本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 23-11-2012 13:08 编辑
国大附中(NUSH)的DSA Phase 2 已经开始。
Year 1 (DSA Phase 2 – PSLE)
Application Process
The NUS High School DSA Phase 2 - PSLE application is open only to P6 students who have not been admitted to a school through the DSA-Sec Exercise. As our school is not in the list of schools participating in the Secondary One Posting Exercise, interested applicants who wish to apply using PSLE score must apply via our online portal. The registration for Phase 2 is open for a week from the date of release of PSLE results. The online portal is accessible 24 hours a day. Applicants will be assessed primarily based on their PSLE results. Applicants may be asked to submit a portfolio and/or attend an interview. Only applicants with S1 Option Form are eligible to apply.
Click here for DSA Phase 2 Online Application
2. For those with no computer access, computer terminals will be set up at the NUS High School (Annex Office) for applicants to register online. 3. Copies of the S1 Option Form, PSLE slip and P4, P5 & P6 results are to be submitted together with the 'OnlineApplication'.
The documents submitted are non-returnable*. 4. Copies of achievement certificates, scholarships & awards are to be submitted upon request and non-returnable*. 5. Registration fee is $20, payable online through eNet & major credit cards. For payment via cash or cheque, please proceed to NUS High School (Finance Department) after online registration.
*As documents submitted are non-returnable, please provide only photocopies of original documents.
Selection Criteria
1. Selection of applicants will be based primarily on the PSLE results. 2. Applicants with aggregate score of 250 and above with A* in both Math and Science are encouraged to apply. 3. Do take note that the cut-off point for 2011 was 261.