本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 4-3-2012 12:14 编辑
Open House & Admissions Talks
In the boundless discovery of Mathematics and Science, we nurture you from a tender age at NUS High School of Math & Science. Experiment with like-minded friends, enthused by supportive teacher-mentors and explore the wonders of the world and beyond in our school. Excel like you’ve never dreamed before!
Open House: Welcome to our Open House and learn more about our unique programme that we offer. Our Open House will be held on 31 March 2012 (Saturday) from 8:30am to 3pm. DSA Admissions Talk:
Date: 31 March 2012 (NUS High School Open House) Session 1 (9 - 10am) Session 2 (10:30 - 11:30am) Session 3 (12 - 1pm) Session 4 (2 - 3pm)
Venue: Auditorium, NUS High School
Registration: Tickets for the Admissions Talks will be issued on a first-come-first-served basis, from 8:30am onwards on the day of Open House.
Eligibility and Admissions Process
We welcome both local and overseas applications. Basic admission requirements are as follows:
Eligibility for Year 1 Admissions
For admission to Year 1 at NUS High School, local applicants must currently be in Primary Six. Overseas applicants must either be currently in or have completed Primary Six education in Singapore (or its equivalent). In addition, applicants should not be older than 15 years of age as of 1 Jan 2013.
Local students currently studying in MOE schools (i.e. mainstream school), will need the following information for registration: (a) NRIC number [for [/url]
(b) Student pass number [for foreign students]
Overseas applicants, International Students, Returning SC and Returning SPR currently not studying in MOE schools (i.e. non-mainstream), will need the following information for registration:
(a) NRIC number [for Returning SC and Returning SPR] (b) Passport Number [for overseas and international students]
Overseas applicants, International students, returning SC and returning SPR are also required to obtain a Registration Number (REG) from MOE Customer Service Centre (CSC) before applicants attend the NUS High School of Math & Science DSA selection Camp, if shortlisted for the Camp. Please e-mail the REG number to newton@highsch.nus.edu.sg.
Besides going through the NUS High School’s admissions process, International Students must also pass the Admissions Exercise for International Students (AEIS). Please visit the AEIS webpagefor more details.
Eligibility for Year 3 Admissions
The application for admission to Year 3 at NUS High School is only open to Singapore Citizens (SC) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR). Local applicants must currently be in Secondary Two. Returning SC or Returning SPR must either be currently in or have completed Secondary Two education in Singapore (or its equivalent). In addition, applicants should not be older than 17 years of age as of 1 Jan 2013.
Admissions Process
There are two admission phases for Year 1: (a) Direct School Admission (DSA) Phase 1 - Test & Camp (b) Direct School Admission (DSA) Phase 2 - PSLE
However, there is only one admission phase for Year 3 - Direct School Admission (DSA) phase.
Year 1 (DSA Phase 1 – Test & Camp)
Application Process
The registration period for Phase 1 will begin on 26 March 2012, 10am and end on 17 June 2012, 10pm.Phase 1 comprises of a Selection Test and a Selection Camp. All applicants will have to sit for the Selection Test. Shortlisted applicants will attend the Selection Camp. Applicants will beinformed about the outcome of the Selection Camp via registered email, if successful.
Description | Level | Date/s | Time | Selection Test | Year 1 | 23 June 2012 | 9am - 12pm | Selection Camp | Year 1 | 21 July 2012 | Half-day Camp |
90% of the available vacancies in NUS High School will be offered in Phase 1.
Click here for DSA Phase 1 Online Application
1. Registration can be carried out under the section ‘Online Application’ on this website.
2. For those with no computer access, computer terminals will be set up at the NUS High School (Annex Office) for applicants to register online.
3. Registration fee is $50, payable online through eNet & major credit cards. For payment via cash or cheque, please proceed to NUS High School (Finance Department) after online registration.
4. If you have been selected for the Selection Camp, the registration fee is $90, payable online through eNet & major credit cards. For payment via cash or cheque, please proceed to NUS High School (Finance Department) after online registration.
5. Students on financial aid are to pay $5 and $10 respectively for the Selection Test and Camp. Please bring along relevant supporting documents to NUS High School (Finance Department) for verification. Payment can only be made via cash or cheque. upporting documents are to be submitted only after the applicant has been shortlisted for the Selection camp. As supporting documents are non-returnable, please provide only photocopies of original documents.
Year 1 (DSA Phase 2 – PSLE)
Application Process
The NUS High School DSA Phase 2 - PSLE application is open only to P6 students who have not been admitted to a school through the DSA-Sec Exercise. As our school is not in the list of schools participating in the Secondary One Posting Exercise, interested applicants who wish to apply using PSLE score must apply via our online portal. The registration for Phase 2 is open for a week from the date of release of PSLE results. The online portal is accessible 24 hours a day. Applicants will be assessed primarily based on their PSLE results. Applicants may be asked to submit a portfolio and/or attend an interview. Only applicants with S1 Option Form are eligible to apply.
Click here for DSA Phase 2 Online Application
1. Registration can be carried out under the section ‘Online Application’on this website.
2. For those with no computer access, computer terminals will be set up at the NUS High School (Annex Office) for applicants to register online.
3. Copies of the S1 Option Form, PSLE slip and P4, P5 & P6 results are to be submitted together with the 'Online Application'. The documents submitted are non-returnable. 4. Copies of achievement certificates, scholarships & awards are to be submitted upon request and non-returnable.
5. Registration fee is $20, payable online through eNet & major credit cards. For payment via cash or cheque, please proceed to NUS High School (Finance Department) after online registration.
Selection Criteria
. Selection of applicants will be based primarily on the PSLE results.
2. Applicants with aggregate score of 250 and above with A* in both Math and Science are encouraged to apply.
3. Do take note that the cut-off point for 2011 was 261.
Year 3 (DSA Phase)
Application Process
The registration period will begin on 26 March 2012, 10am and end on 17 June 2012, 10pm.
Year 3 selection exercise comprises a Selection Test and an Interview. All applicants will have to sit for the Selection Test. Shortlisted applicants will need to attend an interview. Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the interview via registered email, if selected.
Description | Level | Date/s | Time | Selection Test | Year 3 | 23 June 2012 | 9am - 12pm | Interview | Year 3 | 15 September 2012 | 9am - 12pm |
Click here for DSA Phase 1 Online Application
1. Registration can be carried out under the section ‘Online Application’ on this website
2. For those with no computer access, computer terminals will be set up at the NUS High School (Annex Office) for applicants to register online.
3. Registration fee is $70, payable online through eNet & major credit cards. For payment via cash or cheque, please proceed to NUS High School (Finance Department) after online registration.
4. Students on financial aid are to pay $5 for the Selection Test and Interview. Please bring along relevant supporting documents to NUS High School (Finance Department) for verification. Payment can only be made via cash or cheque. Supporting documents are to be submitted, only after the applicant has been shortlisted for the Interview. As supporting documents are non-returnable, the applicant is advised to provideonly photocopies of original documents.