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楼主: mmyy


发表于 30-7-2014 16:14:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
可气的是:我在联想论坛上发帖子, 询问是否有人跟我有一样的问题,结果除了第一个帖子以外,管理者把我其它的帖子全删了,而且还禁止我访问论坛。

现在只剩下这个帖子了, ... Fed-up/td-p/1640238
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发表于 30-7-2014 16:18:51|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

I posted some messages recently, who deleted all my posts and why delete my posts?

You deleted my posts, that means your product have such problem as I mentioned in the post and you scare other people to read my post.

Lenovo, if you like to play this type of dirty game, I make sure I will follow until the end. I will post in all forums, and make sure all people see my posting, and aware how ‘good’ is your service....


My computer problem as follow:
New purchase Lenovo Flex 20 (All-In-One), battery self-discharge very fast after completely shut down, will drop about 25 % per day, means if I on my computer after 24 hours, battery left 75%, 50% after 2 days, totally flat after 4 days.

Call support hotline, troubleshooting on : energy management, BIOS setting, unplug all usb devices after shut down, different ways of shut down, remote controlled by Lenovo representative, even change the new battery, problem still the same. All the representatives are not professional and just keep on asking you have you try to adjust the energy management… what the hell !!!

As told by the engineer who replaced the new battery for me, Lenovo Flex series computer all have such problem as I mentioned, but I not agree with what he said.

That's why I post this survey, just to know how many user encounter same problem as me, I need you help, if you using Lenovo Flex Series, please post your feedback, just write your model, and whether your computer have the same problem as mine, thanks

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发表于 29-8-2014 14:47:47|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
其实我觉得联想还可以  才来那阵电脑主板烧了 在国内买的 来这边找联想的售后 人家就看了机器序列号 查了一下就说可以换  也不用钱  我什么保修那些都没有   当时真是开心    后来换好了主板 售后还打电话催我去拿  因为刚好那几天有holiday  让我尽早去取  不然他们放假了就要等多几天  还告诉我从我工作地点怎么过去维修中心    所以对联想印象还是挺好的    4年前的事了  看来是换人了
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使用道具 举报

发表于 31-5-2015 13:00:49|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2-6-2015 15:52:38|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

后来(大概是去年7月左右吧,把这台机器亲自送去联想维修中心修理,过了几天那里打电话给我,说“你的电脑好了,可以来拿了”。当时我也没问,以为这个自行放电的问题修好了,还高兴了一阵子,后来到了维修中心,开起来检查发现同样的问题----没电,就问那里的维修人员,然后他们才讲:给我换了个新的主板, 自行放电的问题是设计上的一个缺陷,是修不好的。草~~~,设计缺陷~~~,不成熟的产品也敢拿来卖,而在电话里什么都不说,这不是欺骗吗?


后来打电话给热线,NND,还是那句“经典名言”,你先试试下载 energy management 然后调整一下它的设置?


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