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[职场] 转:永久居民出租组屋将有更多限制

发表于 11-7-2012 10:54:09|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ziva123 于 11-7-2012 11:05 编辑

(联合早报网讯)联合早报报道,从今天开始,本地永久居民在出租组屋时将面对更多限制:出租批准期将从现有的三年缩短到一年,申请须每年更新,他们可将组屋出租的时间顶限为五年。   (详情见明日《联合早报》)

HDB steps up enforcement against unauthorised subletting, revises rules for PRs

SINGAPORE - With immediate effect, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) has cut the flat subletting approved period for Permanent Residents (PR) from the current three years to just one year.

When the one-year period expires, the application to extend the approval will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and the HDB said approval will be granted only if there are extenuating reasons.

The total period of subletting during the flat owners' entire duration of the flat ownership is capped at five years.

Singapore PR flat owners are allowed to sublet their flat only after meeting the minimum occupation period, and if they have not sublet the flat before.

The HDB said the revised rule is to reinforce the policy intent of providing HDB flats as homes to the PRs, and to deter those who are buying the flats for rental yield or investment.

And while the HDB allows PR owners who have met the minimum occupation period to sublet their flat, the subletting should be on a temporary basis.

If the PR families no longer need the flats for their own occupation, they should sell the flat instead of subletting them.

There is no change to the subletting rules for flat owners who are Singapore citizens.

Separately, the HDB is also stepping up enforcement against unauthorised subletting.

In 2011, the HDB carried out 7,000 flat inspections and took action against 56 flat owners for unauthorised subletting.

Of these, the HDB has initiated compulsory acquisition action against 18 flat owners for blatantly infringing subletting rules. CHANNEL NEWSASIA

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