发表于 3-1-2013 13:21:16|来自:新加坡
公立大学 - 大约30%
公立理工学院 - 5%
私立学府 - 不详
蔡厝港集选区议员,通商中国总裁刘燕玲去年曾在国会上问过类似的问题:“In the last five years (a) what is the total number of students who have taken out study loans to finance their tertiary education in public and private institutions; (b) what is their total loan quantum; and (c) what is the default rate of these study loans.”
(1)From 2006 to 2010, about one-third of undergraduates and 5% of Diploma students from our publicly-funded institutions tapped on government-funded loan schemes to finance their studies.
(2)The government provides loans for these students through two schemes. First, a Tuition Fee Loan, which covers up to 90% of the fee payable by Singapore Citizens (SC) at the undergraduate level, and 75% at the diploma level.
(3)Second, a means-tested Study Loan, which covers the portion of fees not covered by the Tuition Fee Loan, i.e. up to 10% of SC fees at the undergraduate level and 25% at the diploma level, and also provides an amount for living expenses.
(4)On average over the last five years, the overall amount taken out in new loans was around $100 million per annum. From an individual student perspective, the actual loan amount will typically vary according to the course fees payable, as well as the availability of other sources of financing, such as government bursaries.
(5)The default rate for these loans has remained low. Non-performing loans are less than 1% of the total outstanding loan amount.
(6)MOE does not track the number of students in private institutions who take up education loans.