发表于 25-7-2012 18:15:06|来自:广东广州
本帖最后由 davidbin 于 26-7-2012 13:39 编辑
Sharp PC-1500 computer (TRS-80 PC-2) resource page
The Sharp PC-1500 is an 8-bit pocket computer introduced in 1982. It is capable of running programs written in BASIC or can be used as a calculator. It can also be programmed in LH-5801 machine code. The Tandy TRS-80 PC-2 (Radio Shack) is the same machine with a different keyboard layout. The Sharp PC-1500A is the same guy with more RAM.
读初中高年级时接触的第一台电脑,几个人SHARE, 更像现在的计算器,当时是奢侈品.