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6646 LV11

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badge - a small piece of metal, plastic, or cloth bearing a design or words

badger - persuade sb by telling them repeatedly to do sth; an animal 獾

bugle - a brass instrument like a small trumpet

bulge - stick out from sth in a round shape; a rounded swelling which distorts an otherwise falt surface

bungle - do sth wrong, in a careless or stupid way

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层


possibility vs probability

possibility means sth may happen, but we don't know how likely;

probability means sth may happen, but we believe it is more likely. ( i.e. more probable) than not.

So I could say there is a possibility of rain next week; but I think there is a probability of rain tonight, because I can see dark clouds and detect a change in the barometric pressure.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层


Everyday New Phrases:

a glimmer of hope 一丝希望,一线希望

a very small sign that something might improve or succeed

The survey reports a glimmer of hope for the small business sector.

Caretaker boss Darren Moore has given them a glimmer of hope since taking over at the start of April when the Baggies were 10 points from safety with six games remaining.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层


grieve, grief, grievous, grievance

grieve - v. feel intense sorrow

grief - n. intense sorrow, esp. caused by someone's death

grievous - adj. ( of something bad) causing grief or great sorrow; very severe or serious

grievance - n. a real or imagined cause for complaint, esp. unfair treatment

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

做动词时 bear 的几个常见意思

1. have or display as a visible mark or feature
2. take responsibility for
3. manage to tolerate a situation or experience
4. give birth to a child

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层


work one's socks off - work very hard to achieve something

I know you thought it was just a silly New Year's resolution, but I've been working my socks off at the gim!

We expected to work our socks off and to show the spirit, the desire, the passion and the hunger and we got our reward.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层


- 1. having a magical or pleasantly unreal quality; dreamlike

The atmosphere is tranquil and dreamy.

He gazed at me with a dreamy look in his eyes.

- 2. delightful; gorgeous

I bet he was really dreamy.

She has these dreamy blue eyes.

The movie opens with a dreamy shot of a sunset.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


slip     v.

- pass or change to a lower, worse, or different condition, typically in a gradual or imperceptible way

Many people feel standards have slipped.

If the details are anything to go by, customers are faced with slipping standards.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


crumble vs crumple

crumble - break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration

The plaster started to crumble.

She nervously crumbled the bread between her fingers. 

crumple - crush (something, typically paper or cloth) so that it becomes creased and wrinkled

He crumpled up the paper bag.

He crumpled the piece of paper and angrily threw it in the waste basket.

6646 LV11

发表于 半年前 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

英文里的"狼吞"! 英文写作的绝对好词! 太形象了!

Everyday New Phrases:

wolf down

- eat something as fast as possible, gulping down meal as quickly as you can
SYN: gulp, gobble

John wolfed down his sandwich in order to get to school on time.

I was at home with our six-year-old daughter, Laila, who was busy wolfing down a bowl of Coco Pops.
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