新加坡新媒体司南阁CompassLoft招聘 社交媒体实习编辑,有才华你就来!
关于司南阁 司南阁CompassLoft是创立于新加坡的一间新媒体公司,旨在为青年学生搭建一个了解职场动态与行业发展的平台,更好地完成从校园到职场的过渡;同时为大家介绍最新的科技讯息与创业资讯,帮助有创业理想的年轻人。
听起来是不是很有气质哟? 这里有极其有才华极其可爱的同事、积极活泼的工作氛围、有价值的工作内容。
招聘职位 现招聘社交媒体实习编辑1名,我们需要热爱创新与科技、思维独立开放、对线上社群感兴趣的你加入我们的团队!
以下是和你说点掏心窝子的话 创业公司,是一个可以让你迅速成长的环境:它所带给你的不仅仅是简历上的一行字,而是多种工作技能的掌握、思维方式的更新、社会视角的开拓、对不同行业的了解等等。你将接触到公司运营的多个层面,快速理解职场形态,同时通过各种交流活动拓展人脉。
若你不甘于投入大好年华去做一颗小螺丝钉,若你希望能提升自身能力并创造价值,良心推荐考虑加入一个靠谱的创业公司,which is 司南阁!
职位要求 工作描述与要求如下,还有啥想知道的,别客气,问我!
新浪微博:搜索“新加坡司南阁CompassLoft” 微信公众平台:搜索“司南阁CompassLoft” Facebook: 搜索“CompassLoft”
Job description - Manage social media channels and execute online campaigns to increase brand favorability and optimise customer interaction
- Pull event information from different channels and have the information systematically categorised
- Work closely with designer to create, curate, and manage all published content (images, video and written) to reach the target audience
- Manage social media chat groups and be responsible for hands on interaction within social media presences
- Monitor social activities and perform data analysis to improve communications, tactics, campaigns etc
- Work with the team to ensure the delivery of a consistent brand voice across all platforms
- Ad hoc research and tasks as assigned by the supervisor
Qualifications - Currently pursuing undergraduate/diploma program in universities/polytechnics, preferably major in journalism/media/marketing/advertising/communications
- A proven interest in digital and a notable social media footprint
- Possesses functional knowledge and/or personal experience with Facebook/WeChat
- Strong writing skills, with an ability to vary styles. Experience in copywriting will be an advantage
- A knack for research
- A keen eye for detail
- Be versatile, flexible and diligent in your approach
- Basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
- Excellent language skills in Chinese and English are essential (Ability to curate social media content in Chinese and English)