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[中学] 关于JC的排名(内幕?)

发表于 13-1-2015 13:34:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 sgcn007 于 13-1-2015 13:36 编辑

Not made known to public: MOE still ranks and evaluates the academic performance of schools using PRISM analysis. For each JC, MOE will set a band of expectation according to the quality of intake (eg. L1R5, non-IP) and will evaluate at the end of 2 years whether the school 'value-add' to that batch.

Ranking of JCs:
The academic performance of the top 2 JCs are WAY ahead of the rest. Since the implementation of the IP programme, the gap between the second and third JC has widen considerably to the point that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the 3rd ranking JC to overtake the 2nd. Note that when ranking was still made public then, there was once when VJC came up top. Now? Any JCs can forget about it...

Who's 3rd and 4th?
Knowing that even insiders like me will leak out data to the public, MOE has kept the names of each school but showed the academic standing of all schools. However with just simple networking, one can easily know where each JC stands. That school in the East was 3rd most of the time, while that school in the West occasionally (once in the past 5 years) will overtake.

The rest?
Harder to analyse as they are more likely to change positions (some in dramatic way).

New schools like DHS, RVHS and upcoming new JC?
While they may have excellent intake (good PSLE scores), the quality of the teachers play a critical role in maximizing the students to their fullest potentials. Each of the well-established schools have a core group of experienced and dedicated teachers who can ensure high standard of teaching and learning. DHS (one of the newer 'JC') has implemented its IP programme for almost 10 years but PRISM analysis often shows they just meet the MOE's expectation. This means while the students are of good quality, the teachers have insufficient experience to stretch them hard enough so that they can perform better than expected. Hence while I think they have good intake of academically strong students, each will probably take more than 10 years to have a fighting chance for that 3rd or 4th placing (if assume that 2 JCs maintain current standard).


1. RI和华中稳居前二,位置难以撼动。(这个众所周知)

2. 第三四位:维初基本还是千年老三,偶尔被国初超越(近五年仅一次)。

3. 其它JCs的排名难说,因为变化较多,有的还很戏剧化。

4. 对德民IP的师资貌似评价不高啊,有好生源,但成绩仅是达标而已,言下之意,学业增值度value-added不高。


发表于 13-1-2015 13:43:52|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层

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