发表于 26-3-2015 09:29:26|来自:香港
给lz , 相信入籍仪式那天你也曾经热泪盈眶地宣读过这段誓词 :
I, [name],do solemnly swear that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Singapore,
and that I will observe the laws and be a true, loyal and faithful citizen of Singapore, so help me God.
我 (姓名)庄严宣誓:我将忠实效忠新加坡共和国,我将遵守法律,做一个新加坡真实、忠诚、守信的公民。帮助我
lz 也參考一下英,美,澳,加等囯的入籍誓词吧. http://wenku.baidu.com/view/68a221828762caaedd33d42a.html
既是新公民, Majulah Singapura ~~ |