发表于 5-11-2015 14:18:44|来自:新加坡
黄炎子孙 发表于 5-11-2015 14:00
MediShield Life is designed as a basic health insurance scheme to help with large inpatient costs. There is a need to balance premium affordability with benefit coverage that is fair to all policyholders.
There is already substantial support for maternity and fertility expenses through Government subsidies at public hospitals, Medisave use and the Marriage & Parenthood Package. Given the certainty of support for such expenses, we agreed with the Committee not to include maternity and fertility expenses under MediShield Life.
大概意思就是, 政府的计划侧重的是病理引起的住院保障, 怀孕生育不算病理问题。
如果要考虑专项的保障, 女性怀孕前若有投保私人的住院保险是能保障一部分孕期并发症(大部分公司都有)或新生儿先天问题引起的一定限额住院费用(目前只有一间公司有这保障)
除此之外还有各公司有份孕期保险, 通常需要同时购买份ILP, 保障我刚说的这两项并发症或先天问题但是津贴类而不是实报实销类。
心脏问题拿好报告, 这个case by case了。