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楼主: vivocity2010

[中学] A水准会考成绩本周五放榜 愿教育版再出牛娃!

发表于 2-3-2012 13:36:34|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
寂寞有害 发表于 2-3-2012 08:25
第二条德明和立化之争是最大的看点,去年德明算是完败了吧,而 ...




明年也不拿成绩,是后年才拿。  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 15:20
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:00:49|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
刚儿子打电话说下午有放假。这样就是考得好了??? 还说有状元,忘了问是全国状元还是华中自己的状元::L


耶!  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 14:09
先沾点喜气,自己的状元一定有的,既然是特别提了,该是全国的吧  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 14:07
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:07:49|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vivocity2010 于 2-3-2012 14:08 编辑
CD88 发表于 2-3-2012 14:00
刚儿子打电话说下午有放假。这样就是考得好了??? 还说有状元,忘了问是全国状元还是华中自己的状元: ...

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发表于 2-3-2012 14:12:32|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:13:39|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
CD88 发表于 2-3-2012 14:00
刚儿子打电话说下午有放假。这样就是考得好了??? 还说有状元,忘了问是全国状元还是华中自己的状元: ...

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发表于 2-3-2012 14:22:52|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层


Yeh! Yeh!  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 14:25
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:24:58|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 2-3-2012 14:32 编辑
xuemei166 发表于 2-3-2012 14:13


去年,校长在全校大会上用高音喇叭激动地宣布了华中学生拿到状元的消息,结果下面一片死一般的寂静。校长又大声喊了一遍,“死鱼”们还是没有反应。。。没想到此时对面NJC的孩子们听到后爆发出雷鸣般的喊声: "yehhh...!...Well Done Hwa Chong!...."

这时,奇迹发生了。“死鱼”们马上跳了起来,集体朝对面喊了回去:“KAY POHHHHH!!!!"



笑死我了!  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 15:40
哈哈哈,精英原来是这样的  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 14:49
hahahahahahhahha¬¬¬¬  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 14:33
哈哈,骂人反应倒挺快的。NJC的孩子们耳朵真好使啊。  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 14:30
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:36:21|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
The 2010 cohort of Victorians has done exceedingly well for the 2011 A-Level Examinations.

1 in 2 Victorians scored at least 3 distinctions in H2 content-based subjects and record-breaking 28% Victorians scored 4 distinctions in H2 content-based subjects.

55 Victorians achieved perfect *University Admission Points of 90. 167 Victorians scored at least 88.75 points. 273 Victorians attained at least 87.5 points.

All Victorians who offered H2 China Studies in English and Chinese achieved 100% Distinctions, the highest in the nation. Victorians who offered H2 Geography all posted excellent results with 81% of them obtaining distinctions and those who read Knowledge and Inquiry also achieved 81%.

An unprecedented 25 subjects achieved 100% passes. All H1 content subjects and 13 H2 content subjects achieved %A above National Averages.

The H2 subjects with 100% passes are Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Literature and Language, China Studies in English, China Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature, Knowledge and Inquiry, Mathematics, Physics, Theatre Studies and Drama, German, French and Japanese.

The H1 subjects with 100% passes are China Studies in English, Economics, Literature, Geography, Hindi, History, Mathematics, Physics and Tamil.

The H2 content subjects with %A above National Average are Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in Chinese, China Studies in English, Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Knowledge and Inquiry, Mathematics, Physics, as well as Theatre Studies and Drama.

The H1 content subjects with %A above National Average are Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in English, Economics, General Paper, Geography, History, Literature, Mathematics and Physics.

11 H3 subjects achieved 100% passes and the H3 subjects that achieved 100% Distinctions and Merit are Art, Literature, History, Geography, Molecular Biology, Proteomics and Science Research.

The 6 out of 10 H3 subjects offered by VJC that achieved % Distinction above National Average are Modern Physics, Geography, History, Literature, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Proteomics.

VJC celebrates with its teachers and the 2010 cohort of Victorians for this set of excellent results.

*The University Admission Score is computed based on a maximum score of 90 points, and takes into account General Paper or Knowledge and Inquiry, Project Work, 3 H2 and 1 H1 content-based subjects.
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:44:35|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层


2010?不是2011吗?  详情 回复 发表于 2-3-2012 15:10
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发表于 2-3-2012 14:46:05|来自:四川成都 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 2-3-2012 14:36
The 2010 cohort of Victorians has done exceedingly well for the 2011 A-Level Examinations.

1 in 2 V ...

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