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发表于 12-11-2012 22:31:10|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Combine humanity ( Chinese literature & Social study)
Pure Phy
Pure Chem
Add Math
Higher Chinese

发表于 12-11-2012 23:22:08|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Hello how do you think of the Social Studies Paper? Was it easy?
I feel the Pure Physics Paper was tough. The Chemistry was okay, except for Q7.
EL was tougher than usual years. Any idea on the bell curve?
Higher Chinese was also manageable, for the sole exception of the Zhong He Tian Kong. May I ask what are your answers to the ZHTK?
Thanks! :)
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发表于 13-11-2012 19:29:41|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Maryguttak 发表于 12-11-2012 23:22
Hello how do you think of the Social Studies Paper? Was it easy?
I feel the Pure Physics Paper was t ...

      哎~SS,别提了,并不难,SBQ的题目只是British Health care,至少没有出那种不熟悉的话题。但SEQ的题目居然没出一道我学的topics最后只能胡乱的写Venice的了。这是我OLevel永久的遗憾,鲜红的伤疤。呜呜~~能不能及格捏?有很多人都写出来了,也有不少人像我这样悲剧的。
      Pure physics 一点都不难啊~ 你有写过TYS的话就能感受到今年的题目相比历届的算很简单了。没有那么多definition的问题,magnetic induction的topic
      chemistry,我一个公教中学(Catholic high)的朋友说特别难,但我觉得跟physics差不多,与前几年出的题相比还算ok,但你说的Q7是什么我忘了。
      Bell curve????什么东东?
      El, 的确挺难理解的,特别是那个soothe那些voca questions,我很多没写对啊~

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发表于 13-11-2012 21:03:45|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
hesingon 发表于 13-11-2012 19:29
哎~SS,别提了,并不难,SBQ的题目只是British Health care,至少没有出那种不熟悉的话题。但SEQ的 ...

So sorry I can't type Chinese here so only can communicate via English.
Pure Physics was quite tough. Remember the light bulb question and the Typhoon waves qn (Q7)? These were the 2 toughest qn, I feel. The others were manageable, but yea some people found it easy. I did the TYS but I found the first few question rather tricky? May I ask if you can rmb what were your answers for the swimmer question (How he did work) and the light qn (How do you know the image is virtual?).
Chemistry was okay for me :)
EL was tougher than usual years admittedly. Bell curve is the sort of percentage used to measure a person's capability against his cohort.
Chinese was a disaster, especially for the ZHTK. If based on your answer, I only got 5 correct. :O

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发表于 13-11-2012 22:47:42|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hesingon 于 13-11-2012 22:57 编辑
Maryguttak 发表于 13-11-2012 21:03
So sorry I can't type Chinese here so only can communicate via English.
Pure Physics was quite tou ...

    It is okay, as long as you are comfortable typing english and i don't have problem of understanding.

    ok, i can still remember those question a bit. the typhoon wave, you basically calculate and you check from the given data, which level the wave belong to, base on your result, then you pick the answer accordingly.
    Light bulb question the potential divider, you must recall how to draw. I spend much time working out the last 2 question (2 marks each), you just had to know clearly the relationship of power, energy dissipated and know exactly the arrangement.
    The optic question, hehe, according to my teacher, he said a lot of students around the country will get this question wrong, including the students from good schools. To solve this question, the most efficient way is try to draw the object on the graph, which the question says what if it move closer to the lens( is it?), then you work out the new position of the image. And you would know the answer by referring to this.
   Swimmer? I wrote "The swimmer push the water behind", but i think I should write " the swimmer push the wall using her leg", to be more exact. Then the effect of her work will be " the swimmer herself is being push forward as a result". i think this question is about describing, the hard part is the first part, the energy change. I heard my teacher said that it even involves chemically change, WTF !!!

    Bell curve, ok, got it. but i dont know my bell curve. =_=

    dont worry about the 综合填空, just a small part.

    El papers, I really don't want to evaluate my performance about it, I have left so many flaws and disappointments ah~ it was just beyond my control~
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发表于 14-11-2012 00:17:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
hesingon 发表于 13-11-2012 22:47
It is okay, as long as you are comfortable typing english and i don't have problem of understa ...

你好  我是明年的考生 现在面临选科目的问题 ,请问选 pure physics 好 还是 science(p&chemistry)  ?  给些意见好吗??纠结纠结= =  谢谢!!
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发表于 14-11-2012 09:10:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hesingon 于 14-11-2012 09:13 编辑
cldrzzz 发表于 14-11-2012 00:17
你好  我是明年的考生 现在面临选科目的问题 ,请问选 pure physics 好 还是 science(p&chemistry)  ? ...


Pure science :学习比较深入,重点比较专注,不像combine那样复习时要同时看两个不同的科目。以后的JC继续读这科的话,你会比较熟悉,有更好的基础。

Combine science:均衡发展主义,各个要学的topic好像都跟pure的phy和chem基本一样多,只是考题不会太深。

总之,我觉得无论是pure 还是combine,都不是说其中有哪一种会比另一种容易或轻松。 所以你只能看自己的兴趣和适应性了。这跟游戏加技能属性差不多,你要选择重点发展某一项,还是均衡发展。
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发表于 14-11-2012 09:28:15|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
hesingon 发表于 14-11-2012 09:10

Pure science :学习比较深入,重点比较专注, ...

Hahaha now we will have to focus on the Paper 1 tomorrow for Pure Chemistry and Physics. For me, I wrote "Exert a force to overcome the resistive force of the water over a fixed distance" for work done. Yes the energy change will be from chemical potential energy to kinetic energy. The light bulb/potential divider question was time consuming so I was struggling with that question. For the lens question, I had no problems with that.
Bell-curve wise, I guess it really depends on the cohort this year.

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发表于 14-11-2012 16:34:43|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Maryguttak 发表于 14-11-2012 09:28
Hahaha now we will have to focus on the Paper 1 tomorrow for Pure Chemistry and Physics. For me, I ...

Hi Maryguttak. For pure phy paper, the qn on the swimmer, i also put the energy change from chemical potential energy to kinetic energy, but some of my friends say it is just potential energy to kinetic?

Haha the qn on potential divider, i forgot and drew a variable resistor instead... did you guys do either/or for phy? and for chem?

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发表于 14-11-2012 20:31:38|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Maryguttak 发表于 14-11-2012 09:28
Hahaha now we will have to focus on the Paper 1 tomorrow for Pure Chemistry and Physics. For me, I ...

Ah, huh? you got the lens question correct, then congrats~
BTW, you are from which school huh?
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