本帖最后由 Fiona2004 于 25-10-2012 14:07 编辑
曾被四所初院“踢出” 南大助教出书激励迷失者 (早报转贴)
王珏琪 报道
他把人生经历撰写成书《新加坡的迷途儿子》(Singapore’s Lost
Dr. K.W. Leong (from Dr. K.W. Leong's facebook)
Two simple principles have guided me to where i am today: staying positive and staying committed to my dreams. Where am I today? I made my first million while completing a Bachelor of Arts degree (double major in Economics and Mathematics) and two master’s degrees in the same subjects at Boston University. I was the first in my class to attain a PhD in Economics from Princeton University (and along the way, another master’s in Economics as well). I have a wide network of colleagues and friends that spans far beyond these institutions to the international stage. I accomplished all of these while still in my twenties.
Where was I before? I was a dropout. I was branded too “subnormal” for books. Repairing cars was to be the extent of my career life. But I was a dropout of more than just the education system. I was a dropout of friends. I was a dropout of a future. I was a dropout of myself. I was publicly caned in school and ostracized by my peers. But these are just a pinch compared to the hard hooks life has thrown my way. I was repeatedly sexually assaulted as a child — once from the man whom I trusted to fulfil my childhood dream of becoming a man, and from another man whom I trusted to be a true teacher. And with this came fear — fear that destroyed my ability to trust the people around me. Ultimately, it was thisfear that took away my ability to trust in myself.
My journey from adversity to achievement has been a rough one. Yet, in spite of all these adversities, I have achieved the respect from not just high-ranking government officials who make crucial decisions for their countries, but also from professors of the world’s top universities as well as leading businessmen of international enterprises. The essence of what I have done was to realize my dreams as an individual and to help others realize their dreams as a leader.
I have written this book not only to share with you the story of my best and worst days. I wish to share with you how I turned the darkest moments of my life into the vision of myself that I had dreamed of as a damaged child and struggling man.While staying positive and never letting go of my dreams, I have developed a number of simple and innovative strategies that have been applicable to all aspects of my life, whether academic, professional or personal.
Life’s problems, without a doubt in my mind, are complicated, confusing and may leave you feeling beaten with little hope. I still remember the overwhelming magnitude of my problems and how small I felt in confronting them. But I can tell you with even more certainty that these complex problems always have simple solutions. And I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that there always is hope. In the pages that follow, I shall show you how I made it from school dropout and an academic reject to a millionaire and Princeton PhD holder. If I can fulfil my dreams, so can you. Stay positive. Commit to your dreams. But, above all, fulfil your dreams.