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[中学] 问一下过来人,O水准的英语作文,是需要特别的补习吗?

发表于 22-10-2013 12:13:01|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 22-10-2013 17:06:02|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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没听过这种说法啊! 这种作文补习就是教孩子背范文吧。



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发表于 22-10-2013 17:12:13|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

O’level 英语作文记叙文(narratives)经验总结 (Part1)
作者:  王中钰

按照2012年及以前英语作文题目来看,5道题里有1道 one word和1道personal recount。我认识的大多数人写的是one word。但是我一直写personal recount,因为one word容易跑题,并太general。Personal recount把场景,大体故事什么的都设定好了,所以容易将类似的经验套入。

无论是pure narrative还是personal recount大体遵循如下结构:

                Strategies used
                Other strategies
                (show not tell/dialogue/descriptive details/similes/metaphors/flashbacks etc.)
                Sentence structure
                Plot and Grammar
                C6 and below

任何时候grammar是最重要的,如果连句子都写不对,卷子被画成“满江红”那就绝对fail。在词汇量还相对贫乏的时侯可以用sentence structure来帮自己拿到18分左右,有一定好词佳句时可以到20+,但要拿distinction就要在句式变化的基础上引入“大词”和别的策略了。

按种类,narratives可分为pure narrative和personal recount。Pure narrative以第三人称叙述,不一定是生活中发生过的事,不一定真实,只要贴近题目即可。Personal recount用第一人称,最好是自己的经历,也可以根据已有经历改编,但要贴近生活,要有可信度,在结构上必须按时间顺序来写。(i.e. no flashback)推荐写personal recount,因为可以加入个人独特的经历。两个题目都可以用。更多选择,更多欢乐。


    1.选材: Cambridge examiner 喜欢贴近生活的小故事(据说他们想了解新加坡人一天到晚都在干什么),不喜欢超越现实,脱离生活的故事。所以不要写什么凶杀、科幻、魔幻、悬疑、血腥、暴力的内容。情节不需要一波三折,陡出波澜,但必须紧扣题目。(如果跑题,无论语言多好,也就是15,16的分)我personal recount的选材都是自己作为一个scholar或是中国人独特的经历,因为这样写就能set you aside from other candidates。像宿舍集体生活,学长和学弟,在华文学会的生活都是常用的题材。自己的独特经历是一般人没有的,也就使文章与众不同。比如,有题目出:write about a time when you had a heated argument with your friend. 我就写宿舍里有人打游戏打到很晚,吵得我睡不着觉,在各种方法试过后行不通就吵了,反映的是集体宿舍的生活。再如,有题目出:write about a time when you had a sleepless night.就可以写精彩的中华文学之夜。总之,素材要从生活积累,多回想一下发生过的事。

   此外,narratives的故事最好是短时间内发生的事,不要有很长的time gap。比如在文中经常出现几个月后,几年后这样的话,既不容易加入descriptive details又给人感到记流水账。因为每段时间先要创设一个setting,老是换setting总让人不断适应新的setting,还占字数。写narratives要找机会加入descriptive details来拿分,所以写的事最好是短时间内,能详细描写的事,比如一场比赛,一个晚上的宴会,一次面试等。



    4.结构:narratives的结构跟人体的比例结构差不多。开头不能太长,第一段最多三分之二版。先构思一下结构再写。注意详略得当,详写主要情节,人物心理、神态、动作等,略写无关紧要的次情节。如果有time gap就缩短描绘setting的文字。比如:half a year elapsed quickly and the winter holiday would come in a few weeks。一句话就概括了。

    5.关于故事:一般写narrative的人爱把自己写过的作文往里面套。可以这么做,但必须进行适当的修改来扣住题目。(i.e. gear to answer the question)这个过程中要做到自然,不要套不进还硬往里挤。如果让marker感觉到这是一篇reproduced essay (i.e. 跑题),你的麻烦就大了。考试之前,读读自己写过的作文,脑子里多回想一下发生过的事,准备几个plot就行了。个人认为与其练如何套故事,不如多训练如何在5分钟之内构思故事。因为题目有可能是关于自己从没准备过的故事,能套中则好,套不中难道就 die, die吗?所以“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,多练在5分钟内回想,采用个人经验,即使是自己以前没写过的也没关系。因为在文章中具体套用的是好词佳句,不一定是故事。现场发挥写的速度也是很快的。


    1.时态:narratives是在记叙过去发生过的事,所以通篇应该用过去式。但是在对话(dialogue)里的时态应是现在时,除非对话里的内容也是过去发生的事。在这里,尤其应该注意完成时的使用,表现事件发生的顺序性。比如,当运用before, after一类表示先后发生的词语时,应注意先发生的事件要用完成时。看以下两个例句就明白了:
a. After Ms.Tan had slapped him, he burst into tears.
b. Ms.Tan had already slapped him before he could explain himself.


    3run-on sentences也称comma splice,最常见的错误之一,中文称“连写句”。一个句子如果有不止一个主句,可以用and一类的连接词连起来,但如果用逗号连接主句就叫run-on sentences。比如:
The door creaked open noisily, a small room came into view.

这里,两个句子有不同的意思,没有关联,都是主句,所以就有comma splice。要么把逗号换成句号,要么用and一类的关联词来代替。在检查句子是否有语法错误的时候,最常见的方法就是看一句话中到底有几个主句,是否用了连接词。

In a nutshell: grammar很重要,但是几个语法错误并不影响拿高分。因为时间很紧,不可能一点错都没有。但只要通篇给人的印象是你懂英语语法,偶尔几个错误也没关系,他们会认为是你写快了不小心写错的。


    1.句子类型:英语句子分三类,“simple sentence”,“compound sentence”,“complex sentence”。simple sentence就是最简单的主谓宾结构。Compound sentence就是把两个simple sentence用“and”,“but”,“so”一类的conjunctions连起来。Complex sentence就加入各种从句了。上面表中的“sentence structure”意思是要有variety。三种类型中Cambridge讨厌compound sentence。所以一篇文章里出现几个就够了。刚来的 时候老师嫌我们水平太差,写长句子会出错,所以就让我们写short simple sentences。但是一篇好文章里必须要有sentence variety。如果只有短句子,虽然没有语法错误,但表现不出你对语言的掌握。所以好的文章应该还是以长句,中句为主,加入从句,状语跟别的信息。在这样的基础上加入一些简短有力的短句(5个词以内)来表现出effect。比如“my heart sank”,“my jaws dropped”一类的短句,扔在一堆长句子中就很有效果。

