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[小学] 最近几则关于教育的新闻

发表于 4-1-2013 12:08:19|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 28-12-2012 12:14
专为普通(工艺)源流学生开办 云锦中学15教职有逾200人申请(2012-12-28)

第二所专为普通(工艺)源流学 ...




教这些孩子,20个教好2个的成绩就有成就感,而且一般这样的孩子长大后更会回头感恩。  详情 回复 发表于 7-1-2013 08:59
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发表于 7-1-2013 08:48:02|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
  PSLE scores: Many tuition centres adopt MOE approach
Stacey Chia  The Straits Times Sun Jan 6 2013

    SINGAPORE - Tuition-centre chain The Learning Lab used to identify pupils who did exceptionally well in the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).

Their names, aggregate scores, letter grades for the various subjects and the primary schools they attended were put up on notice boards for all to see.

            But a recent move by the Education Ministry (MOE) to downplay examination scores has made The Learning Lab and other tuition centres change tack too.

Last year, MOE said it would no longer name the top scorers in the PSLE, O-level and N-level examinations.

It wants to recognise students for their "holistic development and all-round excellence" and balance a previous over-emphasis on academic results.

When the PSLE results came out in November last year, schools kept mum about their top scorers and many tuition centres are now following suit.

For the 2012 PSLE results, The Learning Lab revealed only that 332 pupils had scored in the 260s, 270s and 280s on its notice board and in newspaper advertisements, and with no names mentioned.

Mind Stretcher Learning Centre will likely aggregate student numbers in clusters of scores for future brochures - but it added that it is also because it wants to focus more on publicising its programmes.

Growan Learning Centre will still name top pupils but it will reveal only their letter grades and not aggregate scores. "We are an MOE-registered centre so it is important that we are in line with their policies," said Mrs Amy Bellars, who runs Growan.

A spokesman for The Learning Lab said it has changed course because naming top scorers "might run counter to" the MOE's focus.

But tuition centres agree that they still need to emphasise grades - which determine which secondary school the pupil goes to - to pull in customers.

"The only yardstick by which we are measured is academic excellence," said Mr Alvin Kuek, one of the founders of Mind Stretcher.

            "Students go to government schools to learn and take part in a variety of holistic activities but they come to us to try to improve their academic grades," he added.

But Mr Kuek said scores should never be used as the sole benchmark. Parents must "critically examine" the centre's programmes to see if they meet their children's requirements.

As of July 2012, there were more than 700 tuition centres and enrichment centres registered with the MOE.

The Learning Lab spokesman said there are no immediate plans to remove the 2011 PSLE results, which will give parents a gauge of its track record. "Parents want real results; they scrutinise placement records and they will meticulously exchange notes, even when there is a data blackout," said the spokesman.

Forums such as Kiasuparents allow parents to share information and concerns with others.

Some parents said the new move by tuition centres not to name high achievers may lead to a lack of transparency.

"Without putting names to the scores, and just stating the number of pupils who got above say 270, some tuition centres may inflate the numbers," said Ms Sajini Apok, 38, a banker.

But others like Mrs Ivy Tan, 37, who may enrol her daughter for tuition in future, said not many parents rely only on publicity materials from tuition centres.

"Word of mouth is still more effective than what the tuition centres have to say," she added.

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发表于 7-1-2013 08:49:59|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


陈秋华 报道


  有感于烹饪技巧和知识有限以致生意停滞不前,赵丕彬(33岁)两年前结束了小贩生意,选择申请进入刚成立的新加坡科技学院(Singapore Institute of Technology),攻读美国烹饪学院(Culinary Institute of America,简称CIA)的学位课程。在即将毕业之际,他已获得美国人俱乐部(American Club)的聘约,目前在俱乐部里的一家餐厅担任主厨。






  “加上我已工作多年,可直接用公积金存款支付学费……最难得的是,我们在科技学院所修读的课程,与在美国CIA学生所学的完全相同。不过,要在两年内完成三年的课程比较吃力,但非常值得。”  赵丕彬不仅通过课程加强餐饮烹饪技巧,也进一步了解欧美亚的饮食文化和历史、食物科学、食物废料处理及厨房管理等知识。专业知识获得提升,让赵丕彬更具信心,他希望未来还能再创业,自己开设餐馆。

  陈树金(28岁)和赵丕彬一样,在父亲的影响下对海事业产生兴趣。他现在是吉宝远东(Keppel FELS)的计划工程督导。陈树金2007年考获海事与岸外科技专业文凭后加入吉宝远东,并在公司资助下,于2010年攻读科技学院和英国纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)合办的海事科技工程造船学位。陈树金以“一石三鸟”来形容这个决定。


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发表于 7-1-2013 08:52:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
IB考满分 我国全球最棒 1370名考生及格率97.9%

陈秋华 报道


  去年,亚太地区共有21个国家和地区的考生参加国际中心会考课程(International Baccalaureate,简称IB)专业文凭会考。新加坡有1370名考生,澳大利亚考生最多,有2310名。



  IB亚太区域理事长伊恩(Ian Chambers)说,澳洲和新加坡的考生最多,两国有超过160所学校为学生提供IB课程。他说:“今年考生的佳绩是他们辛勤耕耘的成果,IB课程教让他们掌握独特的技能和处事态度,确保他们能在日趋全球化的世界中取得成功。”



  英华中学(自主)校长温斯顿(Winston Hodge)在受询时说,很开心见到新加坡考生的好表现,并预祝所有即将领取成绩的考生前程万里。




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发表于 7-1-2013 12:00:18|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 7-1-2013 08:52
IB考满分 我国全球最棒 1370名考生及格率97.9%(2013-01-05)


详见ACSI 07/01/13发布的新闻:

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发表于 7-1-2013 14:33:05|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
sgcn007 发表于 7-1-2013 12:00
本届IB毕业会考获得满分者176人,新加坡占41人,其中ACSI毕业生占了37人。ACSI本届毕业生468人,平均分为4 ...



