make the provision ofenrichment courses very seamless. And their parent-teacher assn is veryinvolved.
And their systems and processes are proven every year to deliver.
At PSLE, as it is a national placement exam, if we say grades are secondary andit is the education that matters, we are just deluding ourselves. With theintroduction of IP through train by the top secondary schools, the competitionhas shifted from 'O' levels down to the PSLE. This is the new reality.
So, in my own opinion, the popular school will continue to be popular in theforeseeable future.

I tend to agree that by placing your child tothe better school, it's the learning environment, better morale of the teachers(cos better school also comprise of better students) and yes the peers ard whowill be very encouraged to learn whether by themselves or from their parentsthat give you that extra push. The desire to excel is far more compared toneighbourhood school. Becos of that, parents have been vying for popularschools through varying extent, talking abt myself too.

I trust that all teachers are sufficiently trained to teach but certainly likeany one of the working group, our morale and passion will be killed off if weare faced with tough environment (children playing truant, scold teachers, nohomework done, enormous complaint from teachers etc etc)

Yes, agreed wholesomely that you can also be the sunshine in neighbourhoodschool but really how many can shine when most of your friends are either notbothered or not interested in studies. The influence of your own friends is toogreat to be ignored.

Though I was also from neighbourhood school and was in the top 3 since Pr 4,but really when I entered a better secondary school, I find it a total misfitand struggle for me as what I tot as best is probably below avg when you getinto better school.

And yes, when I grow up now and having to enrol my own children, I lament onwhy my mum didn't try harder to send me to FMPS when all my sisters were there.At least, I also help to pave out the future route for my children next timewhen they enrol their own children by putting her on a better school, providedthe system still remains unchanged.

That's life....

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发表于 19-7-2011 10:19:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


你的教育很好呀,对孩子发展肯定有帮助。  详情 回复 发表于 19-7-2011 13:24
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发表于 19-7-2011 11:06:34|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


太犀利了吧。:P  详情 回复 发表于 3-3-2014 00:45
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发表于 19-7-2011 11:17:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 pingan04 于 19-7-2011 14:41 编辑
4justice 发表于 19-7-2011 09:14
思前相后,内部找不到原因,只能从其它方面来看了, 从网上的各种贴子还是要可以看到一二的, 名校之所以成 ...


老实说,按您的要求,很难给出准确答案的。您说,会哪个不知好歹的父母,敢每天去问,在不同小学就读的孩子爹妈,您孩子今天留作业了么?留得都是什么作业呢?英文的?数学的?华文的?  完全横向的比较,我是不敢,也没时间,和精力去做啊~~~





Unit 11: I want my mum!
Dear Parents,

We began on a new book entitled 'I want my mum!' today. This story is about a young snake, Jake, who thought that his mother went away and left him alone. He went up and down a hill, came to a corner, climbed up a ladder, went over a bridge and in and out of a tunnel before he found his mother.

We will be focusing on Prepositions and 'said' words. You may wish to ask your child how did Jake ask for his mother. (i.e. hissed, cried, shouted,yelled and sobbed)

We discussed the following in class and these words and phrases were shared by the children:

  • Differences between a hill and a mountain: size, steep
  • Snakes: shedding of scales (ecdysis), reptile, lay eggs
  • Bridges: an (elevation) between two points, through
(I have added some words within the brackets on the blog so that you may extend their vocabulary when you talk about the story.)
Please note that WS 1 has to be completed by next Wednesday (6 Jul). Thank you!


一个字:专!  详情 回复 发表于 19-7-2011 14:17
名校就是名校啊!做老师的也容易有成就感?!  详情 回复 发表于 19-7-2011 14:17
多谢你提供的例子,这样细致的工作,确实在一般学校看不到的。  详情 回复 发表于 19-7-2011 11:41
羡慕,羡慕啊!  详情 回复 发表于 19-7-2011 11:37
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