本帖最后由 再笑也是痛_ 于 17-7-2016 13:25 编辑
本人是 James Cook University Singapore 应届毕业生. 目前持学生准证.
专业Hospitality & Tourism Management and Sports & Events Management.
希望求与以上两个专业相关的职位, 包含酒店旅游管理 和活动策划方面 也可是其他方面.
有意者可与我联系: , 谢谢! (中介勿扰)
A fresh graduate, from James Cook University Singapore, who is seeking an entry level position related to Hospitality & Tourism Management or Sports & Events Management.
I am currently holding the STP. Please feel free to reach me by phone at .
Thank you very much!
(Please note I do not prefer to take agents' help, so do not contact me if you are agent.
Thank you for understanding ! )