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[中学] 请教:初三选课

发表于 28-10-2011 08:04:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
儿子现初二,昨天拿回初三选科的表格,is eligible for the triple science option taking the 8 or 9 subject combination. 我不知怎么选,选科后对他的上jc或大学会有影响吗?请指点,谢谢。
发表于 28-10-2011 09:31:55|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 28-10-2011 09:43:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
我家老大的bio很强,其它各科也都很均衡,就数学弱点,所以很想给她避开Amath, 但按她自己选的好象Amath和Emath都要,这孩子真是不畏艰险啊。昨晚我竟然梦到数学成绩才20分,真是吓死我:L:'(:'(
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发表于 28-10-2011 12:02:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
亲爱宝贝 发表于 28-10-2011 09:43
我家老大的bio很强,其它各科也都很均衡,就 ...

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发表于 28-10-2011 12:28:29|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 28-10-2011 14:20 编辑
亲爱宝贝 发表于 28-10-2011 09:43
我家老大的bio很强,其它各科也都很均衡,就 ...


How should I choose my child’s subject combination?

Ans: Understand your child’s subjects ofinterest. Choose based on his/her interest in the subjects and his/her aptitude to study those subjects. You have to bear in mind there are changes in thecourses offered by JCs. You can refer to Table 1 on the different depth of the three levels of study for a subject in JC. Table 2 shows subjects offered in JC and Table 3 for more information of the combination of the subjects in JCs.

How will the secondary school subject combination affect the selection of courses in JC?

Ans: In JC, the subject combination has changed since 2006. The new curriculum emphasises breadth of learning and flexibility, which is essential in a knowledge-based economy. Students are required to take Project Work and study at least one contrasting subject outside your area of specialization. Subjects have also been redesigned and pitched at three levels of study, so students have more combinations to choose from in their subject selection. Hence, a subject combination with a balance of Science and Humanities Subjects will prepare the student better for the A level subjects.

What are the criteria to promote toSecondary Three?

Ans: Students must obtain a pass in English and an overall average percentage of 50% of the total marks to be promoted to Secondary Three in the next year.

What are the subjects offered by the schooland the requirements to qualify for taking the subjects?

Ans: There are 6 compulsory subjects:
Higher Chinese/Chinese,
Additional Mathematics,
Chemistry and
Combined Humanities.

Students can choose to study additional:
1 Science subject and 1 Humanities subject(recommended), OR
2 Science subjects.

Students with high abilities can consider opting for 2 additional Science subjects and 1 Humanities subjects but subject to approval by school.

What are the elective subjects forSecondary Three? Are there any criteria for selecting the option?

Ans: The following are elective subjectswhich are offered to students based on the course option:
Pure History
Pure Geography
Pure Biology
Pure Physics
Higher Art
Literature in English
Literature in Chinese

Can a student choose not to take PureChemistry in Secondary Three?

Ans: The school offers Pure Chemistry toall Secondary Three students so as to help them build a foundation for postsecondary education.

Is Biology a critical subject if a studentwants to study medicine?

Ans: Biology is not a pre-requisite for admission to the Faculty of Medicine in the National University of Singapore (NUS). Currently,Chemistry is the compulsory subject for admission to the medicine course.Please refer to the following website for more information

Is Combined Humanities compulsory?

Ans: It is compulsory for all students to take Combined Humanities. The subject comprises components of Social Studiesand elective History or elective Geography. If a student chooses elective Historyfor Combined Humanities, he cannot select Pure History as the 2nd Humanitiessubject. Similarly if he chooses elective Geography, Pure Geography cannot beselected as the 2nd Humanities subject

What are the criteria for choosing theelectives of Combined Humanities?

Ans: There are no pre-requisites forstudents in choosing the elective component. The school will take student’s option into consideration first following student’s performance in the relevant subject in Secondary 2.

What are the topics and examination formatsfor those non-compulsory subjects?

Ans: You can refer to the website of Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board on the latest syllabuses for the different subjects and examination formats for the non-compulsory subjects. Thewebsite is

What is the maximum number of subjects thata student can study in Secondary Three?

Ans: All Secondary Three students by Schooltake eight subjects. For more academically inclined students or students who wish to continue with their third language, they can study up to nine subjects.For students who wish to take 10 subjects, they have to seek prior approval from the Ministry of Education.

