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【能分善恶Have your senses exercised (trained) to discern both good and ...

发表于 31-1-2015 16:57:18|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

凡只能吃奶的,都不熟练仁义的道理,因为他是婴孩。惟独长大成人的才能吃干粮,他们的心窍习练得通达,就能分辨好歹了(希伯来5:14 )







论到麦基洗德,我们有好些话,并且难以解明,因为你们听不进去。看你们学习的工夫,本该作师傅,谁知还得有人将 神圣言小学的开端另教导你们,并且成了那必须吃奶,不能吃干粮的人。凡只能吃奶的都不熟练仁义的道理,因为他是婴孩。惟独长大成人的才能吃干粮,他们的心窍习练得通达,就能分辨好歹了。

所以我们应当离开基督道理的开端,竭力进到完全的地步,不必再立根基,就如那懊悔死行、信靠 神、各样洗礼、按手之礼、死人复活、以及永远审判各等教训。  神若许我们,我们必如此行。

Have your senses exercised (trained) to discern both good and evil.

"For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."(Hebrews 5:13-14)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

You're spiritually "grown up" or mature when, through practice, you have trained your senses to discern between good and evil. You've practiced walking in the Spirit and renewing your mind by the WORD of GOD until even your flesh habitually goes GOD's way instead of the world's way.

Stop and think for a moment. Aren't there some things your old flesh used to pressure you to do before you made JESUS LORD of your life that you don't even want to do anymore?

There are for my friend Felix. For example, He used to smoke tobacco, and he felt sorry for all those Christians who couldn't. But you know what? Now that he become a follower of CHRIST, he have no desire for tobacco anymore. It is not even part of his thoughts much less his lifestyle.

That's the kind of thing that happens as you feed and renew your mind on the WORD of GOD. It doesn't necessarily happen quickly or easily. Your flesh may fight and buck for a while because it's been trained to go the way of the world so long. But if you stick with the WORD and keep growing, your flesh can develop the habit of righteousness just like it developed the habit of unrighteousness.

Don't starve your spirit by trying to get by on just a little spiritual milk now and then. Develop the habit of feeding on the solid food of the WORD every day and find out what real maturity is all about.

Scripture Study:

Hebrews 5: 11 We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of GOD’s WORD all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

Hebrews 6: 1Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about CHRIST and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death,  and of faith in GOD, 2 instruction about cleansing rites, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. 3 And GOD permitting, we will do so.

发表于 1-2-2015 19:11:53|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层


你们蒙了重生,不是由于能坏的种子,乃是由于不能坏的种子,是借着 神活泼常存的道(彼得前书1:23)










有耳可听的,就应当听。又说:“你们所听的要留心,你们用甚么量器量给人,也必用甚么量器量给你们,并且要多给你们。因为有的,还要给他;没有的,连他所有的也要夺去。”又说:“ 神的国如同人把种撒在地上, 黑夜睡觉,白日起来,这种就发芽渐长,那人却不晓得如何这样。地生五谷是出于自然的,先发苗、后长穗、再后穗上结成饱满的子粒。 谷既熟了就用镰刀去割,因为收成的时候到了。”又说:“ 神的国我们可用甚么比较呢?可用甚么比喻表明呢?好像一粒芥菜种,种在地里的时候,虽比地上的百种都小,但种上以后就长起来,比各样的菜都大,又长出大枝来,甚至天上的飞鸟可以宿在它的荫下。  

Start Planting the holy and living WORD of GOD in your heart.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the WORD of GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever."(1 Peter 1:23)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

You won't really get excited about the WORD of GOD until you realize that it's more than just a collection of divinely-inspired promises. It's a living force that literally carries within it the power to make all GOD’s promises become a reality in your life.

Is it tough for you to believe such a thing is possible?

It shouldn't be. You see it happen in the natural world all the time.

If I were to put a tomato seed in your hand and tell you that within that tiny, dry seed lies the power to produce a stalk thousands of times bigger than the seed, to produce leaves and roots and round, red tomatoes, you wouldn't have any trouble believing that, would you? You know from experience that even though that scrawny seed doesn't look like a tomato factory, somehow, given the right environment, it will become one.

JESUS says the WORD of GOD works by that same principle. There's miraculous power within it. It is a seed that, once planted by faith in a human heart, will produce more blessings than you can imagine.

Once you grasp that, you'll get extremely excited about the WORD of GOD. That's what happened to me.

Over 10 years ago, I caught a glimpse of what the WORD could do. I caught a glimpse of the power within it. Before long, I had a Bible in every room of my house, a Bible in my car, and a CD player going nearly all the time.

I spent every possible moment in the WORD of GOD because I wanted the power of that WORD inside me more than I wanted anything else in the world. I knew it would blow the limits off my life, limits that had held me back and kept me down for years. I knew that when I read it, I wasn't just reading, I was planting seeds. Seeds of prosperity, seeds of health, seeds of protection, and seeds of victory for every area of my life.

Don't treat the WORD of GOD like a book. It's not! It's SPIRITUAL SEED that has the supernatural power within it to produce the harvest of a lifetime. Get excited about GOD’s holy and living WORD and start planting today!