    2.倒装句(inverted structures):为了进一步增添sentence variety,强烈建议大家用上一两次倒装。一般是把句子中介词以后的部分挪到句首。比如:three gigantic balloons lay there before us. 倒过来就是:there before us lay three gigantic balloons.  此外还有将句子的否定成分放到句首的。比如:I had never realised that he was such an altruistic person. 倒过来就是:Never had I realised that he was such an altruistic person. 另外so…that…句型也经常用于倒装,比如:The substance was so powerful that it could cure all the diseases. 倒过来就是:So powerful was the substance that it could cure all the diseases,形式完美。 倒装句着重强调了放到句首的部分,使整齐的句式富有变化,为文章增色添彩。

    3sentence fragment一个句子里至少必须有一个主语和一个谓语,少了其中之一就叫sentence fragment。有些人故意放sentence fragment以达到一些效果。有的老师喜欢,有的就会圈出来。见过最牛逼的sentence fragment就是在文章最末一段只有一个词:“silence——”具有非常好的效果。但严格来说,sentence fragment属于语法错误,所以总体上为保险起见不建议写。


    5.伴随状语(accompanying adverbial):在记叙文中,为了在一句话中加入更多的信息经常使用伴随状语。伴随状语的内容与主句的内容往往是同时发生的,这与在句中放置一系列并列的动词很不一样。比如:
Screaming hysterically, the man ran out of the haunted house.
The man screamed hysterically and ran out of the haunted house.

另外,伴随状语的使用原则往往是直接以adjectives, present或past participle开头,省略了句子成分中的be动词,不然就会出现两个主句(run-on sentence的问题)。比如,原本应该是“is screaming hysterically”变成状语加在句中就是“screaming hysterically”。


Her head spinning and her body reeling, Madam Lim felt her world begin to swim in front of her.

这里,“her head”、“her body”和“Madam Lim”是三个不同的主语,所以各自在句中保留,而伴随状语中的be动词都被省略了。当使用不同主语的伴随状语的时候往往省略了介词with,这些with都是可以还原的。

使用伴随状语是最容易达到sentence variety的。因为状语可以用逗号放到句子的很多部分中。比如下面这组句子:

Screaming hysterically, the man ran out of the haunted house.
The man, screaming hysterically, ran out of the haunted house.
The man ran out of the haunted house, screaming hysterically.


    . 标点

    1.对话中的标点:英语中标点的运用主要是逗号和句号,用的时候注意上面所说的comma splice的问题。此外还常用问号和叹号(但是叹号用的太多,以至于Cambridge经常抱怨新加坡人太爱发感慨)。标点常见错误出现在对话中。英语的对话永远不会出现冒号,所有在中文中用冒号的地方用逗号代替。对话中一句话的开始第一个字母要大写。具体可看下面三组不同形式的对话:

a. He sat down and consoled her, “Don’t worry. You can try harder next time.”
b. “Where is your homework? Come to my office!” Madam Lim cried.
c. “You will never succeed in life,” Madam Lim asserted. “Your arrogance is simply too annoying!”



I noticed a genuine smile on Madam Lee’s face; she seemed to be elated by the performance that was beyond her expectation.



He will not tell you anything about how to study well——that is his own secret.


The reward was handsome——a plaque of gold award and a pile of brightly-coloured, crispy notes.


“What if we——”
“No, I have a better idea.”


    4. 连字符(hyphen):这里再向大家介绍一下连字符,在summary里很管用。连字符用来连接两个词语,使结合的新词同时有两个词语的意思。联结起来的词只算作一个词。比如:

                                    noun+ adjective               
                                    noun + participle               
                                    adjective + participle               

此外还有adverb+participle一类的连接词。这类词应该用在所修饰的名词前。如: a well-known person.但是如果用在名词之后,就不能用连字符。如:The actor is well known for his great dramatic prowess.

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发表于 22-10-2013 17:12:26|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
O’level 英语作文记叙文(narratives)经验总结 (Part 2)
作者:  王中钰


    1.词汇的准确性:如果说议论文是content-based,记叙文就是language-based,在文中仅有sentence variety是不够的。所以词汇的使用很重要。在这里不一定非要用生僻的,别人没见过的大词,而要把词用准(appropriateness),用得恰到好处,产生点铁成金的效果。比如下面几个句子中画bold+ underline的词语。

a. He plunged (rather than stabbed) the knife unerringly into the master’s throat, again and again. (“plunged”一词描绘了刀的速度之快和力量之大,而“unerringly”描绘了用刀的准确性)

b. We humbly stood up and greeted Madam Lim with our heads bowed, whereupon Madam Lim swaggered (rather than walked/made) her way across the stage and took her seat in the first row. (“humbly”和“with our heads bowed”体现出我们的恭顺,反衬出Madam. Lim的骄傲,而“swaggered”一词意思是“walked in an arrogant way”用来描绘一个人骄傲的步伐就很合适)

c. He sat down and howled (rather than cried) when he was informed that his father had already passed away. (“howled”指痛苦、大声的哭,这里就比“cried”更有力量)

d. Decisively, he whipped out (rather than took out) his knife and slashed at (rather than cut) the rope connecting him and the chaotic camels. (“whipped out” 反映出了拔刀之突然,速度之快而“slashed at”表现出砍绳子的动作之猛,这些都反映出他很decisive)

由以上可以看出,选择合适的词语能够传递一些别的信息,使表达显得更准确,更生动,会使文章加不少的分数,令examiner爱不释手。但这些都需要有深厚的词汇积累和写作经验做基础,不然就会出现用错词的现象。当大家在把学到的“大词”运用到作文里时,一定要事先知道词的connotation,和词跟词之间的不同。如果你用“大词”用得文不从字不顺,那还不如不用。因为这给examiner表现出你不知道这个词还乱用,扣的分比用一个普通的词还要多。下面有几个用错词的例子 (画bold+ underline的词语):

a. Thank you for your superfluous English lessons. I have learned a lot of knowledge through them. (这里明显是想传达对英语老师给他上extra lessons的谢意,但“superfluous”一词在表示额外的同时还有一层unnecessary的意思,所以是错误的使用,可以换为“supplementary”)

b. After hours of waiting, Madam Lim finally materialized at the front door of the classroom. (materialized 一词是个好词,形容突然出现。但一般是形容虚无的事物,如鬼魂,突然显现,用在这里也是不合适的)

c. His trophy shimmered brightly under the stage light. (shimmered 也是个好词,用来形容反光,但一般指柔和的光,比如大海在月光的照耀下滢滢泛光。应该改为“glittered”)


