本人发音标准,基本功扎实,教学经验丰富,深受学生喜欢。尤其善长K2 P1 P2 及成人华文补习,成绩提高显著。
地点在Paya Lebar/ McPherson/Dai Seng 附近。
有意者请微信(注明 华文补习) 电话联系。若电话无人接听,请发短信,我会及时回复。谢谢!
Hi, I'm Ms Ma and most of my students call me "马老师". Being effectively bilingual, I teach Chinese,(K2,Pri& adult) , and popular with students.
If your kid learns well with his/her friends, it's ok to set up a learning group.
Free trial offered.
Please contact me via phone or sms(if no answer on phone, I'll call back soon)