本帖最后由 Chenqiuyu 于 26-6-2020 10:26 编辑
本人来自中国上海,大学本科毕业,持长期家属准证,在新加坡从事中、小学华文家教补习多年, 也可以通过网络上课。现也愿意为有需要的成人补习华文,价格面议。联系人:陈老师 手机:
I am from Shanghai, China, with a bachelor's degree. I hold LTSV in Singapore and stay at Pasir Ris area. I have been working as a Chinese tutor of primary and secondary level in Singapore for many years. We are also willing to offer remedial Courses in Chinese to adults if need. The price is negotiable.
Contact : Mr. CHEN. HP: