tian1717 发表于 3-10-2011 22:46 
We Christian believe that we do not belong in this world,but in heaven.That is precisely ...
SG_Lion wrote: I read your posting with confusion and to a certain degree of bewilderment. From your passage, it is through the deeds you spoke of that we achieve righteousness. And through righteousness, we wlil find fullfillment to our requests. Being righteous at the same time, we will only ask Jesus for things that are deemed sensible. To my understanding, Christianity is very much under the hegemony of the communist party in China. Unfortunately, many Christian doctrines and fundamental beliefs practiced by nations are considered elements that can potentially trigger anarchy and therefore surpressed and censored. These omission serves to dilute the original composition of Christianity with God having to take second place after man. A stark contradiction to what is being taught elsewhere. The people however are discerning enough to understand what they should and should not do. This led to the sprouting of numerous underground churches. However, their presence are thought to be rebellious, their Godly perseverance are treated as manifestation of recalcitrance. Persecuted and confronted with the prospects of being 'lynched' by the Chinese authorities, the believers pray and hope for the best. With scorn, abhorrence, treated like abomination and held with contempt, it is within expectation that pseudo crimes be set upon Christian dissidents maligning them of felonies they probably never even thought of. Humiliation normally precedes unceremonious execution, how to believe that being righteous under such adverse conditions be possible? How not to flee and give your other cheek to those who hit you? All the lofty talks of Christianity seems to be just rhetoric.
Tian1717 wrote:
We Christian believe that we do not belong in this world,but in heaven.That is precisely we Christian are persecuted in some countries in this world where the devil has some control over it.That is also where our faith comes in,we will persevere and up hold whatever we are told to in the Bible,only a true christian will follow what God has commanded.And we believe that we will be resurrected when our Lord Jesus comes the second time.That is the time when God will Judge every individual.
God's Judgement is fair and equal.He will deem who are the righteous and good people.As long as i have a clear conscience,i have nothing to be afraid of.From what i saw in your reply,you are saying that the Christian teachings are forbidden in some countries due to it being anarchy and whatever right?But just get one point clear,whatever you say,you will not and cannot stop God's words and works from processing in this world.Because Christianity has been formalised as a religion which can save sinners from damnation.If what i said is wrong,how is it that Christianity still flourish in big and modernise countries like England,USA and the country which now you are standing in,Singapore,for instance?
To you,maybe you think that how is it that Christian are being persecuted harshly in some countries even though they practiced God's teaching and yet still face persecution?Moreover,they are still persecuted no matter how hard they prayed,right?I tell you frankly,God has everything in plan.We cannot understand why he still let all these things took place because he is the creator,we have no right to question his doings.The same goes to whether he wants to grant our wishes in our prayer,but one thing is certain,you must be a true Christian in order for God to take pleasure in you so that he will pity us and fulfill our needs.One assumption is that he is molding the faith of his believers in those countries.Because God likes people who are faithful to him. Look at the book of "约伯记"in the Bible and you will know what i said is correct.And one more suggestion to you....is it possible that you go through the Bible so that you are able to get a good grasp of what Christianity really is before you start mocking God,alright,brother?
May God be merciful upon your sorrowful soul.
First and formost, I did not say that Christian teachings are forbiddened in some countries due to it being an advocator of anarchy.
"...many Christian doctrines and fundamental beliefs practiced by nations are considered elements that can potentially trigger anarchy and therefore surpressed and censored..."
I said, the Christian doctrines and fundamental beliefs practiced by nations which of course was an indication of other countries was deemed as elements with potential to trigger anarchy by the communist party of China. It was all about pointing the finger at the communist party of China for their relentless efforts to drown the voices of Christians spreading their religion without fear and to be treated with equality and respect. So, do not put words that I've never said into my mouth.
Next, you claim I mock Christianity. I think you are confusing yourself with a healthy discussion with someone who subscribes to conflicting views with something as undesirable as name calling insults.
Lastly, you took it upon your liberty to bring forth a verbal personal attack. This seems to be in tremendous contradiction to what you preached earlier. A very quick show of double standards.
I guess there is no point for me to prolong this discussion which you are apparently only interested in entertaining viewpoints that exhalt yours.