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[中学] 中学等级制成为历史

发表于 13-9-2012 09:13:41|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


陈能端 报道


  教育部从即日起废除中学成绩等级制,并将在2014年取消“奖励计划总蓝图”(Masterplan of Awards)制度。教育部长王瑞杰昨天在教育部工作蓝图大会上宣布,教育部将简化奖励学校机制,着重表扬学校如何通过各种良好的治校方案落实全人教育的理念。此外,教育部计划在未来五年拨款5500万元助各校发展专长活动。












来源: 《联合早报》

发表于 13-9-2012 09:16:10|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Parents, schools cheer scrapping of secondary school banding
By Gwendolyn Ng
my paper  Thursday, Sep 13, 2012

Parents and schools yesterday applauded the news that the banding of secondary schools by academic results will be abolished with immediate effect.

Making the announcement at the Ministry of Education (MOE) annual Work Plan Seminar 2012, Education Minister Heng Swee Keat said that school banding "gets in the way" of reaching the target of making "every school a good school".

"It creates the public perception that MOE measures our schools strictly by academic grades... The fact is there is no single yardstick to measure how 'good' our schools are," he added.

The banding system grouped secondary schools according to the average GCE O Level score of their students, ranging from one to nine, with one being the best.

It was introduced in 2004 to replace ranking of individual secondary schools by academic results.

Calling the move a step in the right direction, parents said it will avoid labelling students and ease the pressure for them to qualify for "good" schools as defined by the rankings.

Madam Poh May Chen, 43, an IT system analyst who has two daughters aged 13 and 15, said: "Without this kind of ranking, it will not be so stressful for the kids as there will be less comparison." She added: "Children should be enrolled in schools based on their capabilities, and not with the idea that they must go to the top-band schools."

Mr Melvyn Goh, 36, a video producer who has a seven- year-old daughter in Primary 1, said: "It's good that we are getting rid of banding which, to me, is a form of segregation; smart children go here, stupid children go there."

Schools also welcomed the scrapping of the banding, as it signals that MOE is not recognising schools purely based on academic results.

Mr Balamurugan Krishnasamy, principal of Tampines Secondary School, said that it will provide a "level playing field" for schools that were not in the top bands, but are doing "very good work" in other areas.                                

Mr Ong Kong Hong, principal of Teck Whye Secondary School, said: "There is greater recognition that as the student profile varies across schools, it is more meaningful to look at how much we are adding value to students rather than their absolute performance."

However, Mr Goh said that it will take some time before the ingrained academic-oriented mindsets of parents change, citing how parents even posted informal rankings of schools online.

To help schools develop their own specialities and not be "cookie-cutter schools", Mr Heng announced that MOE will commit a total of $55 million to enable every school to build its own niche over the next five years.

In his speech, Mr Heng reminded parents that they are a child's "first teachers".

He said: "Parents are our most important partners. Teachers cannot be surrogate parents. I hope parents value teachers as their partners too."

For parents in need of a guide in choosing schools for their children, Mr Heng pointed them to the School Information Service - a website where parents can search schools by attributes, such as location and special programmes.

He also announced the launch of the Parents in Education (PiE) website, which will include resources such as parenting tips, education news and learning resources.

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发表于 13-9-2012 09:24:45|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
中学等级制将走入历史,2011年的O-level band已成绝响。


2011年 中学等级(特别/快捷课程)

1Anderson Secondary School
2Anglican High School
3Bukit Panjang Government High School
4Catholic High School
5Cedar Girls' Secondary School
6CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School
7Crescent Girls' School
8Methodist Girls' School (Secondary)
9Singapore Chinese Girls' School
10Victoria School

1CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh)
2Chung Cheng High School (Main)
3Nan Chiau High School
4Nan Hua High School
5St. Joseph's Institution
6Tanjong Katong Girls' School
7Tanjong Katong Secondary School
8Xinmin Secondary School
9Zhonghua Secondary School

1Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)
2Commonwealth Secondary School
3Maris Stella High School
4Swiss Cottage Secondary School
5Temasek Secondary School

1Dunman Secondary School
2Fuhua Secondary School
3Gan Eng Seng School
4Kranji Secondary School
5St. Margaret's Secondary School

1Ang Mo Kio Secondary School
2Bukit Batok Secondary School
3Hai Sing Catholic School
4Jurong Secondary School
5Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School
6Presbyterian High School
7Yishun Town Secondary School

1Clementi Town Secondary School
2Ngee Ann Secondary School
3Pasir Ris Secondary School
4Riverside Secondary School

1Beatty Secondary School
2Bowen Secondary School
3CHIJ Katong Convent
4Chua Chu Kang Secondary School
5Compassvale Secondary School
6Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary)
7Hua Yi Secondary School
8Mayflower Secondary School
9New Town Secondary School
10Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School
11St. Andrew's Secondary School

1Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)
2Bedok South Secondary School
3Bedok View Secondary School
4CHIJ St. Joseph's Convent
5Holy Innocents' High School
6Peirce Secondary School
7Queensway Secondary School
8St. Gabriel's Secondary School
9St. Hilda's Secondary School

1CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent
2Evergreen Secondary School
3Jurongville Secondary School
4Queenstown Secondary School
5St. Anthony's Canossian Secondary School
6Unity Secondary School
7West Spring Secondary School
8Westwood Secondary School


还是不明白,以后这些学校以什么条件入读?  详情 回复 发表于 24-9-2012 17:20
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发表于 13-9-2012 09:34:07|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 13-9-2012 09:44:57|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
会有什么影响那? 不懂的家长飘过。
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发表于 13-9-2012 09:55:39|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层



Take it easy 其实也没那么疯狂,  详情 回复 发表于 13-9-2012 10:24
IP学校的泛滥,直接导致了PSLE的疯狂。DSA对于高才班的极大优惠,直接导致了家长们狂热地提早教孩子学习小学的课程。总的感觉是今不如昔。  详情 回复 发表于 13-9-2012 10:03
是啊。上有政策,下有对策。MOE的很多改革,虽然初衷是好的,但结果往往却是背道而驰的。PG决定脑袋,高高在上的精英们,对普通百姓的了解太少了  详情 回复 发表于 13-9-2012 09:59
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发表于 13-9-2012 10:11:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vivocity2010 于 13-9-2012 10:12 编辑

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发表于 13-9-2012 10:13:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
jjrchome 发表于 13-9-2012 09:24
中学等级制将走入历史,2011年的O-level band已成绝响。


这个要好好收藏!废除了这个,不代表它就不存在。在关心它的家长心中,还是存在的,还要依靠它择校。只对一部分人来说,爽了一把,真以为“Every school is a good school".
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发表于 13-9-2012 10:46:53|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 13-9-2012 11:25:11|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
crystal8135 发表于 13-9-2012 10:46


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