本帖最后由 yuebaby 于 8-11-2011 07:18 编辑
Dear Diary,
Finally the SA2 exams are over. We can now relax! I'm not like you. I have to study for my Primary 3 English, Math and Chinese. But I also relax on some days. I relax 20% more than exam days. On exam days, I can relax only 5%. But my parents also let me watch TV on school holidays. See, my parents are better than yours, right? But my friend's mother is more kind to her. You know what, her mother said that if she gets all her subjects Band 1, she will get a IPhone 4S and a iPad 2, you know! Her mother crazy! What do you think? Her mother is very kind to her! But my mother is also kind! Have to appreciate what we get. Anyway, will write again tomorrow. Bye bye! |