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[理工/大学] 求教: 大学入学有算华文吗? 华文成绩是如何计入A水准的?

发表于 17-1-2012 09:31:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大家好, 我儿子就读的是直通车课程, 中四高级华文得了个B3, 中五算是不用读了. 不知这个半儿八吊的成绩会影响到他二年后的A LEVEL及大学入学吗?  求教大家, 谢谢!
发表于 17-1-2012 10:00:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 17-1-2012 10:07:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 17-1-2012 10:00
我觉得对直通车学生没什么影响,除非是为争A-level状元。去年莱佛士初院的学生就是因为高级华文没有拿到A1 ...

谢谢楼上版主解答, 放心了,呵呵.  他们班上有几个华文过不了关, 中五还得读.


还好,你的孩子不用再为华文发愁,恭喜一下~~  详情 回复 发表于 17-1-2012 11:14
拖到中五被逼着读,就真的是失策了~~  详情 回复 发表于 17-1-2012 11:12
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发表于 17-1-2012 10:28:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
瑶琴半抱 发表于 17-1-2012 10:07
谢谢楼上版主解答, 放心了,呵呵.  他们班上有几个华文过不了关, 中五还得读. ...


本地大学入学, 先看总成绩, 再看要求科目是否满足要求.

总成绩计算方法=3个H2 + 1个H1 + 1个GP +1个PW +1个O水准高级华文或A水准H1华文(满分100)

H2:  满分20, A为20, B为17.5, C为15, D为12.5, 依此类推
H1/GP/PW: 满分10, A为10, B为8.75, C为7.5, 依此类推
高华: 满分10,A1为10, A2为9, B3为8, B4为7, 依此类推

高华考了B3, 意味着丢了2分.

当然, 医科和法律, 一般分数线在95左右, 商科在90左右, 你可以自己衡量这2分的影响.


母语成绩好象不是直接加10分算的,见下帖。  详情 回复 发表于 17-1-2012 11:42
++++++++++++本地大学的确有影响,志在英美就另当别论。  详情 回复 发表于 17-1-2012 11:11


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发表于 17-1-2012 10:36:49|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 17-1-2012 10:53:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 17-1-2012 10:57 编辑

New admission requirements for new 'A' Level curriculum (i.e. H1/H2/H3 subjects) »     

Computation of  University Admission Score »
The University Admission Score (UAS) is computed as follows:                                 

  • the best four content  subjects (i.e. 3 H2 and 1 H1 content subjects, with at least 1 content subject  to be from a contrasting discipline)
  • either GP or KI grade  taken in the same sitting
  • H1 Project Work

  The maximum points for H2 and H1 subjects are 20 and 10  respectively.  If you present the results slip for your best MTL Subject score (e.g. 'H1' MTL or 'O' Level Higher MTL), the University will include it in the computation of the UAS if it raises your score.

Though it is not mandatory to include the MTL results in  the computation of the UAS, you are required to meet the minimum  requirements for MTL as stipulated here.

Please also note that H3  papers taken at the 'A' Level examination are not considered in  the computation of the UAS.
If your ‘A’ Level  subject combination is beyond the norm, selection for admission will be as  follows*:

*  The above table is extracted from the MOE website at: and is accurate as at December 2011.

For more information on  the new ‘A’ Level curriculum, please refer to the following:
The above admission requirement complements  the existing  practice of additional admission requirements stipulated by some faculties and  schools, such as interviews, portfolios, and aptitude tests.

Qualifying English Test (QET)»Students who do not possess the necessary English Language qualifications are required to sit for the Qualifying English Test (QET) set by the Centre for English Language Communication (CELC). The purpose of this QET is to discern the level of English Language support appropriate for these students. Generally, the test is taken by all first year undergraduate students if they do not meet the QET exemption criteria stated here.

Admission to Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Related Courses»
If you have done well  in your higher MTL  subject (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) or MTL subject (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) at  the 'A' Level examination, you are eligible for MTL bonus points on condition  that you  pass the required modules in your respective  MTL subjects; you are allowed to use the MTL bonus points earned to gain admission to the Arts & Social Sciences course for the following MTL-related concentrations:
  • Chinese Language or Chinese Studies
  • Malay Studies
  • South Asian Studies

The following MTL bonus points will be awarded:  
  • Two bonus points for applicants who attained at  least an E grade H2 MTLL;
  • One bonus point for applicants who attained at  least an A grade in H1 MTL;
  • One bonus point for applicants who attained at  least a B grade in H1 General Studies in Chinese; and
  • Students offering any combinations of MTL-related  subjects are allowed to accumulate the MTL bonus points allocated for each  subject, including a combination of H1 MTL and H2 MTLL.
  • The cap on bonus points will be three.
  • For  more information, you can visit MOE’s website at:

MTL bonus points will  be added to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' Level component for computation.  The use of bonus points to gain admission to NUS is similar to the award of  bonus points for admission to the Junior College Chinese Language Elective  Programme.

If you have used the MTL bonus points for admission to the Arts and Social  Science course, you will have to sign an  undertaking at the point of acceptance.  For more information, please click here.

More information on the use of bonus points to gain admission to MTL-related  courses can be found at the MOE website.


++++++++++++++  详情 回复 发表于 17-1-2012 11:10
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发表于 17-1-2012 11:17:41|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 17-1-2012 11:27:25|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
meidance 发表于 17-1-2012 11:17
上面是说:只有修读艺术及科学系。母语才计为附加分,最多加3分。 ...


“另外O-level的高级华文/马来文/泰米尔文以及A-level的华文成绩也可以加在其中,这对于母语成绩好的孩子来说比较有利。母语科是一门H1科目,因此在90分满分的基础上加十分,但是为了方便比较所以需要乘以0.9。因此假设没有加上母语之前我的分数是83.75分,我的母语是A,那么我加上 母语成绩之后的分数就是:(83.75+10)*0..9=84.38。”

frekiwang的100分说,可能是20+20+20+10+10+10+10(MTL) =100这样的算法。

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发表于 17-1-2012 11:31:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 17-1-2012 11:27

“另外O-level的高级华文/马来文/泰米尔文以及A-level的华文成绩也可以加在其中,这 ...

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发表于 17-1-2012 11:41:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sgcn007 于 17-1-2012 12:02 编辑

本地大学录取分,简称UAS,满分应该是90分: H2(20) X3 +H1(10) X3;如果要加母语成绩,计算公式应该是 (90+10) x 90%,最高总分还是90分,而不是100分。


1. 不计母语:20x2+17.5+10x2+8.75=86.25

2. 计入母语(假设A1):(86.25+10)x90%=86.625



嗯,这个跟我的理解相同。  详情 回复 发表于 17-1-2012 11:43


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