    2.词汇的积累:词汇量的扩充是一个不断积累的过程,有的来自于读书,有的来自于日常生活。但无论怎样都必须经过一道程序——查词典。在这里向大家推荐使用电子辞典。有些老师特别讨厌电子辞典,说它们在误导中国学生。但我觉得电子辞典只要使用恰当,就对学英语有很大的帮助。首先在选字典时要选既有汉语又有英语解释的辞典,而且英文解释要是信得过的。我两年用的是名人i530号 词典(据说现在已绝版了),里面的英文解释和例句与苹果电脑里配置的词典完全相同,所以是绝对信得过的。在查词的时侯,中文意思可不看,但英文意思一定要 看(中文有时没法准确概括出词的意思,所以只看中文会产生误导)。再看完英语解释仍不理解时可用中文解释加强理解。此外,还要看例句以知道这个词语(词 组)应该怎么用。

电子词典中还带有一个叫thesaurus的同义词词典,也非常好用。它能通过查近义词的方式,从一个词介绍出很多新词。比如由grumpy,就能查到一些其它的近义词,如sulky, morose, sullen等。再如由determined,就能查到关于它的近义词,如resolute, insistent, staunch, adamant, persistent等。之后,在英英词典中查每个词的具体意思,了解他们的不同之处。

由这种方法学习的新词,可以按组来分,称之为lexical sets。每一个set里面都是意思相近的词语。通过一组一组来学习,效果是很快的。在每一组中,具体去查每一个词的意思以了解词跟词的不同,在不同的context中用不同的词,这样就能确保不用错词,文从字顺。比如下面三组lexical sets:

a. 表示“觊觎,渴求”一类的词语,由desire延伸到:yearn for, crave for, covet, long for, thirst for等不同词语。

b. 表示“怪”一类的词语,由strange延伸到:weird, odd, awkward, peculiar, bizarre, eccentric, queer等一组词语。

c. 表示“骄傲”一类的词语,由proud延伸到:arrogant, conceited, supercilious, pompous, haughty, snobbish一类词语。


除了介绍同义词外,thesaurus还能将一个很general的词延伸扩展,介绍出很多新词。比如输入walk时,跳出来的就有各种各样的walk,如:strut, march, stride, stagger, scamper, scramble, tiptoe, swagger, sneak, storm等不同情况下的走。再如输入say时,跳出来各种各样的say,如:cry, roar, scream, moan, stutter, groan, stammer, mutter, snap, bellow, murmur, whisper, console等不同的说。这时就需要在具体的context中用具体的、恰当的词语,就增强了用词的准确性。比如形容结巴时用stammer, stutter。形容呻吟时用moan, groan。形容恶狠狠地说时可以用bellow。形容小声说可以用murmur, whisper, mutter。形容安慰地说则可以用console等。

Thesaurus还经常介绍有关某一学科的术语,比如当输入astronomy时出现各种天文学术语。(cosmos, nova, meteor, comet, nebula, galaxy, asteroid什么的)再如像输入colour, 就跳出来具体的颜色。(crimson, maroon, lavender, khaki, azure, mauve, turquoise等)将这些颜色准确地运用到所描摹的事物中,显示出词汇量的高深。

除了thesaurus之外,还有phrasal verb dictionary (短语动词词典), idiom dictionary(成语/习语词典)和 collocation dictionary(搭配辞典)都是学写作文常用必备词典,尤其是搭配词典,就是讲正确的词语搭配,如何正确使用学到的词,都应经常使用。


    3.成语(idioms):写 作文使用的词不一定是越生僻越好。有些很熟悉的词,使用时往往能使人眼前一亮,最好的例子就是成语的使用。成语中的词都是非常常见的,就像是中国成语一 样。新加坡的华文老师都喜欢看见本地学生使用成语,同样的道理,如果能在英语作文中也使用两个成语,就能产生妙不可言的效果。比如用“shaking like a leaf”来描述恐惧,用“like a drowning man clutching at straws”来描述绝望,用“in one’s element”来表现一个人如鱼得水等。成语的积累来自于多读、多查。查一个单词时,跟它有关的成语都可以查出来。但值得注意的是,大多数的成语是informal的。所以使用时不要滥用,一般两三个就够了。除了对话外,只能用formal的和proverb。积累成语对oral特别有好处,因为不管formal 还是informal都可以说。所以建议大家多多积累成语。

    4show not tell我们老师介绍的一种很有力的策略。与其直接说出来,不如通过人物的语言、动作、神态等间接地表现出来。比如,当你要表现一个人拿着很重的东西时,与其说“the man carried a heavy item.”你可以说“the man staggered dangerously/walked lopsidedly towards us.”通过人物走路的姿态,读者可以猜出他拿着一个很沉的物品,这样就比直接写要含蓄的多。再如,与其说“I was very nervous.”倒不如说“my heart palpitated wildly as if it was about to explode.”通过描写心脏的跳跃来表现紧张。寥寥几笔,意在言外,show not tell就是如此精彩!

    5simile/metaphor/personification总而言之就是比喻,拟人一类手法。这类手法有时打破了词语本身的意思,所以要慎用。一篇好文章里应该出现几处比喻拟人什么的。曾有一位narrative大师同学写过“her face was colonized by the moles.”大为老师激赏,把moles拟人化了,笔墨精练,洋溢着诗的意境。再比如有一次我写一篇关于人生第一次演讲的作文,文中写道类似“I made my way to the microphone stand——my guillotine, and bowed before the judges.”将麦克风比作断头台来暗示心中的恐惧,同样为老师所称赞。再常见些的比拟有什么“the glory of the championship was beckoning to us.”“the dining table was waiting there for the hungry guests.”等等。

    6descriptive details这是拿分的密宝。想要挣分的话就找进任何机会加入descriptive details(as long as they are relevant)。这种details可以是环境描写(渲染气氛),可以是人物内心描写,也可以是动作、神态等描写。Descriptive details最能显示出考生的语言功底,也能最方便地表情达意。比如在描绘一个盛气凌人的形象时可以加入如下文字,“there was something about her big bulging eyes I found dreadfully disturbing——a glint of malevolence and a heightened sense of superiority.”通过对人物眼神的细节描写,表现出她的恶意和蛮横,细致入微。再如,描写离别什么的时候,可以先用一段细致地描写环境,烘托离别感伤的气氛等。


    7.关于练习:写好作文还是需要多练,多apply各种strategies。 这也是一个多学习使用新词,准备故事的过程。在不确定一种表达是否正确时,可以先在练习文章中试着使用,如果被圈出来了就不要再用了。写好一篇作文后可给 老师看,也可给信得过的学长看(建议多给改得快的老师看)。老师改作文速度不等,有的上午给,下午还;有的学期开始给,学期结束还;有的送上去就再也还不 下来了(因为被他弄丢了)。如果遇到那种改作文特慢的老师,建议把一篇作文复印后给多个老师送去。老师们改的perspective都不同,一篇作文多听听不同老师的意见也是有好处的。这也同时可以避免弄丢或者不还的问题。


