本帖最后由 hyson009 于 14-3-2018 20:28 编辑
Qualifying for Life Insurance Relief To claim this relief for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2018, you must satisfy all these conditions: - Your total compulsory employee CPF contribution, self-employed Medisave/Voluntary CPF contribution and voluntary cash contribution to your Medisave account in 2017 was less than $5,000;
- You paid insurance premiums in 2017 on your own life insurance policy; and
- The insurance company must have an office or branch in Singapore if your policies are taken on or after 10 August 1973.
Life Insurance relief cannot be claimed on premiums paid on an accident or health policy that provides for the payment of policy monies on the death of a person. If a married man paid for the life insurance policy for his wife, he may also claim the insurance premiums on his wife’s life insurance policy.
[size=14.0098px]外国人自然没有CPF,所以如果钻牛角尖似乎第一条是符合的?有人尝试过吗? [size=14.0098px]