本帖最后由 tyx1986 于 23-7-2018 15:20 编辑
大牌173兀兰13街大房搭房(女性) 173Woodlands Street 13 Big Room Share female only S(730173)
- My house住家地点
- 3min Marsiling MRT 马西岭地铁站 3分钟
- 5min Woodlands MRT/Causeway Point Shopping Mall 兀兰地铁站5分钟
- BIG NEW Food Centre/Sheng Siong Supermarket 新超大熟食中心/昇菘超市100摊位
- Swimming Pool 游泳池
- Stadium and Gym 体育厂,健身院
- Direct buses to Woodlands Checkpoint Custom 856,911,950巴士直往兀兰关卡custom
- Free wifi (ultra fast 1GB) 网络1GB
- Clean, big room 干净,宽阔
- Utilities + electricity included 包洗衣,水电
WassapTay @ (nine7eight5six8two1) 郑氏(九七八五六八二一)屋主