本帖最后由 湖宝宝 于 27-4-2016 13:42 编辑
如题,本人愿意在闲暇时间义务为有需要学习英文的童鞋朋友辅导,答疑解惑,可以一对一,也可以一对多, 英文水平不限。本人英语国内八级,剑桥商务高级,海外高翻专业科班毕业。
本着相互交流的原则,如果你在什么别的领域水准比较高,也可以对我辅导一二。 我坚信三人行必有我师焉,或许你会是某个领域的行家,
只是由于本人是工作人士,所以空闲时间通常在下班后或者周末,所以有诚意者请微信我具体约时间地点 (请私信获取微信号)
Dear all,
I would like to provide private English tutoring for you or for you as a small group, free of charge.
Some of you might be wondering or doubting why there is free lunch in this realistic and money-driven society.
Well, it is not trully free if you see it from a different perspective, as here I am not seeking for the value of money,
but the value of your personal experience. Everyone of us is unique, we all have our strong suits and weaknesses,
Through communication and sharing, we can learn from each other, and sure can bring something home from each other's
experience. This tutoring is a great platform for us to learn from each other, and possibily build up friendship in this foreign country.
So, if you are thinking just alike , please do not hesitate !
I can be reached by simply dropping a private mail.. ( for the concern of privacy )