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[狮城水库] 美国“消协”关于Garcinia Cambogia的文章

发表于 4-2-2014 05:20:52|来自:美国 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Garcinia Cambogia Buyer's Guide
for February 2014

At, it's not often that we review diet supplements, however, with the media craze that is currently surrounding Garcinia Cambogia, we felt it was our duty to give you an exclusive, under cover review of this supplement that has been touted as a "Miracle in a Bottle".
Since being featured on the Dr. Oz show, supplement manufacturers from all over the world have been crawling out of the woodwork to create the latest "version" of Garcinia Cambogia, with wild claims to match. As each one of these new and unheard of companies bursts onto the marketplace with their own "proprietary formulas", it becomes harder and hard to separate fact from fiction, real authentic products with results from cheap imitations.

"Not All Garcinia Cambogia Extracts Are Created Equal"
Before you buy a Garcinia Cambogia product, it's important you know what you're buying!
Fly-by-night supplement makers are rushing to create their own product and "cash-in".

With the claims and promises getting wilder by the day, we decided it was time to really analyze some of these products ourselves to find out which ones were sub-part, which ones were flat-out lying about their ingredients, and which, if any, might actually be worth a try.
As we started rounding up the most popular products out there, we began to see straight off the bat which ones were there to ONLY make a quick buck just from the ordering process.
It's hard to believe, but most companies just slap on a label that says "Pure Garcinia Cambogia", often times without even mentioning how much HCA extract is in each pill or without actually including the amount they claim. In addition to that, did you know that most of the labels out there are NOT FDA compliant?
What Did We Research?
With hundreds of fly-by-night manufacturers and resellers out there, we wanted to figure out what to look for and how to overcome the common concerns regarding diet products that not even the best tricksters can fake. We started the process by simply making a list of the main concerns we have over buying a good Garcinia Cambogia supplement, which are the following:
  • It's not going to work. Truth of the matter is, MOST of the products out there don't work at all. Typically this is for many reasons, the most important being that the right ingredients in the right proportions are not included. Most consumers don't realize how easy it is to make a bad product vs. a good quality product.
  • It's going to be TOO expensive. As we conducted our research, we found that a lot of companies sell Garcinia Cambogia for $100 or more, per bottle! I don't know about you, but $100 is not a risk I want to take on something that is not going to work.
  • Is this company just exploiting another fad. How can you tell when a company is just trying to cash in on the latest diet trend? What really separates a trusted, high quality brand from all the other products out there that crowd the marketplace?
Finding High Quality Garcinia Cambogia
So, how do you go about identifying the legitimate products through all the smoke? There are a few key factors based on the above concerns that will ensure the product is the real thing.
  • Third Party Monitoring: Independent monitoring companies often times accurately track each company's reputation and customer satisfaction. One of the most important qualities for a supplement manufacturer is their reputation. After all, a bad reputation can only signal issues with the product and/or company selling the product.
  • Risk Free Money Back Guarantee. Go with a company that guarantees their product and offers your money back if you aren't satisfied. Ask yourself, why won't this company put their money where their mouth is and offer me a guarantee if their product does not work?
  • Third Party Testing and Results. Keep in mind; this is different than party monitoring.Testing and results verifies the quality of each company's products. Ask yourself another question, if a product really claims to do what these companies say it does, then where are the results? Where are the customers sharing their experiences? Where is the testing that shows you are getting what they say you are getting?
Our Research Method
Time and money are two of the most valuable things we have and we don't want you to waste either one. So we did the research for you on most of the top Garcinia Cambogia supplements available today.
Our method included studying each product to determine which one consistently had not only the right ingredients, but also the right proportions. We disqualified the ones with unnecessary, synthetic fillers and those who contents did not fit the bill.
BUT, we didn't only stop there. Numbers and percentages are only part of the story after all. We went out to seek real customers who had actually used the products we tested and go feedback from them as well. We asked them for their testimonials and compared them with our own notes and then gathered this information to give you a list of our top picks on the market today!
What Did Our Research Uncover?
A good Garcinia Cambogia extract should contain 60% HCA with a 1000mg of Garcinia in each dose and the right combination of supporting ingredients to help with the absorption of the HCA active ingredient.
Most brands did not pass the above criteria.
Some of the Garcinia Cambogia supplements while including the right ingredients, had too little HCA which is the key compound in Garcinia Cambogia. They use much less and a lower quality that what was used in the supporting clinical studies. Many of the supplements claims just did match the results that consumers were reporting. This is one of the most important gauges after all, is the product working for others such as yourself or is it simply not?
The following are the brands we picked which we 100% stand by. We are confident that these products may help you achieve your goals.

发表于 4-2-2014 08:50:57|来自:美国 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-2-2014 21:12:56|来自:美国 | 显示全部楼层
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