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[PSLE小六] 急急急。。。PSLE英文作文范文

发表于 28-7-2011 07:49:05|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 28-7-2011 07:50:35|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 3-4-2012 13:09:05|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 maoru 于 3-4-2012 13:13 编辑

借这个版面问个傻问题,啥叫situational composition  和 continuious composition ,最近孩子作文亮红灯,来问我,我也不懂,网上查不到,请大家给我点权威详尽的解释,谢谢!
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发表于 3-4-2012 13:28:42|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 3-4-2012 13:30 编辑
maoru 发表于 3-4-2012 13:09
借这个版面问个傻问题,啥叫situational composition  和 continuious composition ,最近孩子作文亮红灯, ...

Situational -  书信,电邮, 贺卡,等等
Continuous - 看图作文或命题作文, 2选1.
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发表于 3-4-2012 16:39:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 3-4-2012 16:41 编辑

Continuous Writing 的打分标准:

A1/A2 (40-36)
Apart from occasional slips, the language is accurate. Sentence structure is varied and demonstrates skill in using different lengths and types of sentences for particular effects. Vocabulary is wide and precise. Punctuation is accurate and helpful to the reader. Spelling is accurate across the full range of vocabulary used. Paragraphs have unity, are linked and show evidence of planning. Topic is addressed with consistent relevance. Interest of reader is aroused and sustained.

B3/B4 (35-31)
Language is accurate; occasional errors are either slips or arise from attempts to use ambitious structures/vocabulary that may be imperfectly understood. Vocab. is wide enough to convey intended shades of meaning with some precision. Sentences show some variation of lenth and type, including the confident use of complex sentences. Punctuation is accurate and generally helpful. Spelling is nearly always accurate. Paragraphs show some evidence of plannig, have unity and are usually appropriately linked. Response is relevant and interest of reader is aroused/sustained through most of the compo.

C5/C6 (30-26)
Vocabulary/structures are mainly correct when they are simple: mistakes may occur when more sophistication is attempted. Sentences may also show some variety of structures/length, although there may be a tendency to repeat sentence types/"shapes", producing a monotonous effect. Spelling of simple vocabulary is accurate; errors may occur when more ambitious vocab. is used. Punctuation is generally accurate, although errors may occur when more difficult tasks are attempted. Sentence separation is correct. Compo. is written in paragraphs, which may show some unity, though links may be absent/inappropriate. Compo. is relevant and arouse some interest in the reader.

D7 (25-21)
The meaning is generally clear. There will be patches of accurate language, particularly when simple vocabulary and structures are used. There may be some variety of sentence length/structure, but the reader may not be convinced that this variety is for a particular purpose. Vocabulary is usually adequate to convey intended meaning though it may be insufficiently developed to achieve precision. Idiom may be uncertain at times. Punctuation will be used but may not enhance/clarify meaning. Some sentence seperation errors may occur occasionally. Simple words will be spelt accurately but more complex vocab may show some spelling weakness. Paragraphs will be used but may lack unity/coherence. A genuine attempt has been made to address the topic, but there may be disgressions/failures of logic. Compos may lack liveliness/interest value.

E8 (20-16)
Meaning is never in doubt but the errors are sufficiently frequent/serious to hamper precision, but may slow down speed of reading. Some simple structures will be accurate but the script is unlikely to sustain accuracy for long. Vocab. may be limited; either too simple to convey precise meaning or more ambitious but imperfectly understood. Some idiomatic errors are likely. Simple punctuation will usually be accurate but there may be frequent sentence seperation errors. Simple words will usually be spelt correctly but there may be inconsistency and freq. mistakes in the spelling of more difficult words. Paras. may lack unity or be used haphazardly. The subject matter will show some relevance. The incidence of linguistic error is likely to distract the reader from the merits of the content.

U9i (15-11)
There will be many serious of various kinds throughout the script but they could be corrected without rewriting the sentence. Communication is established, althought the weight of the error may cause "blurring" from time to time. Sentences will probably be simple and repetitive in structure. Vocab. will convey meaning but is likely to be simple and imprecise. Errors in idiomatic usage will be significant feature. Spelling may be inconsistent. Paragraphing may be haphazard/non-existent. There may be evidence of interesting/relevant subject matter, but the weight of linguistic error will tend to obscure/neutralize its effect.

U9ii (10-6)
Sense will usually be decipherable but some of the errors will be multiple (requiring the reader to re-read and re-organise before meaning becomes clear.) there are unlikely to be more than a few accurate sentences, however simple, in the whole compo. The content is likely to be comprehensible but may be hidden by the density of the linguistic error.

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发表于 3-4-2012 23:19:35|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 3-4-2012 16:39
Continuous Writing 的打分标准:

A1/A2 (40-36)

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发表于 9-4-2012 08:24:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 maoru 于 9-4-2012 08:24 编辑

推荐一些PSLE 的英文作文书吧,谢谢大家!
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