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tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 13-8-2017 16:22:01 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 tuzi2011 于 13-8-2017 16:26 编辑

1. Lay back and enjoy your autumn years.   你可以安享晚年了。
   ►autumn years (尤指退休后的)迟暮,暮年

2. Are you gonna mooch off your family all the time?   你准备当一辈子啃老族?
   ►mooch off 向...敲竹杠,揩...的油,跟...要钱

3. In the heat of the moment I slapped her.   我一气之下给了她一巴掌。
   ►in the heat of the moment 一时激动之下,一时兴起,在盛怒之下

4. He's getting wooly-minded.   他脑子有点乱了。
   ►wooly-minded 混乱的

5. See over for the answer.   答案在下一页。
   ►see over 巡视,视察,察看。它也有“见下文”的意思,而与之对应的是see above“见上文”

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 16-8-2017 20:47:17 | 显示全部楼层

1. It's a living death.   生不如死。
   ►living death 活地狱,人间地狱;活受罪,毫无乐趣的生活,生不如死的生活

2. Do you really have to go one better?   你一定要压住人家吗?
   ►go one better 稍稍胜过,比某人略高一筹
   e.g. Whatever you do, he'll always try to go one better. 你无论做什么,他总想胜过你。

3. Don't let it get you down.   别让这事坏了心情。
   ►get sb down 使紧张,使难过,使沮丧,使抑郁

4. Dope test is compulsory.   兴奋剂检查是必须的。
   ►Dope test 兴奋剂检查,兴奋剂检测

5. A few pillow talks changed his mind.   听了几句枕边风他就改变了主意。
   ►pillow talk 枕边语,悄悄话,私房话

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 20-8-2017 16:02:44 | 显示全部楼层

1. It was cobbled together.   这是胡乱拼凑成的。
   ►cobble together 粗制滥造;东拼西凑;匆匆拼凑

2. You’re squaring the circle.   不要白费力气了。

3. The first goal was just a fluk.   第一个球是蒙进去的。

4. We vet all applicants.   我们要详细调查所有的申请人。

5. Tailored teaching is the name of the game.   因材施教最重要。
   ►the name of the game 问题的关键,事情的实质,事物的本质
   e.g. In fishing, patience is the name of the game. 钓鱼的关键就是要有耐心。

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 21-8-2017 18:40:46 | 显示全部楼层

1. I tell the class in my opening salvo.   每次开新课我都会跟学生讲清楚。

2. It went off half-cocked.   走火了。
   ►go off at half cock 枪走火;仓促行事,操之过急(指计划、典礼等尚未安排就绪即行开始);发怒,发脾气
   e.g. Attention, please, don't go off at half cock. 请注意,不要仓促行事。

3. She made a splash with the song.   这首歌让她一夜成名。

4. Don’t be so argumentative.   你怎么老抬扛啊?
   ►make a splash 一炮打响,一举成名,引人注目,大肆炫耀,大张旗鼓

5. She gave me the once-over.   她迅速打量了我一下。
   ►once-over 浏览一遍;草率的工作;草草过目

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 24-8-2017 16:29:56 | 显示全部楼层

1. Her parents often have rows.   她父母经常吵架。

2. The rule applies irrespective of one's ethnic origins.   这项规定适用于一切种族。
   ►irrespective of 不顾的,不考虑的,无论……的;不计……的
   e.g. Everyone is treated equally, irrespective of race. 不分种族,每个人都受到公平对待。

3. He's a stuttere.   他是个结巴。

4. We dotted the i's and crossed the t's.   我们完善了细节。
   ►dot the i's and cross the t's (尤指在完成某项工作时)一丝不苟,注重细节

5. Can I use Liquid Paper?   我能用修正液吗?
   ►Liquid Paper 修正液,液体纸(白色快干液,涂盖错字,可以重写)

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 28-8-2017 20:22:54 | 显示全部楼层

1. You will waltz through the test.   你会轻松通过考试。
   ►waltz through 顺利地通过,轻而易举地通过(考试等)
2. Our frames of reference are so different.   我们的价值观太不一样了。
   ►frame of reference 参考系统;思想体系,观点;判断标准
3. I always go by the book.   我总是照章办事。
   ►go by the book 照章办事,按规矩行事
4. I have a stubborn streak.   我有时很顽固。
5. The company won't have any tax rebates anymore.   公司无权享受返税了。
   ►tax rebate 税收回扣,退税

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 5-9-2017 20:33:54 | 显示全部楼层

1. You need to have eyes in the back of your head.   你得时时小心。
2. I'm stuck in a rut.   我的生活太单调了。
   ►in a rut 照惯例,照老规矩,墨守成规
   e.g. I gave up my job because I felt I was stuck in a rut. 我放弃了我的工作,因为我觉得那种生活呆板无聊。
3. He does everything haphazardly.   他做事毫无计划。
4. You're brimming with energy.   你充满活力。
   ►brim with 充满,充溢,充盈
   e.g. Her eyes were brimming with tears. 她两眼充满了泪水。
5. I'm nauseated by your hypocrisy.   你的虚伪真让我恶心

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 7-9-2017 20:14:41 | 显示全部楼层

1. You're eating my heart out Zhang Xueyou.   你跟张学友有一拼哪。
   ►eat one's heart out 有“伤心欲绝”的意思。
   eat your heart out 后接一个名人的名字时,常常是开玩笑地说比其还要强,有得一拼。If someone says eat your heart out followed by the name of a famous person, they are joking that they are even better than that person(而当后面接人名时,可以调侃地翻译为“某某,你就羡慕嫉妒恨吧!”)

2. The demands try you sorely.   这些要求让你心烦意乱。
3. I do my business in good faith.   我诚信经营。
   ►in good faith 真诚地,诚意地,真心实意地
   e.g. I doubt whether he is in good faith. 我怀疑他是否有诚意。
4. You little rascals.   你们这些小坏蛋。
5. You're looking trim!   你越来越苗条了!

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 27-9-2017 16:30:58 | 显示全部楼层

1. I've been beavering away at this for hours.   我已经忙了好几个小时了。
   ►beaver away 努力工作,勤奋工作,辛勤劳动,埋头苦干
   e.g. These young people beaver away at school. 这些年轻人在学校里用功苦读。
2. Our relationship is on an even keel.   我们的关系很稳定。
   ►on an even keel (船等行驶)平稳;平稳的(地),稳定的(地),均衡的(地)
   e.g. She does almost everything on an even keel. 她做起事来几乎都是四平八稳的。
3. Don't flog a dead horse.   别白费功夫了。
   ►flog a dead horse 做无用功,做徒劳无益的事
4. Everything went up in smoke.   一切化为乌有。
   ►go up in smoke 付之一炬,被烧光,化为灰烬
5. It's downright spurious.   胡编乱造。

tuzi2011 LV9

发表于 30-9-2017 13:00:23 | 显示全部楼层

1. He's in his second childhood.   他老糊涂了。
   ►second childhood 老耄期,第二童年;老迈糊涂,年老昏聩状态
   e.g. He's a dear old chap,but over ninety and in his second childhood. 他是个可亲的老头,但年龄已九十多了,人也老湖涂了。
2. I have to forgo the pleasure.   看来我无福消受了。
3. I'm down in the dumps.   我郁闷。
   ►down in the dumps 垂头丧气;情绪低落
   e.g. She gets down in the dumps over the failure in the final examination. 她因期终考试不及格而郁郁不乐。
4. Do you mind?   你有完没完?
5. I'm not a frail old man yet.   我这老头还管点用。
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