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海峡时报:Tuition boom as kids prep for Integrated Programme

发表于 2-12-2011 13:39:09|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 2-12-2011 23:12 编辑

Tuition boom as kids prep for Integrated Programme                            
Parents feel competition is now keener, and IP schools and JCs will be tougher to get into                        

Published on Dec 2, 2011

Learning Lab tutor Christina Kwek conducting a Primary 5
science class at the tuition centre's science lab in Mountbatten
Square last week. Parents keen to get their kids into an elite
Integrated Programme school are spending big on tuition for

BUSINESS is booming for tuition centres that promise to help good students excel in the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).

The reason: More parents want to help their children score 250 aggregate points or more at the PSLE and secure places in secondary schools offering the Integrated Programme (IP).

More are sending their children to tuition centres that charge $100 to $300 for four two-hour lessons a month. Some fork out upwards of $500 a month for tuition in two or three subjects.

One of the most sought-after tuition centres, The Learning Lab, has opened a second branch, while the Mind Stretcher Learning Centre has gone from 15 to 18 branches this year, and will be opening another three. Growan Learning Centre in Marine Parade has 50 pupils on its waiting list.

Several centres conduct entrance tests and examine the children's detailed academic records before placing them in their tuition groups.

The boom has extended to private tutors as well, and parents have been known to offer tutors handsome bonuses if their children succeed in making it to an IP school.

The IP allows secondary school students to bypass the O levels and go straight to the junior college (JC) level. It is offered at several top secondary schools and JCs, with more in line to introduce it over the next two years.

While the PSLE has always been a high-stakes examination for Primary 6 pupils aiming for a top-rated secondary school, parents say the game has changed significantly.

They feel competition is keener, now that entering an IP school secures a six-year ticket all the way to the JC level.

Business development manager Alan Lim, 40, an old boy of Raffles Institution, wants his Primary 5 son to also attend the premier boys' school, which has an IP all the way to the A levels.

His son has topped his level for two years running, but Mr Lim has enrolled him for tuition and motivation camps to ensure he aces the PSLE next year.

He worries that if his son fails to enter RI at Secondary 1, it will be too difficult to get in at the JC level, even if he does well at the O levels at another school.

Learning Lab manager Ling Cheah said the vast majority of parents who send their children to its centres are aiming for places on the IP. 'It is their holy grail,' she said.

Parents give two reasons for their anxiety. First, as more top secondary schools offer the IP, they believe these schools will become more difficult to get into.

Cedar Girls' Secondary and Victoria School, which will offer the IP from next year, take pupils with PSLE scores of at least around 240. Parents expect that minimum to rise because other IP schools have cut-offs above 250.

Most parents who spoke to The Straits Times were also worried about the JCs their children would attend.

With the IP already running in several top JCs, they feel that students who do the O levels elsewhere will find it harder to get in because most of the places would go to the colleges' IP students.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has given repeated assurances that these JCs are offering just as many places as before to those coming in via the O-level route.

But in the absence of hard numbers from the schools, parents have resorted to doing their own checks, and cite figures to explain why they worry.

Store manager Celia Lim, 38, who has high hopes for her Primary 5 son, said she checked on Hwa Chong Institution and RI: 'Each school has 1,200 Junior College 1 places every year, and only 250 places go to O-level students. Previously, all their 800 to 900 JC 1 places were given out based on O-level results. So, of course I worry.'

She spends $800 a month on tuition for her son. Next year, she expects to spend even more by enrolling him at The Learning Lab.

Responding to parents' concerns, MOE said yesterday that the expansion of the IP to more schools would mean opportunities for more students to benefit from the programme. Schools with the IP now have just over 3,000 places in total. There will be 5,000 places when seven more schools offer it by 2013.

The ministry said: 'Opportunity for students to enter the JCs offering the IP after taking their O levels has not diminished after the IP was introduced, because MOE has expanded the enrolment at the JCs offering the IP, as well as created new JC places for students.'

It was referring to schools such as Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Dunman High and River Valley High, which now offer JC-level classes. They formerly stopped at Secondary 4.

A spokesman for Hwa Chong said yesterday said students who enter the school after the O levels come from 50 secondary schools across the island.

An RI spokesman said that in terms of A-level performance, those who join at the junior college level perform just as well as those who have been on the IP since Secondary 1.