在读书时,凡是看到的好词,成语,比喻等各种好的表达都要随时记在脑中,并试着在自己的文章中运用,做到学以致用。刚开始写narrative的同学们对描绘常见的feelings和scenario都要寻找alternatives。不要翻来覆去一直用afraid, nervous, excited什么的。要多加入一些积累的好表达。下列是这两年来本人积累的各种描绘常见feelings和场景的表达(能想起来的)。大家使用之前一定要先查一下意思,把词用到合适的context中去。

1. Describe happiness: elated, ecstatic, contented, delighted, jubilant, euphoric/ in euphoria, ebullient, delirious, enraptured, pleased, exhilarated, exuberant,a whoop of joy escaped from his lips

2. Describe excitement: thrilled, fervent, frenzied, delirious, euphoric/ in euphoria, ebullient, exuberant, animated

3. Describe eagerness: keen, enthusiastic, avid, ardent, fervent, passionate, zealous, earnest, devoted, zest, energized

4. Describe fear: shaking like a leaf, scared stiff, send shivers up and down one’s spine, scared out of one’s wits, afraid, frightened, petrified, horrified, terrified, paralyzed, his face, ashen-white, was frozen into a visage of terror

5. Describe nervousness: anxious, worried, consternation, apprehensive, agitated, overwrought, jittery (informal), trepidation, dismayed, disturbed, disconcerted, perturbed, all my nerves were jangling like overstretched violin strings, my heart palpitated wildly as if it was about to explode, with a thumping heart, my heart pounded furiously

6. Describe anger: furious, enraged, infuriated, incensed, fuming, seething/boiling in anger, wrath, annoyed, irked, vexed, exasperated, irritated, piqued, resentful, outraged, rage, tantrum, grumpy, she unleashed yet another volley of angry questions like an erupting volcano

7. Describe sadness: upset, dejected, downcast, gloomy, despondent, crestfallen, disheartened, melancholy, despair, depressed, desperate, dispirited, demoralized, disappointed, disillusioned, my heart sank, her words were like thousands of knives plunging into my heart,inside, I was thrown into the deepest abyss of sorrow

8. Describe attractiveness: indulged, engaged, fascinated, mesmerized, intrigued, interested, transfixed, riveted one’s eyes upon something, hypnotized, spellbound, beguiled, charmed, enchanted, captivated, enthralled, engrossed, bewitched

9. Describe surprise (“n” means negative and “p” means positive. Otherwise, it means neutral): astonished, shocked (n), amazed (p), jaws dropped (n), stunned (n), dumbfounded, taken aback, flabbergasted (informal), dumbstruck (n), startled (n), rendered speechless, the realization of the true fact struck him like a thunderbolt (n), dazzled (p), staggered

10. Describe embarrassment: abashed, sheepish, ashamed, blushing, humiliated, discomfort, a sense of uneasiness ran down my spine, I shuffled uncomfortably, Inside, I hoped the ground would immediately swallow me up to bail me out of such an embarrassing situation

11. Describe tiredness: exhausted, haggard, listless, weary, fatigued, drained/sapped of every ounce of energy, devitalized, lethargic, my legs were encased in iron, limp, lifeless, jaded

12. Describe a sudden surge of emotion: thrown into fits of laughter, burst into discussion/laughter/tears etc., I could barely withstand the onslaught of guilt/remorse anymore, waves of guilt/remorse overtook/overpowered/overwhelmed/swept over me, crushed by guilt, my protests had sent her into further paroxysm/spasm of fury, I simply found it impossible to resist the power of my rage, the realization of her real intention caused my heart to swell, hot tears began to well /swirl in my eyes and ran/streamed/trickled down my cheek

嗯。以上就是本人这两年大概总结的写记叙文经验。如有不足、遗漏和谬误之处还往各位看官指教。祝各位 O’level 好运!

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发表于 22-10-2013 17:15:03|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层


其实这个文档年初就打好了,但是只被老妈发到家长群分享了一下,也发给了一些学弟学妹。忽然意识到Prelim和 English Oral 已经临近了,所以还是斗胆决定发到人人上。 不能保证下面总结的内容能起到多大启迪作用,只希望对学弟学妹们能有所帮助。如果有任何需要改进的地方,请大家踊跃留言~


以前听新加坡的老师讲过,英语学习分几个层次:听 ,说, 读, 写,难度依次上升。 通过自己的学习和与其他同学交流的经验,也觉得确实如此。先听懂,后会说,再能读书,和写作。所以学弟学妹们并不要因为学英文的吃力而苦恼,都只是每个人必经的过程罢了。




1. 一定要多阅读。

看书是积累,短期内真的没有任何效果,但是长期一定会有收获。其实我本人一开始不太爱看书 (惭愧惭愧..呵呵:),但是一定要逼着自己看。尤其是写narrative 的同学,一定要多看一些英文小说。 这里也给大家推荐一下我个人比较喜欢的作家 :Jeffery Archer, Nicolas Sparks, Dan Brown .  “A Prisoner of Birth.”是 J.A的小说,情节发展的很快,也很有趣。真正引发我读书兴趣的正是这本书,推荐给学妹们之后反响也不错,希望大家可以尝试一下。(Jodi picoult的语言很好,但是个人觉得情节发展的有些慢,从来都只看开头结尾猜测情节发展:)

有效的看书,还是要有点小方法的。书中的好词好句(好句:句式活泼生动,言简意赅,good expression)都是可以摘来用的,而且不矫揉造作,特别推荐。 有的时候小说中的一个片段也可以借来当 story line,然后自己再发展一下情节。看书的时候边查边写很费劲,大家可以看到特别有feel的语言时,可以多看几眼,然后顺手记下页码,读完几章之后再抄。如果是自己的书,就拿铅笔随手画下来先。

时常看杂志也对写作有些帮助。 Reader’s Digest的内容很丰富,有一些故事的小角度也可以借来用用。订阅或者定期去图书馆看都好。

如果是expository的话,我实在没有发言权。不过多看杂志,报纸,大量阅读,肯定会有帮助。尤其是对时事example 的积累绝对大有裨益。

2. 有关phrase book


基本上从Bridging Course开始我们学校的英语老师就开始强调其的重要性啦。 只要能坚持下来,每天积累几个句子,一年就真的不得了。(其实现在再开始也不晚,我最有用的一个phrase book就是在中四 term3 才开始写的:)

Phrase book其实也讲科学,大致可以分成:people, emotion, setting, others. 分类也要根据自己的情况。里面更细的分类可以再分: Eg. Under Emotion: sadness, happiness, embarrassment.可以提前留好一些空白, 好词好句统统收入其中。积累的过程,有时候很纠结,不知道句子到底放到哪,这时候就随便放一个,不能浪费时间。

