发表于 21-1-2013 21:34:17|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 wxmike2005 于 21-1-2013 21:49 编辑
发表于 前天 15:08 来自手机 |只看该作者 Speaking at a forum hosted by state TV Channel News Asia, PM Lee said a figure of 6 million people is needed for Singapore to continue its economic progress:
“We’re gradually increasing our land area, and if we rebuild our older towns, then we can accommodate more people. Today our population is over 5 million. In the future, 6 million or so should not be a problem.”
发表于 11 小时前 |只看该作者 hanwu 发表于 20-1-2013 14:13
人口继续增涨,所以还是会有来接盘的人,不过PR的福利和人口的增加会成反比。 ...
STOCKS NEWS SINGAPORE-Population growth to benefit construction, transport - DBS
DBS Vickers expects an upcoming white paper on Singapore's population to raise its population target to 7 million from 6.5 million, which will benefit construction, land transport, property and healthcare companies 七百万人口,DBS还来添堵,不过应该李总理的600万左右是计划中的,房价不容易跌啊。
>>>20万个新住宅的帖子里转过来的,觉得李总理的6百万左右靠谱有点... |