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[小学] 最近几则关于教育的新闻

发表于 5-9-2012 13:39:10|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 30-8-2012 08:51
补习好赚? 中国教师隔空抢滩                                                
日期:29/08/2012 新闻来 ...

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发表于 5-9-2012 14:09:03|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Fiona2004 发表于 5-9-2012 13:39




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发表于 5-9-2012 14:29:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 5-9-2012 14:09

不过,早报教育版还是免费的( ...

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发表于 7-9-2012 09:19:27|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 7-9-2012 09:20 编辑


MOE clarifies stance on private tuition
04:46 AM Sep 07, 2012

Education Ministry, responding to MP, says teachers should not recommend tuition as a form of learning support

SINGAPORE - Some teachers have admitted to this newspaper that they encourage weaker students to seek private tuition while Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC MP Hri Kumar wrote on his blog recently that "one hears of this happening".

Yesterday, the Ministry of Education (MOE) made clear its stance on such a practice.

"Teachers should not recommend tuition to students or parents as a form of learning support," an MOE spokesperson said in response to TODAY's queries on the points raised by Mr Hri Kumar.

She also revealed that the MOE had instructed all primary schools last year that they "should not conduct testing for the purpose of allocating students to similar-ability classes at Primary 1 and 2".

On his blog post - dated Monday - Mr Hri Kumar had called on the MOE to "deal with parents' concerns about Primary 1 education".

"They should start by addressing directly and clearly a number of questions which keep surfacing," he added.

Among these was the notion that "pupils are 'streamed' according to abilities in Primary 1 and the better teachers are assigned to the 'better' classes", as Mr Hri Kumar put it.

In response, the MOE spokesperson said it had earlier instructed schools not to group the students based on their abilities in their first two years at Primary School.

"Primary 1 and Primary 2 students should be grouped heterogeneously into classes, while ensuring a good spread of students by gender and ethnicity in each class," she said. She added that grouping students by ability at a very young age is "premature and inaccurate".

According to the spokesperson, when teachers "come across students who are under-performing in their studies, they would look for ways of giving such students additional learning support".

"They may provide these students with more attention in class through differentiated teaching and small group teaching, or offer them remedial or supplementary lessons after school.

Where helpful and necessary, teachers may also provide individual coaching to such students outside lessons," she added.

Mr Hri Kumar had also pointed out that parents are not clear what literacy and numeracy skills children are expected to have when entering Primary 1.

The MOE spokesperson said that the Primary 1 curriculum is "designed to meet the learning needs of all pupils, regardless of their background and level of competency prior to entering Primary 1".

She added that, while the ministry does not a prescribe a pre-school syllabus, it has a curriculum framework as a guideline for pre-schools. It had previously announced that it was updating the Kindergarten Curriculum Framework.


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发表于 7-9-2012 09:29:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 7-9-2012 09:38 编辑

他是个典型  新加坡故事








国初毕业后,他获得哥伦坡计划(Colombo Plan)奖学金到新西兰肯特伯里大学(University of Canterbury)念书,跟着到加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)攻读硕士和博士学位,于1986年加入新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程院系。









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发表于 10-9-2012 16:48:07|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
  儒廊小学小六学生Pan Shu Ting获得小学英文书法比赛冠军。。。

1,700 entries from pupils in penmanship contest

my paper |    Mon Sep 10 2012

    [Above: Pan Shu Ting, a Primary 6 pupil from Rulang Primary School, came in first in the upper primary category of The Write Way penmanship contest initiated by Jurong Point Shopping Centre.]

ABOUT 1,700 entries from 61 primary schools here were submitted for a handwriting competition in The Write Way campaign. The campaign, launched by Jurong Point, aimed to promote penmanship.

The handwriting competition involved pupils sending in handwritten tributes to their teachers. The winners were announced yesterday.

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发表于 11-9-2012 08:33:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
海外医学院毕业生 回国考试及格率17%







来源 --- 《联合早报》
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发表于 11-9-2012 08:34:38|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

强化每所小学 改善小一报名程序







来源 --- 《联合早报》

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发表于 11-9-2012 17:40:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

Cambridge says no to 'adjusted offers'
University rejects pressure to widen social mix via a 'cruel experiment that could ruin lives'

by THE DAILY TELEGRAPH            
04:45 AM Sep 11, 2012

CAMBRIDGE - Cambridge University has stepped into the row over "social engineering" in universities by rejecting calls to admit poorer students with lower grades.

The university said it would resist pressure to make "adjusted offers" to working-class candidates, with the institution's outgoing admissions director even warning that such a move would be a "cruel experiment that could ruin lives".

Dr Geoff Parks, who has led the Cambridge admissions office for the past 10 years, said that students who have failed to achieve top A-level results could struggle in the academic hot house of the university and be doomed to failure.  

His comments come in response to the growing pressure on elite universities to take action to widen their social mix, with Professor Les Ebdon taking up his post last week as head of the university admissions regulator, Offa.

In his first week in the job, he threw down the gauntlet to leading universities by insisting that they should aim to admit more equal numbers of students from better-off and worse-off families.

Prof Ebdon said the practice of giving preferential offers to sixth formers from poorer backgrounds "should be used where it's based on sound research".

He praised universities that accepted students from struggling comprehensives with lower A-level grades than it would ask of candidates from high-achieving schools. "Context has to be taken in to account if you are going to access potential," he said.

Opposition to adjusted offers has been led by Reading University, whose Vice-Chancellor, Sir David Bell, the former Permanent Secretary at the Department of Education, said earlier this year that admitting working-class students with lower A-level grades than their middle-class counterparts was "patronising" and could be seen as a "back door route in".

Applicants to Cambridge this year were typically required to achieve A-level grades of A*AA. Dr Parks, who stood down this month, said there was no justification for going down the "lower offer route".

Around one in six universities in a recent survey said they had made "adjusted offers" to some groups of applicants based on "contextual data" about their background, such as the quality of the school they attended and where they live. Bristol, Newcastle, Nottingham and Glasgow, among others, allow admission tutors to make lower offers to some candidates.

Apart from accepting lower grades, some universities help students from poorer families using a points system which makes it more likely they will be offered places. At Edinburgh University, for example, all candidates are given a numerical score to determine who will be offered a place.

The points system takes into account both predicted A-level grade and social background, with the extra points for a disadvantaged background enough to boost a pupil with predicted three B grades above that of one with predicted three A*s.

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发表于 11-9-2012 17:42:24|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
公立培群学校 发现肺痨病例
11/09/2012  on 联合晚报








哎呦,紧张色,我问儿子一点都不知道,看来学校里是没声张。  详情 回复 发表于 12-9-2012 08:50
不都有immune吗?  详情 回复 发表于 11-9-2012 20:25
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