时常复习Phrase book里积累的内容,特别重要。否则光抄,不吸收,实在是没什么作用。

3. 有关范文


有一些sample essay里的story line和语言 也是可以做一些修改纳为己用的。写”modified essay” 的时候语言可能会和范文的有些类似,但是记住一定不要全抄,最少一半以上的内容是自己的。Eg.原文用的是gold locket 就可以改成jade pendant,原文用描述家里的门表示家里很贫穷,就可以换描述一下家中的摆设。



很多人对高分作文有一种误解: 语言华丽,故事情节曲折生动新颖 等等 才能才算是好作文。 其实不然。据我们很牛的英语老师讲:语言平实流畅,没有句子语法错误,故事即便真的挺离题,o’levels里也能得大概 18 upon30 。

所以好作文的首要前提就是 Error Free! 做到这一点特别难,尤其是大多数情况下,我们自己根本看不出来错在哪。因此,最好的建议就是多写一些作文交给老师批改,把错误挑出来然后背过。记得举一反三就好。这个过程有时真的很discouraging,但是一定要相信,平时错的越多,考试的时候才会写的越好。

关于Story line的说法众说纷纭,每个老师也有不同的见解。这里主要谈三种:


写这种文章有时候一箭双雕。Narrative 也可以用,personal recount 运气好了也可以写。如果能写自己经历过的事情,那真是再好不过了。因为感情会很真实,感人。而且不会像用第三人称写故事极易出现Milo-dramatic的现象。


用第三人称写就是pure narrative 了。 想出大概的Story line简单,但是写好挺难的,会费点脑子。因为故事可能经常会有漏洞,或者不合逻辑的地方。所以一定要请老师批改。


3. 写有中国特色的故事。(慎重!)

语言功底十分好的童鞋们,可以尝试几个古代的故事。比如,后宫争宠,什么对皇帝、故宫有怨恨的妃子刺杀皇上。 你还别笑,这些真的有学姐写过,而且出奇的精彩。

或者运用很有民族风情的素材和语言。比如说描写刚出炉的喷香的狗不理包子,水蒸气弥漫上升,宛如一条巨龙。这个比喻我只是听说过,没看过原句,但是大概对Cambridge 的 examiners 很exotic, 所以会更让人耳目一新一点吧。


5. 语言


1.使用贴切的similes。这个其实大多在平时积累,小说里面好的simile 很多,尤其是Jodie P.  的书很多都不错。

2. Proverbs。 做到这个貌似主要看人品吧,题目能拽到一起去的,就可以想办法加进去。可以去popular买一本proverb 的collection,多了解一下对compre 也有用。


4. motif。换句话说就是贯穿全文的主旨或者物品。比如描写funeral, 就可以用white flowers来当motif。可以有flashback写以前如何美好的memory,white flowers的美丽,和当天funeral 的悲伤。这样可以加强感情。 Emotion也可以当做是一种motif。全文的感情基调相同就好。

至于句式,只要注意不写很很很长的句子,长短句相间,流畅,表情达意清晰简洁,就好。对了,短句特别effective,这点一定要记住。记得当年很多童鞋都爱用类似He died.这种短句来表故事转折。(但是比较cliché,所以也请大家在运用积累的句子时有所选择)

6. Story Line

Story Line是一种积累。可能生活中的随意一件小事都可以成为很感人的故事。或者看了一篇小说,也可以从里面借一个小片段发挥一下下。记得学姐和学校老师的建议是在olevel 前准备好20个故事线,写成essay给老师改(这个是非常safe的做法,因为觉大多数人是想不出来这么多的,好吧我就是大多数人… ;)

好的storyline真的不用有多麽的新颖和奇葩曲折复杂,最重要的是符合逻辑和有真情实感。所以切记不要过分夸张和讽刺。但是切入角度可以新奇一点。记得又一次写题目“Space ”,我写的就是有关钉子户fight for more space的一个小故事。

Story Line卡壳的事件常有出现。最近也有很多学弟学妹们想我询问这个问题。这里给大家几个小建议吧,但愿能有帮助。首先,可以跟老爸老妈童鞋室友学姐学长等各种聊,把自己写的题目和故事跟大家分享一下,然后集思广益,没准就有好的ending出现。其次,尽量再简化一下自己storyline。不然就先放一段时间,换个题目写写,然后多平时看看书,没事想想,可能有时候会灵光一闪的。还有,实在是想不出来了就去找老师,看看文章的开始是不是就有问题。



篇幅长短:建议不要超过规定字数,一般大概Foolscap paper一面半的就成,不要超过两面。 500以内就足够把一件事情说清而且也不至于让故事线十分复杂离奇,还有就是能让story moves on. 再有就是写的少,错误自然也就少了,以error free为前提的话,其实很沾光。


                      Section 1: 45min

                      Section 2: 45-50min

                     检查时间:10- 15 min

因为essay 和functional的分数比重相同,所以时间上也不能过于轻视functional。 平时练习的时候就尽量留出检查时间。不然o’level 的时候不检查可能会十分disastrous…当然,这个是在你能保证文章内容的前提下的推荐时间分配,绝大多数人都做不到这点的。有时候,也因人而异吧,如果平时有一遍写完error free, story line 完美无缺的话,其实检查时间可以缩短。临场发挥也会影响时间分配,记得我o’level 时就很无语,当时写functional  就用了大概50多分钟一个小时,essay实在没时间写了,编了一个微白痴的 personal recount 。 最后写完每个文章只扫了一遍,基本没时间检查。但是最后还是很奇迹的考了A1。所以建议大家平时就严格要求自己,练习写作速度,要不然考O的时候会很没底。

Functional Writing


其次,functional在写的时候一定要自己分析题目内容、打草稿。每一段的主旨是什么,deal with which required point都要十分清楚。然后基本思路其实跟 SS的PEEL差不多。记住,在functional writing中一定要写具体。如果题目要求你plan and organize 就一定要写清具体时间地点,活动详情等。而且最好有说明这样安排的意义。

再有,就是口气要委婉适当。如果文章很明确让plan& organize 那么就可以用will ,但是如果题目只要求提出建议并说服sponsor投钱干一些事情的话,就不要用那么肯定的tone,可以尝试may, might…

Functional Writing 的话,我建议大家去买longman的sample essays。一本红色一本蓝色。里面的文章用词等都不错,很有借鉴意义。对了,建议大家一定要里面的好词好句,注意文章的逻辑和句式使用。很多时候大家觉得多看几遍应该就没问题的,trust me, most of the time you won’t be able to recall what you’ve read before under exam condition. So better memorize>-<


1. 定期练习

英文阅读的定期练习非常重要。尤其是英语基础薄弱一点的童鞋们,一定要每周抽时间练一篇。平时练习的话最好做各个名校学校的prelim papers,因为学校出题一般难度大,而且答案也给的比较合理。参考书的话,也可以去popular买两本。