Scripture Study: Mark 4:
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”
24 “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more. 25 Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”
The Parable of the Growing Seed
26 HE also said, “This is what the kingdom of GOD is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
30 Again HE said, “What shall we say the kingdom of GOD is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? 31 It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. 32 Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”
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发表于 2-2-2015 14:51:52|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层

我是耶和华,在我以外并没有别神,除了我以外再没有 神。你虽不认识我,我必给你束腰,从日出之地到日落之处,使人都知道,除了我以外没有别神。我是耶和华,在我以外并没有别神。我造光,又造暗;我施平安,又降灾祸。造作这一切的,是我耶和华(以赛亚45:5-7 )

亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,我承认我常常不明白为何不好的事情会发生,虽然如此,我还是坚信上帝对祂所做的或经祂允许发生的每件事都必有一个旨意。因为我的信心根深蒂固于圣经的原则,就是上帝是至高统治者(诗篇22:28 因为国权是耶和华的,祂是管理万国的)。上帝是决对掌管着这个宇宙、自然万物、世上的政治局势,还有你我的生命。

当我们身处考验中时,会难以抑制地大喊:“上帝,为什么会发生这些事情?”有时我们会得到答案,有时就得不到。但是无论怎样,我们可以确信的是:任何事的发生都不是偶然或巧合。甚至我们经历最痛苦的时候,也都必有上帝的旨意在其中。而且,我们还有上帝的应许:“万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处”(罗马书8:28 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱 神的人得益处,就是按祂旨意被召的人)。


我们作为基督徒必须承认,上帝不用向我们交代祂做事的理由。以赛亚教导说,“上帝的道路和意念高过我们”(以赛亚55:9 天怎样高过地,照样我的道路高过你们的道路,我的意念高过你们的意念)。上帝所看到的是巨幅美丽的“全景图”,而我们就是要信靠这个事实:无论我们的世界看起来有多么地狂乱失衡、罪恶横行,上帝永远都在掌管着宇宙万有。

GOD Is Always In Control

Isaiah 45: 5 I am the LORD, and there is no other;
    apart from ME there is no GOD.
I will strengthen you,
    though you have not acknowledged ME,
6 so that from the rising of the sun
    to the place of its setting
people may know there is none besides ME.
    I am the LORD, and there is no other.
7 I form the light and create darkness,
    I bring prosperity and create disaster;
    I, the LORD, do all these things.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I admit that I often don’t understand why bad things happen. Even so, I believe that GOD has a purpose for everything HE does or permits. My faith is rooted in the biblical principle that says the LORD is sovereign (Ps. 22: 28 for dominion belongs to the LORD and HE rules over the nations.). HE is in absolute control of this universe, the natural and political climate of this earth, and my life and yours.

When we are in the midst of a trial, it is hard to resist crying out, “GOD, Why is this happening?” Sometimes we get the answer and sometimes we don’t. What we can be sure of is that nothing happens by accident or coincidence. HE has a purpose for even our most painful experiences. Moreover, we have HIS promise to “cause all things to work together for good to those who love GOD” (Rom. 8: 28 And we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM, who have been called according to HIS purpose).

Seeing in advance how the LORD will work evil or hurt for our benefit is very difficult, if not impossible. My limited human perspective doesn’t allow me to grasp HIS greater plan. However, I can confirm the truth of this biblical promise because the FATHER’s good handiwork appears all through my pain, hardship, and loss. I have experienced HIM turn mourning into gladness and have seen HIM reap bountiful blessings and benefits from my darkest hours.

As believers, we must accept that GOD won’t always make sense to us. Isaiah teaches that HIS ways and thoughts are higher than our own (Isa. 55: 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts. . . . .”). HE sees the beautifully completed big picture. We can rely on the fact that GOD is in control, no matter how wildly off-kilter our world seems to spin.
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发表于 3-2-2015 16:49:48|来自:北京 | 显示全部楼层


伴随着众多呼吁我们跟从世俗大路的声音,我们时常是难以听从并使用上帝的智慧。例如,我们的本性驱使我们拒绝行出不容忽视的仁慈之心,即使上帝要求我们要彼此宽恕(以弗所4:32 并要以恩慈相待,存怜悯的心,彼此饶恕,正如 神在基督里饶恕了你们一样)。




亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,我们有一位慈爱的天父,祂荣耀那些尽心尽意遵行祂旨意的人。上帝担当着责任,为祂的儿女提供蒙福的智慧,使他们能够常守遵行真理之路(箴言3:5-6 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。在你一切所行的事上都要认定祂,祂必指引你的路)。跟从上帝,永远是最好的决定。

How to Walk Wisely

Proverbs 28: 26 Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.

True believers are to walk by faith, according to 2 Corinthians (5: 7 For we live by faith, not by sight.). However, with so many voices clamouring for us to follow worldly paths, we sometimes struggle to hear and apply GOD’s wisdom. For example, our natural impulse to withhold mercy is hard to ignore, even though the LORD demands that we forgive (Eph. 4: 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.).

Godly wisdom is the capacity to view things as the LORD does and to respond according to biblical principles. This discernment isn’t automatic. Yes, GOD’s SPIRIT lives inside believers (Christians) to prompt them to do right. However, each individual chooses whether or not to obey the way GOD commanded.

If a person is going to walk wisely, he or she must commit to remaining on the right path—that is, to determine in the heart, “I will follow GOD no matter what.” Pleasing the LORD and conforming to HIS likeness are always the right things to do.

Resolving to honour the LORD transforms the way that true believers make decisions. Instead of following instincts or impulses, I choose to seek GOD’s viewpoint in a given situation. Moreover, rather than relying on other people’s advice, I choose to search Scripture for verification of what I hear HIM saying to me. As a result, the HOLY SPIRIT’s quiet voice becomes easier to discern, and those worldly shouts fade.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have a loving heavenly FATHER who honours the heartfelt commitment to walk according to HIS will. GOD assumes responsibility for offering HIS children sought-after wisdom and enabling them to keep walking on the right path (Prov. 3: 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to HIM, and HE will make your paths straight.). Following HIM is always the best decision.

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