glasshot LV6
发表于 13-1-2012 20:07:04
本帖最后由 glasshot 于 13-1-2012 20:33 编辑
中国铉龙 发表于 12-1-2012 20:28 
能详细说一下:有房,存款400K的意思吗?是陪读证还是什么证?怎么申请的? ...
LONG TERM VISIT PASS, 与陪读证属一个大类,但是5年期的, 移民局发给富裕人士,退休后长局住新加坡,不必依附学生证.
申请条件: 在新加坡拥有价值500K以上住房,45岁以上,在新加坡银行有400K存款,或在新加坡月入7000,有医疗保险,身体健康。本人可以带配偶与小孩。
Visitors are eligible to apply for a renewable Long Term Visit Pass of up to 5 years if they meet the following criteria:
1.45 years old and above;
2.own a property / properties in Singapore worth at least S$500,000 (in total) for residential purposes and meet any one of the following financial requirements:
1.have savings of at least S$400,000 parked in Singapore in any form of financial instruments based in Singapore, or
2.show evidence of a monthly local income of at least S$7,000, or
3.have a combined, savings and 5-year equivalent income of at least $400,000.
3.must be in good health
4.have valid Medical Insurance in Singapore
For renewal of the Visit Pass for purpose of long term stay, the applicant is required to meet the same set of investment, financial and medical requirements as indicated in paragraph (1) to (4) above