如果做compre 感觉完全摸不到头绪的话,这里我极力推荐一本书 “the Cambridge revision guide GCE O’level “ 里面的comprehension 和summary section非常好。这本书是Cambridge examiner写的。对Olevel很有帮助。可能题目稍微简单一些,但是方法可以广泛适用。对了,这本书有可能不大好买到,一般学校图书馆会有。



对comprehension的提高是循序渐进的,绝对不能求速成。练习了一段时间之后发现还没有成效,就说明:童鞋,你没有好好读书。记得中四的时候每天都会抽时间看Straits Times(这个对SS 和Human Geo也有帮助)。当然开始是逼着自己看的,后来时间长了就慢慢喜欢上了看报纸,中四下半年mug的时候,都是拿报纸当放松的娱乐工具了。 National Geography,reader digest和times也可以没事去图书馆扫两眼什么的。总之多涉猎各方面的英文读物是绝对没错的。

3. Vocabulary use your own words& vocab Qn

词汇量大的童鞋一般都比较沾光。我建议大家可以买一本Thesaurus 没事多翻一翻,平时看到了生词就看看它的同义词什么的,都会比较有用。再有,背单词的时候不用什么词都背过。最好可以找一些做过的compre 文章里的生词和杂志报纸里面稍难一点的词。记住,背的时候不能总看中文意思,也要知道英文释义和同义词。每天积累一些,一定会有成效。

4.  Summary

再次推荐一下“the Cambridge revision guide GCE O’level “,里面有一个章节专门写summary,很清楚。麻烦大家去阅读一下。

5. 集中练习



Summary 也可以用此种方法来练习找points。


English Oral  

每年的英语Oral 考试大概都会在8,9月分举行。平心而论,口语是最好拿分的一个。建议大家一定买一本Oral TYS。先好好研究一下里面序言的评分标准,然后按着评分标准练习。这里我就不多介绍,简单写一些练习方法好了。

1. Reading




2. Picture discussion:

这一部分就用Oral TYS 练习就好。

大家可以在班里找local 们定期练口语。记得当时考试前一个月我和班里学快华的童鞋, 结成一组,然后互相帮助,结果证明很有用。因为local们的idea很多也很新颖,很多都可以借鉴。而且有的同样的东西是会出现在不同图片里的,所以多练习、积累没有坏处。

自己练得时候记得善用答案。我个人觉得Oral TYS的答案给的还好,没有老师说的那么烂。因为它至少能提供一些描述人的角度:如衣服,方位,动作。而且里面的词组,句式等也会有帮助。但是,答案给的描述都不够深入,因为提出每一个point后面都要有elaboration。而且pic discussion 都有guided Qn的,所以其实答案没有回答问题。

Organization也很重要。最好先完全说完一个人或者物,再move on说其他的东西。切不可东一榔头西一棒槌。

3. Conversation:

Conversation 一般会给两个题目,一个以叙述个人经历为主,另外一个就主要是再说宏观上的问题。(比如,senior citizen, technology等等)

Personal一些的问题,大家一定要叙述具体。如果,题目是叙述一次度假经历的话,一定要把事情说得尽量生动。 比如说和谁,什么时候,去的哪,吃到什么好吃的,旅游景点,奇闻异事,和个人感受等等,东西尽量personal一些,有趣一点。吸引examiner,有时候一时兴起还可能会加入你的conversation…(可能就会不那么注意你的语法ect. : )

再来个例子:what’s your favorite fruit? 说完水果名字之后一定要再多说,比如西瓜,味道很好,解暑,经常在夏天和家人一起吃,喜欢大快朵颐的感觉…任何和你,和西瓜有关的故事什么的尽量多说,至少比卡壳强很多的。实在不行,就再加一种水果吧!

General一些的topic,把它说好的其实也不难。重要的是在 point  之后要有内容。与举例子在这里特别重要(因为它能让你有话说:)))))),可以是自己亲身经历的事件也可以是从报纸等地看来的。

大概记得有一年考过一个有关 warning sign的题目。说完在实验室,等等公共场合的warning sign,以及各种大套话,没话说的时候怎么办呢————讲故事!比如你有一天去坐 双层巴士,有一个小盆友没有看 “ please do not stand the staircase”,因此不小心从楼梯上摔下来,等等。或者个人亲身经历过的一些有关ignoring warning sign 的故事,联系一下感受。当然最后最好有一句general一点,可以连回到自己的point 的句子。

Organization 也很重要,一定要有逻辑性,所以使用 SS的 PEEL structure 是不错的。




可以很明确的告诉大家,我不聪明,英文基础一般。在学校里从来没有拿过Level top,但是可以保证自己是中上等,LIR5:6分和英文成绩在本校的scholar里面不错。英文从没有拿过A, 最好的时候Prelim拿B3。英语作文两个section从没没上过20分,一度被很严厉的老师骂的直掉眼泪。Prelim一度因为各种原因 Combined human 拿B4…

如果一句话解释最后能拿意外的10A1,大概就是我从来没放弃过。上课认真听讲,周末不睡懒觉,尝试各种方法提高英语,考得再烂也得硬着头皮找老师consultation挨骂… 所以请大家一定一定保持平和的心态,不要羡慕别人、贬低自己急功近利。因为O’level才是最重要的一场考试,之前的所有都是我们积累经验的过程罢了。现在回想,Sec4跌跌撞撞的经历实在是令人难忘呐。





元祯 :)

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发表于 22-10-2013 17:19:25|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
下面这个可以让言言读读, 我觉得有点用处:

O Level: Tips on how to score distinction in Essay Writing
Dirty Tricks for English Essays: A Primer
by Chua Jun Yan

In my four years in secondary school, my friends and I had two misconceptions about writing essays for English language classes.

The first misconception was that essay-writing was an abstract talent which required natural flair and could not be trained. In fact, we soon realized that good essay-writing could be broken down into specific and transferable skill sets which can be sharpened with practice. This is the premise of the primer you are reading. Of course, the use of tried-and-tested “best practices” does not preclude the development of what many Examiners describe as a “personal voice”. However, it is often the case that an individual style is cultivated after experimenting with a range of techniques.

The second misconception was that essay-writing was a test of content knowledge. This explained why many of us invested so much time memorizing statistics, quotations or examples. This assumption is simply untrue. As its name suggests, the English Language examination is primarily a test of language – the subject being examined is not Sociology, or Media Studies, or Environmental Science.  Indeed, the majority of marks in the Raffles Programme (RP) band descriptors are allocated for the use of English. In fact, if you read the band descriptors for content carefully, you will realize that it is not content knowledge itself which is being credited. Rather, what is being assessed is the ability to present information in a clear, economical, and structured fashion. Unlike a formal academic research paper, the goal is not to offer proof, but to persuade the reader.

