jjrchome 发表于 21-11-2011 10:33
往年可以直接在南洋女中的网站上下载Appeal Form,填写后呈交就可以了。但今年的情况似乎有所不同,南洋女 ...
1. INTRODUCTION (a) The Student Transfer Exercise for Primary Schools, or STEPS, serves to facilitate the transfer of pupils who have relocated to another address, to schools nearer to their new residences (b) Under the STEPS process, all pupils will be considered for available vacancies in a school. Provision will not be given to the parents/guardians to select a particular school for the transfer, as the pupil will automatically be considered for vacancies in the nearest school in the first instance. (c) The parents/guardians will be required to sign an undertaking to give up their child's place in the current school and to accept the school of transfer identified under the STEPS process. (d) The STEPS process is as follows: (i) Each pupil will be considered for transfer to a school which has vacancies and is nearest to his/her new home address. (ii) Where the school can accommodate the number of applicants assigned to it, the transfer will be effected. (iii) If there are no schools with available vacancies within 3 km of the pupils' new address, these pupils will be posted back to their current school. (iv) A pupil will not be posted to a school that is further from his/her home compared to his/her current school. (e) STEPS is a service to assist parents/guardians in school transfers due to changes in address. It is up to parents/guardians to decide if they want to participate in STEPS, should their child satisfy the eligibility criteria. If parents/guardians prefer to directly approach the school they would like to transfer their child to, they could do so outside the period when STEPS is being conducted; i.e. 18 November 2011 to 16 December 2011. (f) A pupil seeking a transfer to Primary 5 or Primary 6 in 2012 will be posted to a school with vacancies and is nearest to his/her new home address, regardless of subject combination to be offered by the pupil. On successful posting to a school, the parents/guardians can discuss with the school to decide on an appropriate subject combination. Whilst schools generally offer similar subject combinations, parents/guardians who want to ensure that the school will definitely offer the subject combination he/she wants, may wish to apply for a transfer to the school of their preference outside the period when STEPS is being conducted; i.e. 18 November 2011 to 16 December 2011. (g) The smooth operation of STEPS depends on parents/guardians furnishing correct information in the application especially that of the home address. To this end, parents/guardians are required to declare that the information provided by them in the application is correct and true. Any transfer of school resulting from false or incorrect information furnished in the application form will be nullified and in such an event, the child affected may be posted to any school as directed by the Ministry of Education (MOE). 2. ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN STEPS To be eligible to participate in STEPS, the child must satisfy the following criteria: (a) The child is a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident; (b) The child is currently attending Primary 1 to Primary 5 in 2011; (c) The parents/guardians have changed their residential address between 1January 2010 and 23 November 2011 (both dates inclusive). 3. APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE IN 2011 STEPS (a) Schools will be inviting applications for 2011 STEPS from 21 to 23 November 2011. Parents/guardians should approach their child's current school and submit their applications through the school between 8 am and 5 pm each day. (b) Alternatively, parents have an alternative option created for public's convenience, to register their child/children for STEPS via the internet. The STEPS-IS makes it more convenient for parents to submit the child/children's registration from any internet enabled Personal Computer. They can log on to the Internet at http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/admissions/steps using both the parents' Singpasses. STEPS-IS is accessible from 18 to 23 November 2011 from 10 am on 18 November and 12 noon on 23 November. (c) The parents/guardians will be required to sign an undertaking to give up the child's place in the current school and to accept the school of transfer identified under the STEPS process. (d) The parents/guardians will also need to sign an undertaking stating that they have changed their residential addresses between 1 January 2010 and 23 November 2011 (both dates inclusive). (e) The outcome of applications will be released on 12 December 2011. Parents/guardians would receive a letter to inform them of their child's posted school on 12 December 2011. They may also check the results with their child's current school or log on to the Internet at http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/admissions/steps using the pupil's BC No. and the Acknowledgement Number on the Acknowledgement Slip. (f) All pupils who are successful in the exercise will be required to report to their current school on 14 December 2011 with their report books. They should then report to their posted school by 16 December 2011 to complete the transfer formalities.