MOE Services for Returning Singaporeans |
Singaporeans Going Overseas
Leave of Absence Scheme | Singaporeans planning to go overseas for work or related concerns may reserve school places for their children in their current schools under this scheme. The children can be readmitted directly to their schools when they return.
Boarding Awards Scheme | This scheme offers Singaporean Citizens the benefits of a Singapore education while living in hostels in Singapore whilst their parents are working or living overseas. MOE will help to place applicants into school-based hostels and pay for 50% or 100% of the hostel boarding fees.
Singaporeans Currently Overseas |
Primary One Registration | Parents with Returning Singaporean children who are due to enter Primary One are encouraged to register their children while abroad during the Primary One Registration Exercise (usually held from July to September). Overseas Singaporean children enjoy the same priority as their counterparts residing in Singapore.
Immersion Programme | This programme allows Singaporean pupils to attend classes for a stipulated period to get a feel of school life in Singapore and helps in easing their re-entry to the system.
Singaporeans Returning Home |
School Admission | In recognition of the different needs of returning Singaporeans, MOE has provided several options for school admission. Returning Singaporeans can choose one or more options based on their individual needs. For example, Returning Singaporeans who have a strong preference for a school of choice may choose to approach the school directly to seek admission, or also apply to MOE for assistance for placement into the school.