With this in mind, I have tried to set out what I consider to be nine “dirty tricks” which I personally found useful when writing English essays. They can be applied across a range of topics. They are likely to be most useful when one already has a sound command of the language (i.e. consistently reaching the 18-23 range on a 30-point scale) and is aiming to push his score into the the higher end of the mark scheme.

In compiling this primer I have drawn on the experiences of many of my friends and teachers (whom I am indebted to), as well as various sources including guidebooks and past-year Cambridge “O”- and “A”- Level Examiner Reports. This primer is still very much a work in progress, and I certainly welcome any feedback or suggestions.

1. Make constant reference to the wording of the question at the start and end of each paragraph

Most of us will be aware that a paragraph should contain a topic sentence and a concluding statement which summarizes what the paragraph is saying. A useful trick is to include a restatement of the question (or some variation of it) to make the topic sentence a “because…statement”. It is a discipline which needs to be developed. This helps prevent you from veering away from the question and writing about the topic in general terms, and also makes the relevance of a paragraph immediately obvious to the Examiner.

2. Integrate definitions into the main text

A common mistake is that candidates provide literal dictionary definitions of every term in the question, as if it were a Geography or a Social Studies essay. In the 2009 “A” Level General Paper Examination, the Examiners’ Report stated that these attempts:

“serve to confuse, rather than clarify, key terms. One candidate, for example, defined ‘culture’ as being ‘the practice of a vast agreement of a certain opinion and the moral values of society which is being passed down by the forefathers’. This contains a number of factors which combine to frustrate clear meaning: abstract nouns; unnecessary and imprecise phrases; grammatical uncertainties.”

This was not a new trend. In 2006, the Principal Examiner for the same examination wrote:

“An over-long preamble, often containing unnecessarily pernickety definitions, immediately suggests a laboured style. Practice at writing effective and succinct introductions (which do not end by simply re-asking the question) would be time well spent.”

How, then, can we offer an interpretation of the question without sounding excessively nitpicky? For a start, only vague or ambiguous terms, with a significant bearing on the question, need to be defined. Words for which there in an obvious, reasonable meaning can be left out: “family”, “gender”, “environment” and “technology” come to mind. No doubt, different readers might have slightly different conceptions of what these words mean, but this will not significantly affect their understanding of your essay. Your own interpretation of the key words should become immediately obvious when you begin on your own arguments. In such an instance, it might be more helpful to simply re-state the assertion in your own words, posing it as a rhetorical question, perhaps, or just including it in your thesis statement. Suppose the question is: “The economy is more important the environment. Discuss.”  Towards the end of your introduction, you could write:

“…When forced to make a trade-off between a gain in material wealth and the preservation of the natural world, which should society choose? I believe the answer is the latter.”

In so doing, you have shown that you have understood the question, without wasting time scrutinizing the question term-by-term.

Very occasionally, however, there will be questions where a particular term requires clarification. An example which comes to mind is the following question from Paper 1 of the 2010 RI-RGS Year 4 English End-of-year Examination:

“Gendered language is as natural as the air we breathe so why fight it? Do you agree?”

Clearly, the phrase “gendered language” is not used in ordinary parlance and requires clarification. To weave your definition naturally into your introduction and allow it to flow as smoothly as possible, consider the use of words like “or” and “otherwise known as”:

“Gendered language, or the use of words which reflect traditional gender roles and stereotypes, subtly propagates discriminatory ideas and should be condemned.”

Note that the definition is given in italics, but is offered within the broader context of the writer’s stance on the issue. This ensures the definition is connected, rather than disjoint, from the overall argument.

Use discourse markers

Discourse markers are transition words and phrases like “hence”, “therefore”, “by contrast”, “as a result”, “consequently”, “as such”. Use them extensively. They lend arguments their shape and form, and convey the impression that you are analyzing an issue even if your casual links are less than secure. They help to avoid the oft-repeated complaint that an expository essay has digressed into the realms of narration and description rather than argument.

Indulge in “name-calling”

Use descriptive vocabulary to label the arguments you are discussing, especially when you are refuting opposing viewpoints. Broadly speaking, there are two categories of adjectives you can draw on: adjectives which ascribe a value judgement to the idea in question (e.g. “repugnant”, “complacent”, “ heinous”), and adjectives which  assess the analytical strength of an argument (e.g. “simplistic”, “flawed”, “superficial”). Consider the following counter-argument the writer is trying to refute:

“Some argue that gender equality will never be achieved because religious dogma discriminates against women and prevents the adoption of modern feminist ideas in conservative societies. Examples include Saudi Arabia, where fundamentalists from the Wahhabi branch of Islam vehemently oppose even minor concessions like allowing women to drive.”

Now, examine the following paragraph, with the use of descriptive vocabulary in italics.

“Diehard pessimists make the hasty generalisation that gender equality will never be achieved because religious dogma discriminates against women. They go on to make the fallacious claim that this prevents the adoption of modern feminist ideas in conservative societies. They cite extreme and unrepresentative examples like Saudi Arabia, where fundamentalists from the Wahhabi branch of Islam vehemently oppose even minor concessions like allowing women to drive.”

Here, the use of descriptive labels has three positive effects. First, it distances the writer from the opposing viewpoint, hence avoiding the contradictory writing which is common in weaker scripts. Second, Examiners are instructed to credit precise vocabulary and felicitous expressions – this is a chance for candidates to demonstrate their linguistic prowess! Third, the use of subliminal messaging implants subtle hints in the mind of the reader – even before you have refuted the argument, he or she is already led to think that it is a “hasty generalization” and a “fallacious claim”.

It is helpful to note that this technique can apply when making your own arguments as well. Consider this:

“A more nuanced view is that religions can and do evolve in concord with social norms. This is well-supported by the weight of history: Qatar has opened the doors of its universities to women, and even Saudi Arabia began allowing women to vote in 2010.”

If you look at most essay band descriptors, words like “well-supported” and “nuanced” will appear. By telling the Examiner that you are making “well-supported” and “nuanced” arguments, you are implicitly directing him or her to place your essay in the top band.

Invert or paraphrase common sayings

Many candidates will write down memorized quotes or proverbs. How then can you differentiate your script? One trick is to take a common saying and then invert or paraphrase it. This has two advantages. First, it allows you to use a saying in a context where it might not otherwise be appropriate in. Second, it demonstrates originality and linguistic flair – qualities which could earn an essay a spot in the top band. This is, actually, a fairly simple technique to execute – it just requires some playful experimentation. Consider the following possibilities:

“To paraphrase George Orwell, ‘All workers are equal, but some are more equal than others.’ ”

Here, the substitution of “animals” for “workers” has enabled the writer to fit Orwell’s quote into another situation altogether – possibly a discussion on income disparities between the sexes, or gender representation in the boardroom.