If there are only a few students opting foran elective subject, will the school still offer the subject?

Ans: The school will consider students' requests, individual ability, and availability of resources before offering the course so as to ensure the best educational outcomes for students.

Can my child make changes to the subjectcombination after the release of the results of the streaming process?

Ans: Students may submit application for appeal before the closing date in November. The school will review the appeals on a case-by-case basis.


谢谢,仔细学习学习。  详情 回复 发表于 28-10-2011 14:02
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发表于 28-10-2011 12:48:29|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 28-10-2011 12:49 编辑


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发表于 28-10-2011 13:19:51|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
亲爱宝贝 发表于 28-10-2011 09:43
我家老大的bio很强,其它各科也都很均衡,就 ...

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发表于 28-10-2011 13:34:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
读O-LEVEL的选课应该要包括Amath,否则JC阶段不少学校不让选MATH H2了,而MATH H2成绩是申请许多大学理工类科系的Prerequisite,没有的话会申请无门的。


这几天正好对A,Emaths糊涂着呢,刚好看到你这个,明白了这2个maths了。谢  详情 回复 发表于 29-10-2011 23:29
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发表于 28-10-2011 14:00:24|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
我女儿选的数理化,加地理,后来上jc, 不喜欢地理, 就换成经济学了, 老师说这种科目时最常见的。。


数理化+经济学是我女儿学校里很多学生的选择,相对来说也是比较安全的理工科学生的选择。即便将来要学医药类,还可以在大学修补生物。  详情 回复 发表于 28-10-2011 16:52
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发表于 28-10-2011 14:40:15|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 28-10-2011 14:47 编辑

选科对上大学会有一定影响。请看NUS的Course Pre-requisites

'A' level and Mature applicants (with H1/H2 results)(a) Single Degree Course[td]

Single  Degree Course
Subject  prerequisites
Selection test /interview
H1  pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics; OR pass in 'O' level Additional  Mathematics.
Arts and Social Sciences*
Please refer to for respective  subjects.

H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry. Candidates who do not  have a H2 pass in Biology will have to read the Biology Bridging Module  (LSM1301) in the 1st year. Those without a H2 pass in Chemistry will have to  read the Chemistry Bridging Module (CM1417) in the 1st year.
Business Administration
H1  pass in Mathematics or pass in 'O' Level Additional Mathematics.
Business Administration (Accountancy)
H1  pass in Mathematics or pass in 'O' Level Additional Mathematics.
Chemical Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Civil Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
Computer Engineering# (Jointly Conducted by Faculty of  Engineering & School of Computing)
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
Computing (Computer Science courses)
H2  pass in Computing or Mathematics or Physics; OR a good pass in H1 Mathematics.
Computing (Information Systems courses)
H2  pass in Computing; OR a good pass  in H1 Mathematics.
H2  pass in Chemistry and either Biology or Physics.
Electrical Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
Engineering# (common)
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
Engineering Science
H2  pass in Mathematics and Physics.
Environmental Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Environmental Studies
H1  pass in Maths and H2 pass in either Chemistry or Biology
Industrial Design
H1  pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics; OR pass in 'O' level Additional  Mathematics
Industrial & Systems Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
At  least B grade in H1 General Paper (GP); or a good pass in H2 Knowledge &  Inquiry (KI); or  a minimum SAT I / Critical Reading score of 700  accompanied by a minimum E grade for GP/KI.
Materials Science & Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
Mechanical Engineering#
H2  pass in Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry.
H2  pass in Chemistry and either Biology or Physics.
Application  for the Music course has to be filed directly to the Conservatory.
Pass  in any two of the following H2 subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Computing,  Physics and Mathematics.
H2  pass in Biology and Chemistry.
Project & Facilities Management
H1  pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics.
Real Estate
H1  pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or Physics.
Pass  in any two of the following H2 subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Computing,  Physics and Mathematics.

* The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Science  offer many subjects which may require further subject prerequisites. Please  refer to their respective website at and for more information.

# Students without H1 or H2 Physics need to have an ‘O’ Level pass in Physics  or its equivalent and would be required to take Physics bridging  modules.


这个非常有用。  详情 回复 发表于 28-10-2011 15:35
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