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发表于 7-1-2013 16:27:26|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


得奖学金女教师 8次偷窃同事财物
07/01/2013   on 联合晚报






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发表于 8-1-2013 10:51:29|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层



  考生可从本周四下午3时开始,通过联合招生计划(Joint Admissions Exercise)网站,向各初级学院、励仁高中(Millennia Institute)、理工学院和工艺教育学院提交入学申请。申请的截止日期是下周一(14日)下午4时。

  学生领取成绩当天将收到名为“Form A”的文件,文件里收录考生的成绩单、可报读的课程,以及联合招生计划的个人密码。学生上网提交入学申请时,必须使用个人密码,报名费是7元。如果要修改入学申请,得再付10元的费用,入学申请只能修改一次。



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发表于 8-1-2013 10:54:36|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
四成以上考获40分以上 艺术学院首届毕业生IB全体及格


陈秋华 报道


  新加坡艺术学院首届毕业生考获不错的成绩,在去年的国际中心会考课程(International Baccalaureate,简称IB)会考中取得100%及格率,43.75%的考生考获40分或以上的佳绩。







  考获38分的陈霖恩(18岁)在成绩放榜前已获美国伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)录取。她受访时说,学院首届毕业生的成绩打破了许多人认为艺术学生在学术科目方面一定不行的观念。陈霖恩小六会考考得271分,升上莱佛士女子中学,中二时选择转入全新的艺术学院。









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发表于 8-1-2013 11:15:35|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
IP students turning to customised tuition
Jane Ng | The Straits Times | Tue Jan 8 2013

SINGAPORE - Back to school.
And back to tuition, even for students of the integrated programmes (IP) at the best schools.

Several tuition centres are thriving on students from top schools, offering classes tailored to the different programmes offered at different schools.

The centres group together students from the same school, offering them customised lessons that follow the school syllabus closely.

They include Aspen Learning Centre, set up by a former Raffles Girls' Secondary School teacher, Thinking Space and Neu Learning.
Aspen, offering mathematics, science and economics tuition at between $220 and $280 a month for IP students, opened 10 years ago.

It offered customised IP tuition from 2004 - the same year the programme was launched in selected schools.

Founder Tay May Yin, 39, who taught science at RGS for seven years until 2001, said she saw the potential for customised tuition for IP students as each school would devise its own curriculum.

Her first IP tuition class had only a small group of RGS girls.

As students from other IP schools turned up, she stuck with her plan to keep those from the same schools in the same tuition classes.

Today she has three centres - in Bugis, Parkway Parade and Upper Thomson.

The Bugis centre caters mainly to RGS girls, who are her biggest group of clients - she has more than 20 classes of RGS girls getting help in maths and science.

Each class has about 15 students.

The Parkway Parade centre caters mainly to students from Dunman High, with more than 15 classes in all.

Junior college students from Raffles Institution make up about 10 classes, and they have lessons at Upper Thomson and Bugis.

Neu Learning, which offers mathematics and science lessons, started such classes two years ago, while Thinking Space opened last year with history and geography lessons.

Thinking Space founder and tutor Redmund Law, a former IP school teacher, said it helped to group together those from the same school for tuition.

            "The difference is not only in content, but also what is expected of the students in terms of skills. This means that some schools might expect students in Secondary 1 to have skills that you would expect most other students in Secondary 2 to have," he said.

He declined to say how many such classes he has but thinks such customised tuition is likely to stay.

MindLab Tuition Centre has also been offering customised tuition for IP students since it opened in 2009.

Its spokesman said it starts a class with a minimum of two students and teachers spend a third of class time clearing doubts that the student might have on their school homework.

Such customisation is the reason students find the lessons useful, said Mrs Selene Tan, 49, a manager whose son graduated from Raffles Institution last year and has a daughter in Sec 3 in Dunman High.

Both attended tuition at Aspen.

"My children asked for tuition and I always make it a point to ask them if it's helpful or relevant to their studies, otherwise it's just a waste of time," she said.

Asked about the large number of RGS girls attending tuition, an RGS spokesman said its students are encouraged to approach teachers if they need help.

There are also weekly consultation and enrichment sessions for students to discuss their academic concerns and receive additional coaching.

Aspen's Ms Tay conceded that some of the top students attending her centres do not really need extra help, but they find that tuition boosts their confidence.

"Some are smart and don't need tuition but they want the tuition because they want confirmation that they are doing it right," she said.

"Sometimes you get held back from your best performance from a lack of confidence. For teenagers, the level of confidence means the difference between an outstanding performance and a moderate one."


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