Alternatively, look at this sentence:

“For women in the Middle East, the Arab Spring has become a winter of discontent, after fundamentalist parties like the Muslim Brotherhood took over.’ ”

The writer has cleverly taken the common turn of phrase, “Arab Spring”, and inserted an opposite image (“winter of discontent”) to show his dexterity with language.

Not only is this an useful technique, it is also good fun!

Think of examples as a “mirror”

A common criticism made by Examiners is that examples are merely named and listed without being explained. What then constitutes explaining an example? To remedy this problem, it might be helpful to think of examples as a “mirror” which stares into the argument you are making. Consider the following paragraph:

“Developments in science are often touted as solutions to issues faced by humanity, yet end up creating even more pressing problems. This is because the effects of a discovery or invention are often unpredictable.”

If you observe the argument carefully, you will find that there are three separate parts:

(1)  Developments in science are often touted as solutions to issues faced by humanity

(2)  (a) They create problems – and (b) not just any problems, but even more pressing problems

(3)  This is because the effects of a discovery or invention are often unpredictable

Consequently when you cite an example to support this argument, it is necessary to ensure that you include adequate detail to illustrate and “mirror” all three parts of the argument. It would be unacceptable to simply state, “For example, this happened with the invention of antibiotics.” Instead, you would need to say:

“For example, the invention of antibiotics was seen as an answer to diseases like the common cold mirrors (1). Unfortunately, the excessive prescription of antibiotics has only led to the mutation mirrors (2a) of even more resistant strains of ‘super-bugs’ mirrors (2b). No scientists could have guessed that viruses were so adaptable and resilient. mirrors (3)

By fleshing out the example in full, as if we were telling a story, we have added layers of depth and complexity to the example.

Use a spectrum of parallel examples for every argument

For every paragraph, consider using more than one example. Instead, use a range of similar examples to demonstrate that you are knowledgeable and well-read. This technique is most powerful when you use a spectrum of examples from parts of the world which are different. It shows that your argument is supported by a trend or a pattern and that it applies universally, and not just to a singular exception. In an essay on nature conservation, for instance, you might use examples from both developed and developing countries to demonstrate a global perspective. Similarly, in a piece of work on gender equality, you might wish to consider both liberal and conservative societies.

Construct a counter-factual

In the course of our academic careers, most of us will come across a situation where we cannot think of an example or statistic to back up an argument. In this scenario, many will try to falsify evidence. Not only is this intellectually dishonest, these attempts end up sounding trite: how many University of Mississippi studies can a 16-year-old really remember?

Instead, a more appropriate technique might be to construct a counter-factual. In a counter-factual, you set out a scenario or situation which might not be directly related to the topic. Then, you use the conditional “if” or “suppose” to apply the argument you are making to the situation at hand. Finally, you extrapolate an outcome which is in your favour.

If this sounds abstract, consider the following piece of writing. The writer is trying to argue that a sporting boycott on nations which do not allow female athletes to compete will only worsen the oppression of women in their home countries.  Unfortunately, he is unable to find a real-life example of this. He does know, however, that:

“In Ache in Indonesia, radical Islamic clerics blamed the 2004 tsunami on women because they were ostensibly too promiscuous.”

This is the scenario or situation he sets out. It is a piece of contextual knowledge the writer has, but as yet, it is not directly related to the argument he is making. However, the writer goes on to apply the argument he is making to the situation at hand, this time using the command word, “imagine”:

“Imagine if Indonesia was barred from the Olympic Games because the province of Ache refused to allow women to take part.”

He then extracts the logical outcome to the situation:

“The same hard-line clerics will just have an opportunity to make women the target of blame for the decline of the country’s sporting tradition. If they are as extreme as to blame earthquakes on women, they will surely use a sporting boycott to demonize the fairer sex.”

Of course, a counter-factual is not as persuasive as a real example, say, a historical incident where a sporting boycott has actually triggered a violent backlash against the minority group in question. Nonetheless, it is a better option than faking an example, and demonstrates the ability to skilfully manipulate evidence and language.

Start and end the essay on the same note

Most of us have been trained to start an essay with a “hook” and to end with a “punch-line”. Often this takes the form of a quote or a pertinent example. To make this technique more powerful, consider making reference to your introduction at the end of your essay. For instance, you could re-examine the same quote and see what new insight you can distil in light of the arguments you have made. Or you could look at the same example and consider what might have changed. Either way, this is a nice touch because it makes the argument come full circle, and demonstrates that you are in full control over what you are writing.

In summary, these are merely suggestions for techniques which might be employed in essays for English examinations. They are by no means exhaustive, and may or may not work out well for different writers. The intention is not to prescribe, but to provide a toolkit from which techniques can be deployed, modified and combined.


感谢! 感谢!无论真假J版,都请您常露面,我们收益啊。我家小女明年O,怕怕。  详情 回复 发表于 23-10-2013 16:29
肯定没错,J版重出江湖!  详情 回复 发表于 23-10-2013 10:20
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发表于 22-10-2013 19:14:07|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
刀如水 发表于 22-10-2013 17:19
下面这个可以让言言读读, 我觉得有点用处:


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发表于 22-10-2013 20:40:09|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
O level英文写作确实有相当多的模式和技巧可以掌握。在这里我说的绝对不是背范文,而是切实掌握写作方法和思路。


写作第一项的situational writing出题范围包括:report,formal letter,informal letter,speech。这其中每种题型又有几个常见出题模板,如report分为witness report,newpaper report,general report三种。以此类推,如果能掌握每种题型的内容和表达句型,完全可以在短期内速成。

再举个例子,写作第二项的free writing有100%的概率会出现最少一道narrative和最少一道information report(expository或argumentative)题目。

如上面“刀如水”发的帖子,确实可以针对这两种题型的内容表达结构进行速成考前准备。这两种题型比较,narrative对于中国学生来说需要花费较多的心力来准备,因为它涉及到中国学生的两大弱项:vocabulary的词汇量和准确应用。而information report就相对简单,因为它的文体对于词汇和句型的变化需求相对较低,掌握正确的写作模板后,比较容易正确将思路表达应用。

Information report文体无非是“总--分--总”结构,。常规来讲,包含introduction+3个body paragraph+conclusion即可。每段论证结构固定:论点+论据+论证。论证技巧也是可以速成掌握的,如reasoning,comparison,counter argument等等,只要掌握了固定的表达句型和关键词,可以轻松构建属于自己的一套写作模板。


事实上O level不止写作可以速成备考,口语和阅读也是各有一种套路可循,完全可以速成的。
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发表于 22-10-2013 20:46:34|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 22-10-2013 23:42:14|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
刀如水 发表于 22-10-2013 17:15


言言看完了,马上去书店买了the Cambridge revision guide GCE O’level ,好险,是最后一本!
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