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6646 LV11

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in (or out of) contention

- having (or not having) a good chance of success in a contest

Three penalties kept the team firmly in contention.

Six teams are in contention to win the gold medal.

6646 LV11

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behind the wheel 指驾车的人

People turn their heads as the car cruises past, top down and radio blaring. Many smile in recognition as they spot the face behind the wheel.

run-down 败落,破旧

- (someone or something) that is not looking good and that has become dilapidated or disheveled, often due to neglect. An example of run down is a person who has a cold and who looks tired and worn out.

a rundown building/hotel/house.

The office building was rundown, so the rents were low.

a rundown area/neighbourhood

6646 LV11

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all the while

- for all of a period of time

There I was thinking you were hard at work and you were upstairs in bed all the while!

All the while the people at the next table watched me eat.

6646 LV11

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pit one's skills/knowledge/ability against someone

- use all one's skill in order to deal successfully or compete with them

Small businesses are having to pit their wits against the giant companies.

6646 LV11

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all the while

- for all of a period of time

There I was thinking you were hard at work and you were upstairs in bed all the while!

All the while the people at the next table watched me eat.

6646 LV11

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lethargic - having little energy; feeling unwilling andunable to do anything 萎靡不振,无精打采

I was feeling tired and lethargic.

After eating a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs I often feel lethargic and sleepy.

6646 LV11

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英文试卷Paper2中的comprehension cloze 被很多人视为Paper2最难的部分,因为没有选择答案,完全考自己猜。学生拿不到高分的主要原因如下:

1. 语感不好,顺不出空缺的词,不知道用什么意思的词,什么词性的词 - 平时阅读的质量不好
2. 文章某些部分读不懂 - 很多原因
3. 词汇量不够,各种固定搭配不熟
4. 拼写不好 - 这点很冤,知道是哪个词但却写不出来
5. 没掌握答题技巧 - 可以专项培训出来

6646 LV11

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- celebrate or acknowledge (an anniversary).

They observed the one-year anniversary of the flood.

People in US observe the Thanksgiving Day on fourth Thursday of November.

6646 LV11

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confide in (someone)

- share one's secrets with someone, usually a trusted person unlikely to divulge them.

Of course you can confide in me—I'm your best friend!

This issue is just so embarrassing that I can't possibly confide in anyone about it.

She confides in no one but her husband.

6646 LV11

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put something away

- to return something to its proper storage place.

When you are finished with the hammer, please put it away.

Don't leave it out. Put away this mess!

She finds important bills Charlotte needs to look at, she puts the rubbish in the bin and she puts thsgcnping away.
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