Important Notice
Dear Users
We are served today on 5 April 2012, a notice for legal action by Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan that by making available on our website examination papers of the following schools, namely
Tao Nan School -
Ai Tong School Chongfu School Nan Chiau Primary Schoo lKong Hwa School
we have infringed its copyright. We fully appreciate Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan’s decision not to share, and will, as we have always maintained on our website, immediately remove all such copies.
As of today, we have destroyed all copies of examination papers of the above schools. As one condition that Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan will not commence legal action against us, we are to recall and destroy all copies of the examination papers of the above schools. As is public information, we do not charge or keep track of users that downloaded the exam papers, and therefore we are unable to contact you personally to request destruction of such copies and also apologise for the inconvenience caused. May we ask that you assist us by destroying all copies of examination papers of the above schools immediately, and to relay this message to users that may have downloaded these exam papers in the past?