谢谢大家,不知道新加坡3年级的孩子,英文是个什么样的程度?女儿的差距有多大? 现在女儿在读原版《哈利波特》读到第3本,之前主要以听故事为主,下面是女儿5.1 的时候为班级活动写的小作,除了改单词,时态其它基本没有改。不太想留一级,不知道女儿能不能跟得上,也不知道能不能留在儒廊?愁。愁
Delicious Bread One day, in a farm, Miss Figgs fed Jake the rooster, Lady the mule, Sparky the dog and Mandy the goose the best thing in the world: “bread, crispy outside and soft inside, so nice!” “Tomorrow we will make our own bread!” said Sparky. He went to get Lady, Jake and Mandy, but Jake said:”Don’t bother me!” and walked away. So the next day, they started working, Lady harvesting the paddy, Mandy peeling off the skin and Sparky making them into flour. Jake looked in his pen and ridiculed. The second day was the same, Lady harvesting, Mandy peeling, Sparky making and Jake ridiculing. After three weeks of hard work, the flour was enough, they started to roll up the flour into a bun, Jake still ridiculed. They put the bun into the oven, after five minutes the bread was out! Jake sneaked in the crowd for a nice dinner when Sparky yelled: “Jake! Go away! You didn’t work on the bread, so no eating!” Jake ran out into the pen, so regretted! So when Lady, Sparky and Mandy ate the bread, Jake had to eat rooster food. The story tells us if you want something, you have to work on it!