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6646 LV11

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ditch - get rid of or give up.

Plans for the road were ditched following a public inquiry.

Would he ditch her and run off with the other woman?

Why don't you ditch that stupid wig you're wearing on your head?

6646 LV11

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make one's mark

- attain recognition or distinction

It took four years of struggle before we managed to make our mark.

The actress first made her mark with her incredible performance as Lady Macbeth on Broadway. 

I chose to pursue a career in medical research so that I might someday make my mark in the world with a groundbreaking discovery.

6646 LV11

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soft spot

- a strong liking for something or someone

I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Denver.

Terry had a soft spot for me.

I have a soft spot for London Zoo.

6646 LV11

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laughing stock

- a person subjected to general mockery or ridicule; someone or something that seems stupid or silly, especially by trying to be serious or important and not succeeding 被嘲笑的对象

She was the laughing stock of her class.

England were a laughing stock after the European Championship two years ago - but not any more.

6646 LV11

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off the pace

- behind in a race, competition, etc. 

The winner finished in 4 minutes, 30 seconds, and the next runner was three seconds off the pace.

You are ten seconds off the pace, hurry up!

6646 LV11

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scream blue murder

- scream or shout very loudly. 

Enid screamed blue murder when she noticed the snake in the rocks next to her. 

Please stop screaming blue murder across the house. If you want to talk, go to the same room.

6646 LV11

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frequent - visit (a place) often. 经常光顾(常见于用于被动式 frequented by)

pubs frequented by soldiers.

More remarkable still, though, is that Ttobagi, an unpretentious spot frequented by taxi drivers, is no faster than the next place.

6646 LV11

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bend the rules

- to break the rules in a way that you consider unimportant or not harmful

You’ve got to know when to bend the rules a little.

The thousands of food delivery motorcyclists bend the rules of traffic.

6646 LV11

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- not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed (有内涵,但)低调的,内敛的,不张扬的

If you describe a place, person, or thing as unpretentious, you approve of them because they are simple in appearance or character, rather than sophisticated or luxurious.

a friendly and unpretentious hotel.

- (of a place) pleasantly simple and functional; modest.

6646 LV11

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a slip of tongue 口误

- a slip of the tongue is when someone makes an accidental or unintended comment. This idiom is generally used when the person says something, and then immediately regrets having said it. When you make a slip of the tongue, you are also putting your foot in your mouth.

It's easy for anyone to make a slip of the tongue, or get confused about someone's race.
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