发表于 27-12-2013 16:52:25|来自:新加坡
Let Doctor teacher you physics and math
补习科目:物理, 数学
补习年级:A-Level, O-level
服务地区: 武吉知马,巴西立
导师简介:北京大学本科物理专业毕业,瑞典查默斯理工大学电气与电子工程博士。职业经历多半为研究,同时曾在瑞典查默斯理工大学和新加坡SIM教数字信号处理与数字图像处理课程。退休后,有4年在新加坡辅导A-level 和O-level 的物理与数学的经验。学生许多来自如莱福士,德明政府等著名学校,取得了很好的成绩。
辅导特点:1. 由于A-level和O-level物理的95%以上的内容都属经典物理, 大部分能与日常生活体验相联系,数学也大部分能与学生能理解的日常应用联系,因此本辅导强调将概念定律等与学生的日常经验联系,使课程不再枯燥,而引发学生的学习兴趣。2. 着重对概念与定律定理的深刻理解, 使公式、定理等成为学生能自然接受的东西,除了必要的之外。不赞成死记公式。3. 鼓励学生用已学到的数学知识来解决物理问题。这既是帮助学生加深对物理课程的理解,也加强学生应用数学知识的能力。
Level:A-level, O-level
Service area: Bukit Timah, Pasir Ris
Background of Tutor: B.S. of Peking University (China) major in physics. Ph.D. from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). Most carrier experience in research. Also taught Digital Signal Processing and Digital Image Processing courses n Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) and SIM (Singapore). After retirement, 4 years experience in tutoring A-level, O-level, physics and math in Singapore.
Characteristics of the tuition: 1. As over 95% contents of O-,A-level physics are belonging to Classic Physics, can be easily connected to our life experience, and, as the contents of math are also have close connection with applications that students can understand, our tuition emphasis that the students connect most of the course contents with their daily life experience, the course will no longer be boring, hence students interest in the courses will be cultivated. 2. We emphasis a deeper understanding of the concepts, let theorem and formulas become easily acceptable. With some exception, rote memory is not needed. 3. We encourage students to use their learnt math knowledge to solve physics questions. This helps students to have a better understanding of the physics course, and also strengthen their capability in applying their math knowledge.
Email: apollo888@vip.sina.com