本帖最后由 三个街区 于 19-1-2017 15:59 编辑
Graduated from NUS in Master of Science, who is guiding students are able to study Mathematics and Science logically and rationally, to cultivate and motivate children are interest in Mathematics and Science. Eventually,students will master these subjects with heuristic method and easy to solve hard problems, The results will be improved significantly in a short term as well.Successful teaching experiences: One of the students under this tutor direction and teaching had successfully achieved the top result in Math with full marks. Parents who have children need to motivate their kids have the enthusiasm and passion in Math/Science and improve the results significantly in short time, Please SMS/whatsApp for details.国大理学硕士,教导学生理性思维,激发孩子对数理科目的热爱,从而爱上数学科学并在短时期内有效的提升学业成绩。已教导成功的例子:该学生数学每次测验满分,年度考试全校第一。想让孩子对数学/科学产生浓厚的兴趣和热忱并在短期内有效的提高学业成绩的家长请发送短信:H/p 咨询; 非诚勿扰,谢谢!