本帖最后由 jjrchome 于 29-8-2012 12:45 编辑
Jelly97 发表于 29-8-2012 08:39
怕输论坛里竟有个SA mid 80% 的Gep学生被南洋拒绝,是不是它认为她一定会去rgs所以干脆不录?事实上她也的 ...
Parliament No: | 12 | Session No: | 1 | Volume No: | 89 | Sitting No: | 3 | Sitting Date: | 09-07-2012 | Section Name: | Written Answers to Questions | Title: | Number ofGifted Education Programme Students Entering Secondary School underDirect School Admission Programme | MPs Speaking: | Mr Yee Jenn Jong, Mr Heng Swee Keat |
Column: 139 Number of Gifted Education Programme Students Entering Secondary School under Direct School Admission Programme
30 Mr Yee Jenn Jong asked the Minister for Education over the past five years (a) what percentageof each Gifted Education Programme (GEP) cohort and how many GEP students enter secondary school by Direct School Admissions yearly; and (b)what percentage of each GEP cohort receives the Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools yearly.
Mr Heng Swee Keat: The DirectSchool Admission (DSA) scheme seeks to promote holistic educationby recognising a more diverse range of student achievements, abilitiesand interests as criteria for school admission, other than performanceat the national examinations. Under the DSA scheme, students areadmitted on their strengths in the participating schools’ nicheareas. These schools have programmes in the niche areas to furtherdevelop the DSA students.
A student who has beenoffered a place in a school through DSA must subsequently meet the eligibility requirement for admission to the school he/she has appliedfor. For example, a student who has been offered a place in a schoolwith only the Express course through DSA must have PSLE resultsthat meet the eligibility requirement for admission into the Expresscourse at secondary school. If the PSLE results did not meet the eligibility requirement, the DSA offer would be withdrawn.
On average, over the past five years, more than 80% of each GEP cohort, or around 400 pupils, entered secondary school through the DSA.
The Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) is given to the top one-third ofpupils who are posted to Secondary One in independent schools, based on their PSLE results. Over the past five years, the percentage of GEP pupils awarded the Edusave Entrance Scholarship for Independent Schools averaged 78%.
这样看来,有大约20%的GEP学生没有拿到任何DSA Offer。 比例还是蛮高的。。。