本帖最后由 suetweii 于 5-8-2016 10:05 编辑
- Must be Singaporean / PR /long term pass all welcome
- willing to learn but if you had done outdoor sale before do get a try to join our company.
- work as a team member
- Basic salary+ transport allowance+ commission
- must be able to speak mandarin and English *
- willing to learn must be hardworking
- Good working hour 9am-6pm Monday to Friday
- 是新加坡公民/ PR /長期通行證都歡迎
- 願意學習,但如果你做了戶外銷售做得到一個嘗試加入我們公司之前。
- 工作作為團隊成員
- 基本工資+交通補貼+提成
- 必須能夠講普通話和英語*
- 願意學習必須勤奮
- 良好的工作時間9 :00-18:00週一至週五