本帖最后由 ming_jing 于 30-7-2012 10:03 编辑
文:联合晚报 29/7/2012
自称是高才生 – 补习4堂课 收费1000元 教育部拆穿补习教师谎言
36岁的AristoCare 补习中心老师王炜龙(洋名Kelvin), 多年来自称是英华小学高才班学生,也曾在高才班教书。他宣称对指导学生进入高才班及教导高才班学生有一套,补习班的学生甚至得经过他“精挑细选”才能进入。
“ 王炜龙不是英华小学的普通班或高才班学生,也从未在英华小学担任普通班或高才班的教师。所有服务多年的教职员皆表示,王炜龙从未在本校担任过代课老师。”
"Private tutor who charges high fees: I was in gifted education programme. MOE says : No He Wasn't." 29 July 2012, article by Jane Ng, Sunday Times
私人补习老师征收高学费声称自己是前高才班学生。教育部证实:他不是。 <星期天时报> 二零一二年七月二十九日
A private tutor charging high fees to help children get into the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) has been warned to stop telling lies about himself. Mr Kelvin Ong Wee Loong, 36, has long claimed that he was admitted into the gifted programme as a child and went on to be a teacher in the programme as well.
Now the Education Ministry has refuted those claims, saying it has checked and found no record that he was ever a pupil or teacher in the programme. Nor is he even a qualified teacher. The ministry has told him to remove the lies from the website of his AristoCare centre, and he has complied.
Mr Ong, who handpicks children for his sessions and charges $1,000 for four lessons, had previously told The Sunday Times that he was in the gifted programme at Anglo-Chinese School (Primary). In media interviews as far back as 2007, he also said that he used to be a teacher in the programme.
The ministry decided to check after Mr Ong appeared in The Sunday Times on June 3 in a story about parents sending children for costly tuition to prepare them for the gifted programme selection tests. A ministry spokesman said: 'Based on MOE's records, Mr Kelvin Ong was neither a student in the GEP nor a GEP teacher. MOE has spoken to Mr Kelvin Ong on the matter, and warned him against making such false claims again.' It also checked but could not find any record of Mr Ong's teaching qualifications.
This is not the first time that the ministry has taken issue with Mr Ong.
In 2010, it was alerted to AristoCare's website after it advertised the sale of the 2009 GEP Screening and Selection Test papers. The ministry checked and found that those were not the actual papers. It subsequently alerted parents that there was a website giving the impression that it had past GEP papers for sale, but they were not genuine.
It is not known if he will face further action.
Asked what he had to say about the ministry's latest checks, Mr Ong told The Sunday Times it was his mother who had told him that he had been in the gifted programme.'I'm not very sure. According to my mum, I was from GEP. When MOE called me, I tried to check but couldn't because I don't have records from the past,' he said.
He said he attended Clementi Town Primary from Primary 1 to 3 before transferring to ACS (Primary) in Primary 4.The primary gifted programme starts at Primary 4, and ACS (Primary) is one of the schools offering it.
Mr Ong said he went on to ACS (Barker Road) and Anglo-Chinese Junior College, before studying mathematics at the National University of Singapore. As for being a teacher of gifted pupils, he now claims that he was a relief teacher for two years from 2002 to 2003 at ACS (Primary) and 'helped out' with the gifted classes.
But this has been disputed by the school. After checking the school records and speaking to long-time staff, ACS (Primary) vice-principal Grace Khoo told The Sunday Times: 'Kelvin Ong was not a pupil of ACS (Primary) - GEP or otherwise. Neither has he taught in the school (GEP or non-GEP).
'All the long-serving teachers in the school say there was never a Kelvin Ong who taught here as a relief teacher.'
The parents of at least two children have also asked him to remove from his website 'testimonials' purportedly coming from their children saying they had done well in the Maths Olympiad after attending his sessions, and would recommend others to join.The parents said their children never wrote any such thing.
Mr Ong has cleaned up that bit of his website too. He also no longer claims to have been a teacher in the gifted programme.
'Please say that I'm a GEP trainer, not GEP teacher,' he said.