发表于 2-12-2011 14:39:54|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-12-2011 15:25:16|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
好的学校都IP了,PSLE就更加重要了。中一没进好的中学,靠O LEVEL考试进好学校困难多了,名额都内部消化了。所以小学的补习尤其重要。
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发表于 2-12-2011 15:41:33|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层



淘气包:最具商业头脑版主!  详情 回复 发表于 2-12-2011 17:22
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发表于 2-12-2011 18:37:41|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-12-2011 22:22:21|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


是啊,掷地有声的话呢。不过有很多父母可能有能力的没时间,有时间的没能力啊,都像您一样好的基因和培养孩子的精神,这个IP学校真的要打开头了  详情 回复 发表于 2-12-2011 22:53
是啊,掷地有声的话呢。不过有很多父母可能有能力的没时间,有时间的没能力啊,都像您一样好的基因和培养孩子的精神,这个IP学校真的要打开头了  详情 回复 发表于 2-12-2011 22:52
两位啊,我插嘴一句啊:让半九夫妻教补习,咱这论坛早就爆满了![/b]  详情 回复 发表于 2-12-2011 22:44
说得好。补习中心到底能起到多大作用,我一直怀疑。如果孩子愿意学习,吸收能力不错,学习的渠道很多,补习只是其中之一而已。  详情 回复 发表于 2-12-2011 22:37
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发表于 2-12-2011 22:52:45|来自:新加坡 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


越来越没法饭放轻松了,今天还打算向朋友的孩子说教呢  详情 回复 发表于 3-12-2011 16:10
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发表于 2-12-2011 23:12:26|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
tianyizhy 发表于 2-12-2011 22:42
常常看到进名校是为了IP直通车,我一直好奇,不就是个OLevel吗,到底是为了逃避OLevel期望着进IP还是其他的 ...




这个不透明啊,是教育部的特色。你听说过付钱考试不给成绩的吗?SPERS就是不给成绩不给排名。  详情 回复 发表于 2-12-2011 23:23
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发表于 3-12-2011 00:26:03|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sunflower77 于 3-12-2011 00:41 编辑
jjrchome 发表于 2-12-2011 23:12

我看到这篇文章时并没想到”补习“这个问题。我的第一个念头是:又有人对直通车“ ...


记得儿子小一SA1考试后,英文和华文成绩中,口试和听力的成绩是保密的(当时的级任老师和华文老师都这样回答我),我们只能从REPORT BOOK中算出这两项的总得分。这让我这个初做新加坡小学学生的家长非常困惑。虽然当时儿子是班上第一,但算起来口试和听力部分扣了不少分,我希望了解孩子这两方面的成绩,从而知道他的弱点在哪里,好有的放矢地帮助他有效地提高。于是,我找学校华文和英文部的HOD询问。我以儿子当时参加过的英国ABRSM 5级小提琴演奏和理论考试为例,阐述了英国的考试不但给考生每一项的成绩,并且每一项都有详细的评语,最后还有总评语。为什么学校的口试和听力成绩要保密?两个HOD对我的意见表示理解,并表示会把意见转达给校长。但从此没了下文。

直到现在学校老师最多是在家长询问下,给个 GOOD, EXCELLENT 或 EXTREMELY EXCELLENT的评语。华文老师会说,他的口试几乎满分之类的话。但听说有的班的老师会给出作文、口试和听力的成绩。同一学校,不同政策。真不明白他们在搞什么. 这不,现在我也融入“逆来顺受”的行列了。



plse没有分数,不更说明要保密。小一就考5级了,羡慕之极  详情 回复 发表于 3-12-2011 16:13
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使用道具 举报

发表于 3-12-2011 00:35:09|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
版亲们:我来谈谈自己的看法:J版的英文帖子我是谷歌看的,因为英文水平实在不行。首先,新加坡这个岛国城市很小,基于此,主要是华人,孩子的出生比率就不会高。就一个年龄段,特别聪慧和智障的孩子比率都不高。因此我们中国大陆来的孩子在适应了语言以后,大部分会脱颖而出。一个是因为技术移民来的孩子,父母都是高学历,在帮助孩子学习这个问题上基本没有障碍,另一部分陪读的孩子,就我这几个月来看到、接触到的也都是非常用功和拼命读书的孩子。现在很少听到交换生了。11月初在机场看到有接机的牌子是交换生的。这是仅有的一次。其次,这个没有自然资源的岛国,经济又发达,那么政府就一定是个会赚钱的政府,这里全民中介,特色鲜明。其他的赚钱途径我们不谈,就说说外国学生,现在,中国大陆、台湾、日本、韩国、泰国、缅甸、老挝、越南、菲律宾、印尼。几乎所有亚洲国家都有孩子在新加坡读书求学。一是他的教育得到亚洲其他国家的认可,一个是这个行业一本万利!!!教育的衍生行业——补习,虽然水准参差不齐,但是利润可观,税收就 nice。政府有政府的打算,大陆扩招之后文凭缩水,这里也一样。直通车学校多了,小学毕业没考上直通车的孩子将来进入高等学校的比率就更低了。一考定终生的现象就会显现。好在,这里是英联邦国家,孩子的成绩在150多个国家被承认和接受。一万多所大学等着孩子们。因此,我们以不变应万变!助推自己的孩子,在任何情况下,优秀的成绩都是王道!!!祝孩子们都能找到自己的学习方法,进步!加油!!!
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