本帖最后由 晓铮 于 16-11-2011 12:37 编辑
【考试时间】:2012年1月10日 【报名时间】:2011年11月16日到12月1日 【考试地点】:未确定
i. Applicant's BirthCertificate 出生公正
ii. Applicant's DataPage of the Passport 护照复印件
iii. Applicant's DeedPoll (if any) 改名证明(如果有)
iv. Applicant Parent'sData Page of the Passport 父母的护照复印证件。
v. Applicant Parent'sDeed Poll (if any) 父母的改名证明(如果有)
vi. Applicant Parent'sEmployment Pass/ Work Permit (if any) 父母的工作准证(如果有)
i. Email:Register_QT@pai.sg 电邮
ii. Fax: 传真
iii. Mail: Principals Academy, 9 Woodlands Ave 9, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore 738964 地址(写信)
iv. In person: Principals Academy Office, located in Republic Polytechnic, West Entrance ofthe Library. 亲自下去的地址。woodlands地铁旁边。(Registration Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm) 时间:拜一到拜五,10am -12pm, 2pm-5pm
【费用】: 250 新币
【疑问】: 可以电邮Register_QT@pai.sg 或者拨打电话(65) .
We are pleased to inform you that the date of the Supplementary Qualifying Test (S-QT) has been confirmed for those applicants who are eligible.
1. Eligibility of Registration
Important Note: Parent/ Guardian are to take note that if the applicant has attempted QT previously, he/she will not be eligible to take part in this S-QT.
Applicants are eligible for S-QT if they fufill ALL the following requirements:
i. Applicant that has taken PACT on 02 September 2011 or 14 October 2011 and registered before 09 September 2011.
ii. Applicant that has not taken for Qualifying Test previously.
2. Test Details
S-QT Date: 10th January 2012
Registration Period: 16th November 2011 to 1st December 2011
Test Venue: To Be Advised
3. Registration
a. Enclosed is the application form for your submission. (Please find attachment)
b. The following copy of the supporting documents must be submitted together with the application form:
i. Applicant's Birth Certificate
ii. Applicant's Data Page of the Passport
iii. Applicant's Deed Poll (if any)
iv. Applicant Parent's Data Page of the Passport
v. Applicant Parent's Deed Poll (if any)
vi. Applicant Parent's Employment Pass/ Work Permit (if any)
c. Submission of application can be done via:
i. Email: Register_QT@pai.sg
ii. Fax:
iii. Mail: Principals Academy, 9 Woodlands Ave 9, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore 738964
iv. In person: Principals Academy Office, located in Republic Polytechnic, West Entrance of the Library. (Registration Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm)
d. Payment Details
i. Amount payable for S-QT is SGD$250. (Test and Admin Fee, inclusive of GST)
ii. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or credit card.
4. Entry Proof and Other Information
For all eligible and accepted applicants, an electronic entry proof will be sent to your email within a week before test.
The registration closing date for S-QT is on 1st December 2011 by 5pm.
Should you have further queries, you can email to Register_QT@pai.sg or contact us at (65) .
Thank you.
4)qt绝对有的学! 我有学生说她第一次懵懵懂懂去考qt的时候,结果不及格了。但是孩子智商一点问题都没有。
5) 我认为qt最主要的是:快!由于是涂格子,所以,在做题的时候,不要纠结于把格子涂满,而是在上面做个记号先。掐准时间是个重点。
*保守估计,今年aeis的通过率是10% 。此估计是基于我对新加坡移民政策,外国学生程度,pact成绩和政府学校现状,未必准确。欢迎讨论。